Moodle Plugins directory: OU blog |
OU blog
This is an alternative blog that you can install into standard Moodle.
It does not replace the standard blog, and operates alongside it. There are two modes of use:
1) As a course activity. In this case you can use it the same way as any other module. You can have course-wide blogs (everyone in the course posts to the same blog), group blogs, or individual blogs; the latter are useful for assessed activities (where the student is supposed to keep a journal which only they and their tutor can read).
2) As a replacement for standard Moodle personal blogs. In this case it would be a good idea to turn off the standard Moodle blog system, or it'll bevery confusing. You then need to MANUALLY provide students with a link to mod/oublog/view.php which will automatically take them to their personal blog.
When using for personal blogs, one feature of interest may be moderated public comments; when you allow comments from people who are not logged in, all such comments are moderated.
Please note: This plugin is no longer supported in Moodle Tracker. All support requests should be via the GitHub repository issue tracker (
Basically it looks like there are no changes other than for some behat tests that broke in 3.6.
We also have a follow on 3.6 release coming up next month - so at some point we will push these both to github and to the plugins directory.
At the Open University we are using the app but we decided (so far) not to reimplement all our custom activities in the mobile app, since it basically means having to code and maintain everything twice. We do have very good mobile support from the web interface (especially with our in-house theme) so users can access everything on their phone even if we don't have app support... So at the moment there are no current plans to implement mobile app support for OU blog, sorry.
Not sure about the tags, I thought there was a way to do this.
I have a feature request from one of my students: Would it be possible to add an export, so that one could export his/her own posts or all posts as a pdf or html? Would be great, they want to save it after leaving the school, because they are really proud of their work.
Regarding the feature request, oublog does already support exports - you need to have the 'portfolio API' enabled in Moodle settings. Then it will let you export to any configured portfolios which can include a download option, I think this gives you a zip file containing HTML. Not certain this will do what your student wants but it might do.
Re the github version, I have just updated it to the latest from our internal repository. There is now a MOODLE_38_STABLE branch; both this and the master branch should work on Moodle 3.8.