
Activities ::: mod_organizer
Maintained by AMC Academic Moodle Cooperation
The Organizer enables students to register for appointments, which can be created by teachers.

Organizer v3.9.2

Moodle 3.9
Released: jeudi 30 septembre 2021, 17:06

3.9.2 (2021-09-28)
* [FEATURE] #7014: github #96 - use message API to send messages (Philipp Hager)

3.9.1 (2020-10-02)
* [FIXED] #6760: fix confusing slots filtering options
* [FIXED] #6762: Temporary hotfix for slow calendar events fetching

3.9.0 (2020-08-25)
* Moodle 3.9 compatible version

3.8.3 (2020-07-22)
* [FEATURE] #6067: github #43 Data leak with feature "Print slot user fields" part two

3.8.2 (2020-05-12)

* [FIXED] #6627 - show only relevant calendar entries for slots and appointments

3.8.1 (2020-02-17)

* [FEATURE] #6109: github #44 Multi language processing of custom user profile fields is missing
* [FEATURE] #6067: github #43 Data leak with feature "Print slot user fields"

3.8.0 (2020-02-05)

* Moodle 3.8.0 compatible version
* [FIXED] #6382: Undefined variable: regslotx in view_lib.php on line 2459
* [FIXED] #6423: Remove header in csv export file
* [FIXED] #6489: Student can see identity field
* [FIXED] #6499: Fix slot ID error when fetching trainers
* [FIXED] #6502: wrong_URL
* [FIXED] #6373: Make all events organizer events

3.7.2 (2020-01-28)

* [FIXED] #6490: Warning when student registers for slot
* [FIXED] #6488: Notice: Undefined variable: regslotx in view_lib.php on line 2459
* [FIXED] #6486: Fatal regression: Impossible to ungregister from slot with version v3.7.1

3.7.1 (2019-10-30)

* [FIXED] #6366: Fatal error when creating an organizer instance with groups and a student in multiple groups
* [FEATURE] #6083: Print slots infos: Print participants slot comments as well

3.7.0 (2019-08-05)

* [FIXED] #6232: Debug message when booking slot that has no trainer
* [FIXED] #6216: Calendar view: when organizer instance option "No calendar events for empty slots" is deactivated
and a student books a slot, the calendar message changes the language
* [FIXED] #6186: Debug message registration view when first column not unique id
* [FIXED] #6211: SLOTS PRINT Print Preview: Cell-lines not visible anymore, table does not scroll to the right i
content is overflowing, table does not use the full width that is usable
* [FIXED] #6210: Add slots: The "Required" icon at the trainer option should be removed
* [FIXED] #6191: Adding/Editing a new organizer instance: new groupmodes are not selectable
* [FIXED] #6190: Disarranged appointment view
* [FIXED] #6189: "Add new slot" button does not work anymore
* [FEATURE] #6112: Registration view: Changes to the infobox
* [FEATURE] #6111: Student view: Changes to the infobox
* [FEATURE] #6110: Appointments view: Changes to the infobox
* [FIXED] #6174: [github #55/pull request #56] PHP warning when running cronjob
* [FIXED] #6157: Creation of past time slots not possible because of newly programmed consideration of the
booking deadline
* [FIXED] #6172: Reregister is not possible anymore
* [FIXED] #6156: Debug message undefined mail variable
* [FIXED] #6158: Edit a single slot: changes are not saved
* [FEATURE] #6152: Instance settings: Selectfield "grouping" does not appear when choosing organizer groupmode
"use existing groups"
* [FEATURE] #5937: Privacy API - implement deletion
* [FEATURE] #6137: Change settings: "Hide calendar" default, move grade section over the Print slot user fields section
* [FEATURE] #3779: Move student view to the third place in the tab row
* [FIXED] #6127: a teacher's userpreference "show my slots only" hides all slots in a different organizer instance
where the same user is student.
* [FEATURE] #5784: Make registration view sortable by time/date
* [FEATURE] #6107: LOCATION: Edit a slot - location field not mandatory any more and an input field if suggestion list
is empty

3.6.2 (2019-05-14)

* [HOTFIX] #6114: After reregistration the trainers of the newly booked slot are wrongly added to the slot booked before
* [HOTFIX] #6106: Re-assign student to other slot not possible

3.6.2 (2019-05-14)

* [HOTFIX] #6114: After reregistration the trainers of the newly booked slot are wrongly added to the slot booked before
* [HOTFIX] #6106: Re-assign student to other slot not possible

