
Activities ::: mod_unilabel
Maintained by Andreas Grabs
The Moodle plugin "mod_unilabel" enables you to include some nice formated text on the course- or frontpage. There are 5 different content types included (extendable sub plugins): - Simple text - Carousel - Collapsed text - Course teaser - Topic teaser
Latest release:
1747 sites
85 fans
Current versions available: 5

The Moodle plugin "mod_unilabel" enables you to include some nice formated text on the course- or frontpage.
There are 5 different content types included (extendable sub plugins):

  • Simple text
  • Carousel
  • Collapsed text
  • Course teaser
  • Topic teaser


The configuration consists of two steps (except the "Simple text" type).
  1. The creation of a new instance by using the activity chooser.
  2. The configuration of the content depending on the content type you chose in the first step.

Description of the content types

Simple text
This content type just show the label as you already know
In this content type you can define a series of images.
Each image is shown in a slide show.
You can also define a caption to each image that is show inside the slide item.
For each image you can define a url what makes the image to a clickable button.
The carousel is by default responsive to different screen sizes.
To optimize the responsivity to each of the images you can assigne a mobile optimized image.
This mobile image is shown on small devices smaller than 768 px.
In this content type you can define a series of images and contents/urls.
The grid is by default responsive to different screen sizes.
You can set a column count for the grid to define how many tiles are shown in one row.
On smaller screens the column count is reduced by a half of the defined count.
On mobile devices like cellphones only one column is shown.
To optimize the responsivity to each of the images you can assign a mobile optimized image.
This mobile image is shown on small devices smaller than 768 px.
If you have defined a content for a slide the content is shown as a modal dialog if you click the slide.
If you have defined a url for a slide on click the url is loaded.
Collapsed text
This content type offers you two options:
  1. a folded content
  2. a modal dialog containing the content.
Both types can be used with or without animation
Course teaser
Mainly intended to show on the frontpage it shows the titles and images of selected courses.
The presentation can be a carousel or a grid.
Each Item is a clickable button that brings the user to the related course.
Topic teaser
Mainly intended to show on the frontpage it shows the description of topics of a selected course.
The topics will be shown as carousel or as grid.
If you click on such a shown topic a modal dialog shows the topic content.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4


Andreas Grabs (Lead maintainer)
Stefan Hanauska: Contributor of the Accordion subplugin
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Andreas Grabs
    Wed, 25 Aug 2021, 5:53 PM
    Hi Lori, please go to "Website administration / Plugins / Activity modules / Unilabel" and activate the "Grid" type.
  • Mariuxi Bermeo
    Sun, 3 Oct 2021, 11:14 AM
    Es un excelente plugin, muy útil. Quería solicitar, si es posible, en el tipo Carousel poder establecer un ancho automático para las imágenes, el alto si lo tenemos la opción de seleccionar de manera automática, pero considero que el ancho también es necesario por el distinto tamaño de pantallas en las que trabajan los usuarios. Agradezco su gentil atención.
  • Melisa Mar
    Thu, 16 June 2022, 1:39 AM
    Hi Andreas! we love your plugin! We want to know if there is another subplugin ( we already install de "accordion" and it´s great too)
  • Andreas Grabs
    Sun, 19 June 2022, 4:41 AM
    Hi Melisa, thanks for your nice feedback! The great subplugin "Accordion" developed by Stefan Hanauska is now integrated in the unilabel. More plugins are possible with no doubts but currently not available.
  • Susan Hanisch
    Sat, 24 Dec 2022, 2:47 PM
    Very useful plugin! After upgrading to Moodle 41. and installing the newest version, I noticed that when opening a collapsed text unilabel, it opens ALL the collapsed text unilabels in a section. Not desirable! Is this a bug or how can this be avoided?
  • Andreas Grabs
    Sat, 24 Dec 2022, 6:55 PM
    Hi Susan, thanks for reporting this. I fixed it and you can use the last version.
  • Susan Hanisch
    Sun, 25 Dec 2022, 2:27 PM
    WOW, that was fast! Thanks Andreas, works perfect now!
  • Ira Eickhoff
    Mon, 2 Jan 2023, 7:17 PM
    Are there any news about unilabel running in the moodle app? Does it work? My main interest are simple and collapsed text.
  • Marcus Lauer
    Thu, 13 Apr 2023, 4:45 PM
    Hello, we want to use the course teaser to show selected courses on the frontpage. It shows the titles and images of selected courses.
    Problem: The course title ist above the image. So the images are not in line at the top.
    1) Can I get the text under the image?
    2) Is it possible to customize the text attributes? The text is very big.

    What can I tell our administrator?
  • Arnaldo Boaviagem
    Mon, 8 May 2023, 10:17 PM
    Olá, como faço para ao clicar na imagem abrir em nova aba ou janela?
  • Vaya Willemen
    Fri, 25 Aug 2023, 8:54 PM
    I am experiencing some issues with the unilabel on our Moodle 4.1
    I have opened two threads on the Moodle in English forum:
    1. https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=449805
    2. https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=449806
    I see the specialists are here, so just posting the links here to smile
  • Birgit Lachner
    Mon, 15 Jan 2024, 6:12 PM
    a user asked for the following "problems":
    I like to use the universal text field in grid form to structure my courses. I have two questions about this:
    Question1: From time to time, the order of my created tiles is simply swapped. This can be fixed by editing and saving several times without actually changing anything.

    Question 2: Is there a way to swap the order of the tiles? So far, I haven't found a way, except for the unintentional swap as described in question 1.

    Can someone explain to me or the user how the order is created? Is it possible to set the order?

    Thanks, Birgit from germay!
  • Andreas Grabs
    Mon, 29 Jan 2024, 2:18 AM
    Hi Birgit, the new version 4.3.3 that I have just released, offers the possibility to change the order of the elements and to delete elements.
    Best regards
  • Friedhelm
    Wed, 19 June 2024, 4:17 PM
    Hello Andreas,

    mod_unilabel produces the following error when installing on Moodle 4.4. Default exception handler: The plugin 'unilabeltype_carousel' was installed in the wrong location '$CFG->dirroot/mod/unilabel'. The installation should take place here: '
    Best regards
  • Andreas Grabs
    Sat, 22 June 2024, 12:12 AM
    Hi Friedhelm,

    it seems that you have copied the source code of the unilabel plugin to the wrong directory.
    Please check the path you used.
    The plugin must be copied to the folder: your-moodle/mod/unilabel.

    Best regards
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