Mod Super Video

Activities ::: mod_supervideo
Maintained by Eduardo Kraus
The Super Video Module and Kapture enhance the teaching experience on Moodle by providing optimized video viewing and efficient video lecture production, enriching the learning environment for both teachers and students.
Latest release:
521 sites
109 fans
Current versions available: 1

Visão geral do Player With the aim of providing a more dynamic and customizable teaching experience, I present the Super Video Module, a tool that enhances Moodle's capabilities by allowing easy addition of YouTube, Google Drive, or Vimeo videos.

A notable feature of Super Video is its adaptability to Moodle. The video player automatically adjusts its width to avoid inconveniences, ensuring that the content is displayed in an optimized manner—neither too small nor excessively large. Say goodbye to the small and ugly YouTube player...

Additionally, Super Video prioritizes the continuity of student progress. The system automatically saves the point where the student left off, providing a seamless and personalized learning experience. When the student returns to the video, the player automatically positions them at the exact point where they paused, eliminating the need to search manually.

An additional innovation is the visual map bar located below the video. This bar provides a visual representation of the actual percentage of the video that the student has watched. This approach prevents the student from skipping to the end of the video without consuming all the content, promoting more careful viewing and a deeper understanding of the material.


Untitled.gif Kapture has been added as a robust video recording platform, providing the ability to create video lessons quickly and conveniently, all within Moodle, without the need to install any software on the computer.

Now, it's possible to record both microphone and system audio, offering a complete experience. With features such as countdown, camera reversal, and camera size configuration, Kapture makes the creation of video lessons and tutorials more flexible and adaptable to the teacher's needs.

Furthermore, uploading slides, documents, and spreadsheets while recording the video lesson facilitates the incorporation of additional material, enriching the teacher's experience.

Kapture offers an integrated and efficient approach to video lesson production, simplifying the process and enhancing the options available to teachers in the Moodle environment.


Relatório Additionally, the Super Video generates comprehensive reports, providing instructors with valuable insights into student views and view maps. This detailed analysis enables continuous adjustments to the content and pedagogical approach, ensuring effective delivery of the material.

Global Settings

For administrators, the global settings functionality offers comprehensive customization. It is possible to set default fields for all videos, ensuring consistency throughout the learning environment. However, flexibility is not compromised, as instructors have the freedom to modify these data for specific videos without affecting global settings.

To access these settings, simply navigate to the Site Administration section, select "Plugins," then "Activity Modules," and finally choose "Super Video." Here, customization options are at your fingertips, allowing refined adaptation to the specific needs of each course.

Problems and bugs with the Boost Magnific theme should be reported on the GitHub Issue Tracker:

Questions about the theme can be submitted on the Moodle Forum:


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Screenshot #7


Eduardo Kraus (Lead maintainer)
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  • Plugins bot
    Sat, 9 Nov 2019, 9:40 AM
    Approval issue created: CONTRIB-7898
  • Dan Marsden
    Tue, 6 July 2021, 6:00 PM
    @Eduardo - please see the comments in CONTRIB-7898 - we cannot begin the review of your plugins until you have resolved the issues mentioned there. I am flagging this as requiring more work again.
  • Davor Budimir
    Fri, 19 May 2023, 7:29 PM
    I tested this plugin on Moodle 4.2, and it works exceptionally well! However, I did notice that it isn't currently integrated with the Moodle app. Are there any plans to make it compatible?

    I ask because I came across a "competitor" plugin in the Moodle plugin repository that offers the ability to play videos directly within the mobile app. In my opinion, that's the only feature missing from this otherwise fantastic plugin.
  • Davor Budimir
    Wed, 24 May 2023, 11:28 PM
    Thank you for the update. In changelog I see that you wrote "Suporte a mobile", however, it's still not supported in official moodle app. I assume that is contrib to upcoming 4.2 moodle app?
  • Sokunthearith "T" Makara
    Sat, 27 May 2023, 7:45 AM
    Activity completion doesn't seem to be working correctly.
  • angel calero
    Tue, 30 May 2023, 6:00 PM
    Esta muy bueno el complemento, pero no se porque en la Moodle 4.1 no me funciona
  • Ramy Salem
    Mon, 10 July 2023, 11:39 PM
    Activity completion doesn't seem to be working correctly.
  • Luis Gustavo
    Tue, 25 July 2023, 9:03 AM
    Eduardo tudo bom? plugin excepcional, porém a visualização nos relatórios sempre fica 0% e a validação para concluir atividade ignora a porcentagem do video, versão 4.0.9
  • Rachid El Baji
    Fri, 29 Sept 2023, 1:00 PM
    Hi, thanks for this amazing plugin! but i have one question:
    How We can make activity-description and completion-info below the video!
  • Yamagchi T
    Thu, 30 Nov 2023, 10:09 AM
    Thanks for this useful plugin.
    How can I use this plugin with Video on Google Drive? I didn’t succeed on Moodle 4.1 with error message that "Unrecognized link like Youtube, Google Drive or Vimeo". Could you teach me more details or example of recognized link?
  • Jassiel Marcelino Ramirez Gutiérrez
    Thu, 1 Feb 2024, 1:29 AM
    hola no puedo hacer que me reconozca un video drive, ya lo hice como lo dice la descripción y no me deja guardarlo
  • Alex L4
    Fri, 1 Mar 2024, 8:26 PM
    Olá, obrigado por este maravilhoso plugin!
    Infelizmente, não consigo adicionar vídeos do Google Drive, aparece o erro: 'Unrecognized link like Youtube, Google Drive or Vimeo'.
    O tamanho otimizado do vídeo ocupa muito espaço na tela, então temos que usar a barra de rolagem. Será que é possível corrigir isso?
  • Alex L4
    Sat, 6 Apr 2024, 7:25 PM
    Olá, obrigado por este ótimo plugin!
    Infelizmente, o vídeo do Google Drive não está contando corretamente a porcentagem de tempo assistido, e a barra com a porcentagem assistida não está sendo exibida.
  • Mohammad Nabil
    Sun, 21 July 2024, 6:21 AM
    Hi, thanks for this amazing plugin
    i got error when using kapture

    Warning: require_once(config-kapture.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/wwwroot/ on line 2

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Failed opening required 'config-kapture.php' (include_path='.:') in /www/wwwroot/ Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /www/wwwroot/ on line 2
  • Mohammad Nabil
    Sun, 21 July 2024, 6:27 AM
    io fixed it simply replace the original line with
    //require_once "config-kapture.php";
    require_once "config-kopere.php";
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