
Activities ::: mod_reservation
Maintained by RobertoRoberto Pinna
This activity module permits to schedule an event with a defined reservation time.
Latest release:
978 sites
90 fans
Current versions available: 7


Reservation module

This module permits to schedule an event with a defined reservation time. The main targets of this module are schedule laboratory sessions and exams but you can schedule everything you want.

Teacher can define the number of seats available for the event, event date, reservation opening and closing date. A reservation may have a grade or a scale. Students can book and unbook a seat and add a note about this reservation.

After the event starts the teacher can grade the event. Students and teachers may will notified by mail.

Reservation list may be downloaded in various formats.

  • teacher can also define multiple sublimits for available seats basis on user profile fields;
  • reservation permits overbooking, also for sublimits;
  • teacher can manually reserve seats for other user;
  • teacher can send messages to reserved users;
  • admin can define which profile fields are shown in reservation list table in reservation module settings;
  • reservation can be connected to another reservation so students can reserve to only one of them;
  • managers and administrators can upload list of reservation through a CSV file;


  • v4.0
    • Added support to Moodle 4.0
  • v3.9
    • Added support to Moodle 3.9
  • v3.8
    • Added support to Moodle 3.8
  • v3.7
    • Fixed request deletion
  • v3.6
    • Full code revision
    • Added option to make Note field required
  • v3.5
    • Added Moodle Privacy API support
    • Fixed note display to students
  • v3.4
    • Disabled overbooking when no reservation limit is set
    • Added option to do not show reservation number to students
    • No time limit to manual reservation
  • v3.3
    • Update to Moodle 3.3
    • Added options in what student can view in reservation page (number, list and when)
  • v3.2
    • Added options to choose which calendar events must be created with reservation
    • Moved italian translation on AMOS
    • Fixed long sheet name in excel downloading error
  • v3.1
    • Added Global Search support
  • v3.0
    • Fixed compatibility with Moodle 2.7/2.8
    • Changed plugin icon
  • v2.9
    • Added support on activity completion with rule reserved


  1. Copy the plugin directory "reservation" into moodle/mod/.
  2. Check admin notifications to install.
  3. Done


The module is being maintained by Roberto Pinna

Thanks to

With thanks to various friends for contributing (Angelo, Matteo, Wiktor, Cecilia, Francesco). Thanks also to users who have taken the time to share feedback and improve the module.

Technical Support

Issue tracker can be found on GitHub. Please try to give as much detail about your problem as possible and I'll do my best to help.


Released Under the GNU General Public Licence


Screenshot #0


Roberto Pinna (Lead maintainer)
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Scott Burnett
    Thu, 18 Nov 2021, 11:45 PM
    I have to be doing something wrong. We installed this plugin on our 3.11 system. Almost everything is working as expected. I am have an issue with the grades. I cannot figure out how to add a grade to the learner. Looking at the screenshot there is a column for the grade. I don't have that one on my system. Is there any documentation on how to configure the plugin for the grades? Thanks
  • Roberto
    Fri, 19 Nov 2021, 3:22 PM
    Hello Scott,
    if you set the grading in reservatio settings, as for other plugins, the grading column will be shown after the event date.
    No other settings are needed.

  • Oddgeir Sjøtveit
    Fri, 7 Jan 2022, 7:49 PM
    Hi. Does this plugin include Waitlist-functionality?
  • Roberto
    Mon, 10 Jan 2022, 6:09 PM
    you can define a percentage of overbooking.
    It's not a real waiting list because no messages will be sent when a reservation move from overbooking to real reservation.

  • Sebastien Ross
    Tue, 18 Oct 2022, 9:27 PM
    Hi Roberto!
    Thanks for your contribution, this plugin is very usefull for us.

    Category level managers receive notifications from this plugin. Only teachers and non-editor teachers of the course should receive notifications. My suggestion would be to add specific permissions to plugin notifications so that we can easily adjust roles later on as needed.

    Let me know if that makes sense!

    Tanks in advance for your answer.

    Sebastien Ross,
    Moodle educational consultant in Montreal, Quebec (Canada)
  • Roberto
    Wed, 19 Oct 2022, 5:47 PM
    Hi Sebastien,
    reservation plugin get the list of managers based on course capability and display them as options in Teacher field.
    You can select who needs to be notified in that field.
    If no one is selected all listed users will be notified.
    I can also add a plugin capability in order to list less users in that field in a future release.

  • Alessandro Carniato
    Mon, 19 Dec 2022, 9:32 PM
    Buongiorno Roberto, il plugin funziona sulla versione 4.1?
  • Patricia Mercier
    Fri, 20 Jan 2023, 5:56 PM
    Hello ! Great plugin, we use it a lot, especially for training registration of our service. Suggestion : be able to retrieve enrollments for all bookings created in a course into a single file. Kind regards
  • Helena Martin
    Tue, 14 Mar 2023, 9:34 PM
    Hi Roberto,
    I was wondering if it is possible to modify the plugin so that the reservation does not show up in the calendar? We have the problem that we post events that students can sign up for weeks in advance. We would only want the event time to show up on the day of the activity but not have the reservation show up in the calendar every day.
    Is that possible?
    Kind regards
  • Roberto
    Tue, 14 Mar 2023, 10:39 PM
    Hi Helena,
    sure, you can do it.
    Admins could choose which type of events Reservation plugin should create.
    This could be done under Other settings section in Site administration -> Plugins -> Activity modules -> Reservation.

  • Michal Wysocki
    Thu, 28 Sept 2023, 11:37 PM
    Hi, Is it possible to add multiple reservations? We can add multiple Reservation activities to the page but we are unable to create multiple reservations for a single activity. Please shed some light.
  • Roberto
    Thu, 5 Oct 2023, 9:48 PM
    Hi Mike,
    I'm sorry but you can not add multiple reservations in a single Reservation activity.
    Maybe in a future release but, at this time, that feature is not in the develop roadmap.

  • Aaron Cauchi
    Thu, 30 May 2024, 2:33 PM
    Hi Roberto,
    I need that whenever someone makes a reservation, the student triggers a grade, let us say, gives him one point. This will then trigger a restriction access to something else. I have ticked both "Student must receive a grade to complete this activity" and "Student must reserve to complete this activity" but when I go and check the gradebook there is no grade. What am I doing wrong?

    I shall have a course duration over 10 weeks. Each week will have one booking day per day, so that is 5 days a week (each day of that week is linked - Connect this reservation with - ). I want that once you book a day for week 1, this will then show a notification and next week booking.
    Any suggestion or ideas welcome
  • Roberto
    Fri, 31 May 2024, 7:03 PM
    Hi Aaron,
    I'm sorry but you can't do it with Reservation.
    In Moodle completion is intended as a way to define when an activity should be considered completed.
    In Reservation plugin the rule "Student must receive a grade to complete this activity" set reservation status to completed for a student when a teacher give a grade to that student in that reservation.
    I think you can try to use Attendance plugin ( to achieve your goal.

  • Aaron Cauchi
    Fri, 31 May 2024, 11:11 PM
    Dear Roberto,
    Understood you perfectly and also understood the concept. Actually after reviewing the logic I am using, reservation completion will not make sense. I have to you the attendance plugin in fact (realised this before your messege, LOL). I use your plugin and the attendance like Panini con il prosciutto crudo.


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