3.6.1 (2019-03-29)

* [FIXED] #6064: Error when choosing groupmode "use existing course groups" for an organizer instance
* [FIXED] #6063: Function "organizer_fetch_user_group" not found
* [FIXED] #6066: Trainer is able to assign more than one slot to specific student
* [PULL REQUEST] github #49: fix tablename in organizer_send_message_from_trainer()

3.6.0 (2019-02-08)

* [FIXED] #5899: Organizer debug message if group is missing
* [FIXED] #5749: Waiting list entries does not move up when the slot's participants maximum is increased
* [FIXED] #5886: slots_print.php: Columns Email and Participants not sortable for the moment
* [FIXED] #5878: Double scrollbar in print preview table
* [FIXED] #5869: Too many calendar events for bookings when moodle group is involved
* [FIXED] #5830: cronjob throws error when global search is activated
* [FIXED] #5727: Only instance calendar events as course level events, deploy filters on event name
* [FEATURE] #5756: Privacy API: Implement new provider (mandatory)
* Moodle 3.6.1 compatible version

3.5.6 (2019-05-14)

* [HOTFIX] #6114: After reregistration the trainers of the newly booked slot are wrongly added to the slot booked before
* [HOTFIX] #6106: Re-assign student to other slot not possible

3.5.5 (2019-03-27)

* [FIXED] #6066: Trainer is able to assign more than one slot to specific student
* [PULL REQUEST] github #49: fix tablename in organizer_send_message_from_trainer()
* [FIXED] #6064: Error when choosing groupmode "use existing course groups" for an organizer instance
* [FIXED] #6063: Function "organizer_fetch_user_group" not found
* [FIXED] #5869: Too many calendar events for bookings when moodle group is involved
* [FIXED] #5878: Double scrollbar in print preview table
* [FIXED] #5886: slots_print.php: Columns Email and Participants not sortable for the moment.
* [FIXED] #5749: Waiting list entries does not move up when the slot's participants maximum is increased
* [FIXED] #5899: Organizer debug message if group is missing

3.5.2 (2018-09-26)

* [FIXED] #5732: Creating a new slot or register for a new slot with new groupmode ends up with an error

3.5.1 (2018-09-05)

* [FIXED] #5721: Slot-creation: Error with daylight saving time

3.5.0 (2018-08-10)

* [FIXED] #5569: Wrong deadline and missing singleslotprintfields when importing organizer instance backup
* [FIXED] #5561: Restore and update collision checking
* [FIXED] #5567: Groupmember enrollment message for teacher does not contain the correct groupname
* [FIXED] #5562: Clicking link of organizer system message leads to an error & Rewrite function
* [FIXED] #5565: lang strings teacherid and teacherid_help missing in en
* [FIXED] #5564: Event of deleted slot remains in student calendar AND event name improvements for students
appointment events
* [FIXED] #5558: slot evaluation - form elements in disorder
* [FIXED] #5554: Debug Messages because of missing lang-strings
* [FIXED] #5506: Add new slots: Change to-date time from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59
* [FIXED] #5496: Counting the slots to be created does not work after adding additional empty slots
* [FEATURE] #3260: Rebuild slot overview - helpicons in column headers
* [FEATURE] #5383: Implement Privacy API (without deletion of data)
* [FEATURE] #5118: Remove german langstring-File from master
* [PULL REQUEST] Merge pull request #40 from edaktik
* [FEATURE] #3777: Redesign table - tooltipps replace legend, filter slots, sort only sortable fields
* [FEATURE] edaktik#3269 Adding past slots now possible

3.4.24 (2018-04-26)

* [FIXED] #5418: Error when writing groupmode in course_modules after an organizer instance was restored

3.4.2 (2018-02-12)

* [FIXED] #5173: Decription text not processed by filters

3.4.1 (2018-01-29)

* Moodle 3.4.1 compatible version
* [FIXED] #4518: Values overwritten in gradebook of type scala are not shown in organizer
* [FIXED] #4919: Overwritten grading value of 0 points is not shown in organizer
* [FIXED] #5177: Error message in grouptool when importing new participant manually
* [FIXED] #5231: Getting wrong user group when messaging in group mode
* [FEATURE] #4899: Display forecast of the number of slots to be created in slots add page
* [FEATURE] #3811: Rewrite YUI to JQuery/Javascript
* [FEATURE] #3778: Students identity information (ID-number or email) not visible for other students
* [FEATURE] #3883 Hide slots from students

