
Activities ::: mod_reservation
Maintained by RobertoRoberto Pinna
This activity module permits to schedule an event with a defined reservation time.
Latest release:
1003 sites
90 fans
Current versions available: 7


Reservation module

This module permits to schedule an event with a defined reservation time. The main targets of this module are schedule laboratory sessions and exams but you can schedule everything you want.

Teacher can define the number of seats available for the event, event date, reservation opening and closing date. A reservation may have a grade or a scale. Students can book and unbook a seat and add a note about this reservation.

After the event starts the teacher can grade the event. Students and teachers may will notified by mail.

Reservation list may be downloaded in various formats.

  • teacher can also define multiple sublimits for available seats basis on user profile fields;
  • reservation permits overbooking, also for sublimits;
  • teacher can manually reserve seats for other user;
  • teacher can send messages to reserved users;
  • admin can define which profile fields are shown in reservation list table in reservation module settings;
  • reservation can be connected to another reservation so students can reserve to only one of them;
  • managers and administrators can upload list of reservation through a CSV file;


  • v4.0
    • Added support to Moodle 4.0
  • v3.9
    • Added support to Moodle 3.9
  • v3.8
    • Added support to Moodle 3.8
  • v3.7
    • Fixed request deletion
  • v3.6
    • Full code revision
    • Added option to make Note field required
  • v3.5
    • Added Moodle Privacy API support
    • Fixed note display to students
  • v3.4
    • Disabled overbooking when no reservation limit is set
    • Added option to do not show reservation number to students
    • No time limit to manual reservation
  • v3.3
    • Update to Moodle 3.3
    • Added options in what student can view in reservation page (number, list and when)
  • v3.2
    • Added options to choose which calendar events must be created with reservation
    • Moved italian translation on AMOS
    • Fixed long sheet name in excel downloading error
  • v3.1
    • Added Global Search support
  • v3.0
    • Fixed compatibility with Moodle 2.7/2.8
    • Changed plugin icon
  • v2.9
    • Added support on activity completion with rule reserved


  1. Copy the plugin directory "reservation" into moodle/mod/.
  2. Check admin notifications to install.
  3. Done


The module is being maintained by Roberto Pinna

Thanks to

With thanks to various friends for contributing (Angelo, Matteo, Wiktor, Cecilia, Francesco). Thanks also to users who have taken the time to share feedback and improve the module.

Technical Support

Issue tracker can be found on GitHub. Please try to give as much detail about your problem as possible and I'll do my best to help.


Released Under the GNU General Public Licence


Screenshot #0


Roberto Pinna (Lead maintainer)
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Sven Kornetzky
    Tha, 18 Nov 2015, 9:43 PM
    Hi Roberto, I am getting a "syntax not supported error" trying to install in Moodle 3.0. Hope this really important module will be available for 3.0. Thanks for your work!
  • Roberto
    Mvu, 23 Nov 2015, 5:22 PM
    Michael, I've tried to delete all reservations and it seems to works. I'm test on the last release on github.
    Sven, latest release on github already supports Moodle 3.0. I'll post new release on today.
  • Lina
    Sin, 26 Nov 2015, 3:25 PM
    Dear contributor,
    We've had a serious error with the new version 3.0 of this plugin:
    We are using Moodle 2.8.7, we can use the version 2.7 of reservation plugin without any problems.
    But after we upgraded to the new version this Monday, every time we creating the reservation in Moodle, there will be an error message: Fatal error: Call to underfined method mod_reservation_mod_form::standard_intro_elements() in /var/www/html/moodle/mod/reservation/mod_form.php on line 32

    Would you please help to check this?
    Thanks a lot.
    Best wishes,
  • Roberto
    Sin, 26 Nov 2015, 4:11 PM
    Sorry that's my fault.
    Reservation 3.0 must require Moodle 2.9.
    I try to update 2.7 release to solve this problem.
    Please download last 2.7 module release.

  • Roberto
    Sin, 26 Nov 2015, 10:39 PM
    I've update Reservation 3.0 to support Moodle 2.7 and above.

