OU blog

Activities ::: mod_oublog
Maintained by sam marshall, Jason Platts, Alan Thompson, Alan Carter
Part of set Open University.
Alternative blog. Can be used as a course activity.
Latest release:
739 sites
29 fans
Current versions available: 16

This is an alternative blog that you can install into standard Moodle.

It does not replace the standard blog, and operates alongside it. There are two modes of use:

1) As a course activity. In this case you can use it the same way as any other module. You can have course-wide blogs (everyone in the course posts to the same blog), group blogs, or individual blogs; the latter are useful for assessed activities (where the student is supposed to keep a journal which only they and their tutor can read).
2) As a replacement for standard Moodle personal blogs. In this case it would be a good idea to turn off the standard Moodle blog system, or it'll bevery confusing. You then need to MANUALLY provide students with a link to mod/oublog/view.php which will automatically take them to their personal blog.

When using for personal blogs, one feature of interest may be moderated public comments; when you allow comments from people who are not logged in, all such comments are moderated.

Please note: This plugin is no longer supported in Moodle Tracker. All support requests should be via the GitHub repository issue tracker (https://github.com/moodleou/moodle-mod_oublog).


Screenshot #0


sam marshall (Lead maintainer)
Jason Platts: Current lead developer
Alan Thompson: Technical developer
Alan Carter: Technical developer
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Jason Platts
    Wed, 20 Mar 2013, 9:37 PM

    Firstly it should probably be pointed out that we currently don't use the global blog in Moodle 2 - we are planning to do so from June, so the 'official' 2.4 release of oublog will have better support for global blog.

    (1) If you are using the 'gobal' (personal blog) functionality then you should not need to add a blog instance to the front page. It just works 'as is' by visiting mod/oublog/view.php. If you want to add another global instance then you should remove the one automatically created on install from your DB (it will be the first record in the oublog table).

    (2) For the global blog you do not need to set to individual mode - it is a special case and works as a personal blog when individual blogs is turned off.

    (3) The user will need manageposts and audit capability at system level. Making sure you only have 1 global blog in the system may also address this problem...

    (4) Err, that may be a bug - sorry. This (rss) is one of the areas we have made minor updates to in support of us using global blogs. That change may fix it when it comes online, but we will test here on Safari soon to identify any issues.
  • anna ko
    Sun, 12 May 2013, 7:14 PM
    We installed the OU blog plugin on our 1.9 moodle and it works nice! Thank you for this plugin.

    I see no possibility to comment on someone's comment. Does this feature exists at some version of this plugin? Are you planning to add this feature in future?
    Thanks, Ana
  • sam marshall
    Mon, 13 May 2013, 5:13 PM
    Hi Anna,

    Jason - who is in charge of this plugin now - is away so I can't give a definite answer, but when I was involved in it, my understanding was that we are not planning to add this feature (threaded comments) but intend to keep the blog comments to a simple list view (as used on many, although not all, public blogs).

    Of course users can manually comment on somebody's comment by writing their name at the top of the post (like I did on this one).
  • Paul Rettey
    Thu, 6 June 2013, 6:07 PM

    Just thought I would share this one, a problem solved! but also a further question.

    I had a user getting an problem when creating entries in the OU Blog.

    The problem is as follows:

    They type a short dummy note with three headings, each with a line of text underneath.

    They clicked to Add the blog and it only appears to have stored the first line, not the complete text.

    I have tried to replicate this issue but logging in as the user and following the process as indicated, but I am unable to produce the same problem.

    However the problem had been traced to Internet Explorer 9, and enabling compatibility mode fixed the issue.

    The question: I am not familiar with Moodle Blogs, Where are the Blog entries held in moodle? I am assuming it is a database table. What I need to establish is if the previous entries the user attempted to make are still stored there. My own view is that it is unlikely but it is necessary to confirm this.

  • Linda Vanderbaan
    Fri, 28 June 2013, 3:49 AM
    I just found an install bug in lib.php line 485 in version 2013043000 - I checked github and this code is still there.

    PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function course_add_cm_to_section() in /var/lib/moodle/gao23/mod/oublog/lib.php on line 485

    The function: course_add_cm_to_section() is only found in Moodle 2.4 and up.

  • Jason Platts
    Fri, 28 June 2013, 3:03 PM
    Hi Linda,

    This is not a bug - the latest version requires Moodle 2.4. If you are still running a lower version you need to use either the historical installs from this site or use the related branch from GitHub (so for example the MOODLE_23_STABLE branch).
  • Barbara Taylor
    Thu, 4 July 2013, 3:52 AM
    Hi everyone, we are testing OU Blog with Moodle 2.5 and are getting this error when trying to create a post as a student:
    Coding error detected, it must be fixed by a programmer: PAGE->yui2_lib() is not available any more, use YUI 2in3 instead, see MDL-34741 for more information.

    More information about this error

    The more information link takes us to http://docs.moodle.org/25/en/error/debug/codingerror

    Is there something we need to change or do you need to fix something?
  • Jeff Sestokas
    Fri, 26 July 2013, 5:26 AM
    Using OU Blog in Moodle 2.5.1. Works great! Can you modify the tagging to communicate with the tag cloud for the next version of this plugin. Thanks, Jeff
  • John White
    Fri, 30 Aug 2013, 11:16 PM
    Hi Jason and all,
    Today I have created a tracker item (probably in the wrong place) at MDL-41518. I tried to find OU Blog under the tracker components but it doesn't appear there.
    No matter, I have recently worked on an enhanced of the OU Blog that delivers multiple grading points and 'snap-shotting' and I thought you might want to know of it.
    Regards, John
  • John White
    Sat, 31 Aug 2013, 7:53 PM
    I've now added a reference at:
    Regards, John
  • Chris Chapman
    Wed, 4 Sept 2013, 6:54 PM
    how many people are using this on 2.5+ stable? is it working without errors?
  • Colin Wheelhouse
    Sun, 15 Sept 2013, 8:05 PM
    Using this on Moodle 2.5.1 everything works fine EXCEPT the attachments loading animation never stops and as such you don't get to the point where you can upload an attachment.
  • Colin Wheelhouse
    Sun, 15 Sept 2013, 9:55 PM
    I have isolated the above situation. It only occurs if you deny "allow comments" in the OU Blog settings from within the course.
  • Richard Lang
    Sun, 22 Dec 2013, 6:52 PM
    I understand that the current plug-in is for Moodle 2.5. I have 2.6. Will it also work on 2.6? If not, do you know when the plug-in for Moodle 2.6 will come out? Thanks. Richard.
  • Jason Platts
    Mon, 23 Dec 2013, 4:12 PM
    We don't know if the plugin works in 2.6 and it is not recommended to use it in 2.6 until fully supported. The official release version for 2.6 should be early June - however, there will be updates to the github master with any 2.6 fixes (should things break) from March.
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