Moodle Plugins directory: StudentQuiz |

Students like quizzes to prepare for exams. However, it’s hard to create all the questions needed for assessments and exams. That’s where the Moodle plugin StudentQuiz comes in. StudentQuiz enables students to collaboratively create their own question pools within Moodle. This allows a better learning experience because knowledge is actively constructed by the learner, not just passively received from the environment. And even if an individual student contributes a few questions only, a larger cohort can easily build up an extensive question pool.
In StudentQuiz, learners can create individualised quizzes. They also add their feedback to each questions by rating and commenting while working through the quizzes. Students can see their personal learning progress, and they can compare their contribution and competence with their peer group. Furthermore, the created questions become part of the Moodle question bank and can be reused in standard Moodle quizzes.
The teacher can approve/disapprove questions, or hide or delete questions. The teacher can also configure:
- whether students’ names are displayed or kept anonymous.
- whether questions are published right away or have to be approved first.
- the number of points assigned to questions contributed and answers given.
- what user roles to exclude from participation.
- what questions types are allowed to be added to the pool.
- whether students are enforced to rate questions.
- whether students are enforced to comment questions.
The video StudentQuiz in a minute provides a quick introduction. There's also the 16 mins video Tutorial for Teachers.
StudentQuiz is available in many languages. Please feel free to add your language to the AMOS translator.
The simplest way to install the StudentQuiz is by going to the Site administration -> Plugins -> Install plugins page.
You can try StudentQuiz without installing on the StudentQuiz Demo Page.
For changes and instructions please read the Release Notes.
You can find manuals for each role in the manuals website. For technical issues and help raise an issue in our Issue Tracker.
See Versions tab.
Refer to the Moodle release notes for the minimum requirements for PHP and the databases. Other modern browsers should be compatible too, it's just not tested or developed against them explicitly.
Please help translate StudentQuiz into your language on AMOS.
Feel free to submit code changes as Pull Request or help people and universities around the world in our Issue Tracker.
If you create a question in the test editor, then the inserted picture is not displayed in the text of the question when solving the test. Although the picture is displayed in the preview of the question.
Why are the links different?
In preview.php ->/pluginfile.php/306589/question/questiontext/739864/1/86403/1.png?time=1666721977339
Link breaks in attempt.php ->/pluginfile.php/306589/question/questiontext/739866/1/86403/1.png?time=1666721977339
Also, if the question is placed in the "Bank of questions" and already from the "Bank of questions" is inserted into the test, then the picture becomes available.
How to fix this problem? Thanks for attention.
4.7.1 is a bug-fix release for Moodle 3.x, which fixes the bug where images in questions do not appear.
5.1.0 is a a more significant release for Moodle 4.x - and we can confirm it works with Moodle 4.1 as well as 4.0.
First of all thank you for this fantastic plugin.
is studentquiz 5.1.0 compatible with moodle 4.2? and with php 8.1?
If not, when do you have a compatible version planned?
Thank you!
Great work indeed!
What is the outlook on Moodle Mobile compatibility? Would love that.
Any plans to support Group functionality for the plugin? Would appreciate.
To use StudentQuiz, you need to be able to edit questions - and none of the standard Moodle question editing functionality works in the mobile app yet. We really need that first.
I have Moodle 4.3.2 installed, and the latest version of the plug.
But, I get an error when creating a studet quiz: "Excepción - Class "qbank_previewquestion\preview_action_column" not found"
Now it works! Thank you!
Kindly please provide the version for Moodle 4.4
Thank you & Best Regard
Kindly please provide the version for Moodle 4.5
Thank you & Best Regard
And thanks a lot for the version for Moodle 4.4 you have updated
Thank you & Best Regard
Moodle 4.1.x; StudentQuiz 5.2.1
also in our Testsystem Moodle 4.5.x StudentQuit 5.3.0
new Course room and therefore empty
Question bank
create new question created with the tags “demo”
If I now filter by tags in the category "top" or "standard", Filter by Tags show “demo” - is correct.
Now I create a new activity StudentQuiz - okay
I select "Create new question", add a question und in the formular under "Tags search" show "demo". However, there are no questions for the StudentQuiz yet - so no tags should be displayed.
Short check in the question bank
Open category "StudentQuiz | Top" and "Filter by tags" is empty - I would expect the same when creating new questions in the study quiz.
So question:
Why are not only the tags of the study quiz category displayed in the student quiz, but all tags of the question collection?