  • Lina
    Hla, 27 Nov 2015, 9:19 AM
    Hi Roberto,
    Thanks for the quick response. We will update the Reservation 3.0 now.
  • Lina
    Hla, 27 Nov 2015, 9:24 AM
    Hi Roberto,
    We've tested that everything is working with this new version. Thanks a lot.
  • Ranjana Verma
    Hla, 11 Dis 2015, 2:51 AM
    Hi Roberto,
    I have a brand new installation of Moodle 2.9.3 and a new server. Tried to install but it fails at validation. Would you help please.
    Thanks a lot.
  • M.E. Sanchez Alamo
    Hla, 18 Mat 2016, 5:20 AM
    I've got a situation where we have students that we know are registered and in a reservation; but, as an admin, when I go to the reservation page to manage the list and perhaps even cancel some reservations, there are no students listed. I had emptied my cookies the other day, and I had also changed the reservation end date of the activity, a few days after the reservation window had closed. Since then, I can't seem to see the reservation list, and even when I reserved a spot, the counter on the page still says 0/20. I can't even see myself on the list after I made my own reservation. I can see the students when I run my daily query against the database, and the output shows me all reservations NOT cancelled. They are there. The other reservation activity that we set up has 19 students in it, and I can see and manage that list no problem. CAn you suggest what could be causing this behavior??

  • Giuseppe Pillera
    Bin, 10 Mey 2016, 1:27 AM
    Salve, ho un problema con il modulo: ho installato la versione 3.0 del modulo su Moodle 2.8.5 ma non riesco ad accedere alla pagina di invio messaggio per i prenotati delle attività: dopo aver selezionato uno, più o tutti i prenotati nella scheda "Gestione prenotazioni", seleziono "invia messaggio" e clicco su OK. A questo il punto il sistema mi genera una pagina bianca con lo stesso url dal quale sono partito ( Specifico che non sto usando l'invio attraverso SMTP. E' obbligatorio per attivare questa funzionalità del modulo? Grazie in anticipo per ogni suggerimento!
  • Roberto
    Bin, 10 Mey 2016, 3:29 PM
    Ho aggiornato la versione del modulo 3.0 qui pubblicata con l'ultima versione che era già disponibile su github. Dovrebbe risolvere il problema segnalato.
  • Giuseppe Pillera
    Bin, 10 Mey 2016, 6:15 PM
    Ciao Roberto, grazie per l'immediata risposta. Purtroppo però scaricando la versione da github e sostituendola, il sistema mi segnala che è necessario l'aggiornamento del db ma lanciandolo mi appare questo errore di cui invio screenshot: (NB fra l'altro tornando alla vecchia versione sono sparite tutte le icone delle prenotazioni dalle attività dei corsi...).
  • Giuseppe Pillera
    Bin, 10 Mey 2016, 7:19 PM
    Ok, come non detto per il problema di aggiornamento. Tutto ok. L'unica cosa è che continua a non visualizzare l'icona nella struttura del corso e nella pagina di ogni attività di tipo prenotazione (il link errato all'icona è:, mentre la visualizza correttamente nella pagina di panoramica plugin (questo il link corretto:
  • Giuseppe Pillera
    Bin, 10 Mey 2016, 7:24 PM
    Risolto finalmente tutto con l'aggiornamento del db. smile
  • Lina
    Bin, 28 Jun 2016, 4:16 PM
    Hi Roberto. Many thanks for providing this plugin to the community; its functionality is really appreciated by our staff and students, and we’re really grateful to you for your efforts to maintain and update it.

    On that note, please could I quickly query whether you have any plans to update the plugin to be fully compatible with Moodle v3.1, and its new Global Search feature in particular? To clarify: while we’ve tested the Reservation plugin under v3.1 and all of the core functionality seems to work fine, we’ve found that instances of the activity are not searchable via v3.1’s Global Search feature. Please see the following screenshot for details, which lists all of the available areas that can searched under v3.1 (note that these settings are available via: Site Administration -> Plugins -> Search -> Manage Global Search):

    Note also that the above screenshot was taken on a v3.1 system where the Reservation plugin is installed and available. However, as you can see, the Reservation activity is not listed as being available to be searched. Obviously, this is likely to be a significant problem/cause of confusion for users who might want to search for specific instances of the Reservation activity across Moodle.

    I’m not a developer, but my understanding is that mod plugins can be made searchable relatively easily via the addition of a new search class within the plugin’s codebase (located at ../classes/search/activity.php). Please see the following for further details:

    We really hope this search capability can be added to Reservation as I’m sure it would be a huge benefit to our users (as well as those of other v3.1 systems) and, again, many thanks for all your efforts to develop this plugin and share it with the community.

    Best wishes,
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