
Activities ::: mod_qrcode
Maintained by Michael Backus
Use QR codes to quickly grade assignments for completion. Students show you their work, show you their QR code, you scan it, and the grade is entered into Moodle's gradebook.
Latest release:
27 sites
16 fans
Current versions available: 1
Use QR codes to quickly grade assignments for completion. Students show you their work, show you their QR code, you scan it, and the grade is entered into Moodle's gradebook.

In addition to installing this plugin, an administrator must setup a user with a token using Moodle's web service. Then, the token must be embedded into the GradeQR app.



Screenshot #0


Michael Backus (Lead maintainer)
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  • Plugins bot
    Mon, Oct 8, 2018, 11:50 AM
    Approval issue created: CONTRIB-7476
  • Kees Koopman
    Wed, Sep 25, 2019, 5:52 AM
    Hi Michael,

    Is this plugin also suitable for Moodle 3.7 ?

  • Kees Koopman
    Sat, Sep 28, 2019, 9:52 AM
    Yes, works also for Moodle 3.7 smile
  • Martin Hébert
    Sun, Jan 24, 2021, 10:20 PM
    In our vocational school, we teach electricity and in the workshops, it's going to be a lot easier to give grades without carrying a paper pad or a laptop.
    We had some issues with the setup, but we were able to count on Michael's assistance. He joined us by videoconference and followed us step by step. Thanks to him, we are going to setup all the teachers this week. Thank you Michael.
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