3.4.0 (2017-11-29)

* Moodle 3.4 compatible version
* [FIXED] #4971: When sending notification mails triggered by slot assignment placeholders are not replaced by value
* [FIXED] #4967: When sending notification emails triggered by changed slot data not all placeholders are replaced
* [FIXED] #4923: Adding a slot - weekday names only in english
* [FIXED] #4928: Warning when loading slot overview page with calendar
* [FIXED] #4922: Organizer: lang strings are rendered twice in pages slots_add and slots_edit
* [FIXED] #4674: Dashboard error in group mode
* [FEATURE] #3883 Hide slots from students

3.3.1 (2017-08-09)

* [FIXED] #4649: DB-Error after group applies for a slot

3.3.0 (2017-07-19)

* Moodle 3.3 compatible version
* [FEATURE] #4500 Replace modulename_print_overview()-notifications by calendar entries with action events
* [FEATURE] #3112 Better recognizable icons (svg)
* [FIXED] #4481 Error message when selecting no action option on slot overview page
* [FEATURE] #3780 Participantslist in slot overview table newly formatted
* [FIXED] #3318 Message provider names now according to the moodle standards
* [FEATURE] #3259 Module description in moodle layout
* [FEATURE] #3257 Add a slot: only one page
* [FIXED] #4405 Location gets lost when creating a slot

3.2.1 (2017-03-28)

* [FIXED] #4350 Messages sent to group members although group mode is not activated
* [FIXED] #4367 Page "Registration status" in goupmode lacks groups without registration

3.2.0 (2017-01-31)

* Moodle 3.2 compatible version
* [FEATURE] #3595 Enable Global Search for organizer
* [CHANGE] #3675 Replace cron job with Task API
* [CHANGE] #3889 Use message class for message object instead of stdClass
* [CHANGE] #3890 Add course-ID to message objects

3.1.5 (2016-11-15)

* [FIXED] #3826 Slots without registration can not be printed

3.1.4 (2016-10-21)

* [FIXED] #3771 Expired organizer can not be graded and slots can not be printed

3.1.3 (2016-09-09)

* [FIXED] #3754 PostgreSQL database error on tab registration status

3.1.2 (2016-08-30)

* [FIXED] #3691 Fails on new installation

3.1.0 (2016-07-21)

* Moodle 3.1 compatible version
* [FEATURE] #3556 Enhanced legend
* [FEATURE] #3254 After creating a new organizer the user will be sent to the "Add a new
slot" page immediately
* [FEATURE] #3114 Action-buttons in up-to-date moodle style
* [FEATURE] #3118 Improve wording of email messages (location)
* [FEATURE] #3132 Show participants in the waiting list of a slot to teachers
* [FEATURE] #2788 Capability for the responsibility for time slots
* [FEATURE] #3128 Add student to slot manually
* [FIXED] #3602 CSS
* [FIXED] #3349 Reminder e-mail not sent to group
* [FIXED] #3333 Wrong person cited in email on assignment of a slot
* [FIXED] #3286 Import of gradings
* [FIXED] #3325 Assignment of group slot by teacher
* [FIXED] #3311 Teachers can not be set to unvisible after application time expired
* [FIXED] #3313 Slots with duration > 36000 seconds (9h10m) are not possible
* [FIXED] #3322 Time specification in PDF

3.0.0 (2016-04-18)

* Moodle 3.0 compatible version
* [FEATURE] #3135 Make grading suppressible
* [FEATURE] #2778 New visibility statuses of slots for students
* [FEATURE] #2678 Create a waiting list for time slots that are fully booked
* [FIXED] #3116 Group appointments mode without grouping possible
* [FIXED] #3234 Students get notified constantly after the slot appointment is over, delete waiting
queue entries when instance not queueable anymore

2.9 (2016-01-28)

* Moodle 2.9 compatible version

2.8 (2015-07-17)

* Moodle 2.8 compatible version

2.7 (2015-01-21)

* Moodle 2.7 compatible version

2.6 (2014-03-31)

* First release for Moodle 2.6

Version information

Version build number
Version release name
Version stable
MD5 Sum
Supported software
Moodle 3.9
  • Latest release for Moodle 3.9

Version control information

Version control system (VCS)
VCS repository URL
VCS branch
VCS tag

Default installation instructions for plugins of the type Activities

  1. Make sure you have all the required versions.
  2. Download and unpack the module.
  3. Place the folder (eg "assignment") in the "mod" subdirectory.
  4. Visit to finish the installation