Learning map

Activities ::: mod_learningmap
Maintained by Mebis Lernplattform, Stefan Hanauska
A learning map provides an easy way of improving the visualization of activities and their completion state in a moodle course. It can be used for easy creation of dependent activities and individualization of learning paths.
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Current versions available: 2

Learning maps

A learning map provides an easy way of improving the visualization of activities in a moodle course. Activities are represented as places (i.e. dots) on the map, connected by paths (i.e. lines). Activities and paths are initially invisible. Every time an activity attached to a place is completed, the place changes its color (e.g. from red to green) and all connected paths and places are gradually revealed.


Use of learning maps

Learning maps can be used in many ways. They can include all activities of a course or only parts of it. They can also be nested to have different map levels (e.g. one big map for a complete school year, containing smaller maps for each topic). Usually the activities shown in the map are hidden but available for the participants. By this means, the learning map can provide an easy way of creating a path of dependent activities without the necessity of using moodle access restrictions. Learning maps can be embedded on the course page (like a label) or shown on a separate page (like a page). You can include any activity with any type of activity completion in a learning map.


Start and completion

On a learning map you can define visible starting places. The first place you put on the map is a starting place by default. You can also define places as target places. They can be used for automatic completion of the map in three different ways: 1. The map is completed if one target place is reached (i.e. the linked activity is completed), 2. all target places are reached, 3. all places are reached. This is very convenient when using nested maps. As a consequence, learning maps can also be used to replace parts of the function of mod_checklist.



As a background image, you can use any image which can be viewed in a web browser (e.g. JPG, PNG, GIF, SVG). The map is resized to the size of the image and fully responsive. You can change the color of places (different colors for visited / unvisited places) and the lines of places and paths. Target places are highlighted for the participants. If necessary, you can also hide the paths or show a checkmark at visited places. The map is always updated when the completion state of a linked activity changes. If the learning map is embedded on a course page and manual completion of a linked activity is triggered, a page reload is forced to keep the map status correct. If an activity has additional restrictions (e.g. visible only after a certain date), learning map will display it only if these restrictions are fulfilled.

The plugin also supports group mode. When it is selected, it is sufficient for a place to be shown, that one member of the group has completed the previous place.

Further features (available at the advanced settings menu in the editor) include

  • showing the whole map in advance (unreachable places and paths being dimmed)
  • showing the acitivity titles next to places
  • uncovering the map step-by-step, unreachable places being hidden behind some kind of fog
  • showing the path the participant took through the map
  • hiding paths from the students (the dependencies built by the paths remain functional)
  • pulse animation for unvisited places
  • hover animation for places
  • hiding the stroke of places
  • displaying a checkmark at completed places


Use of the editor

Using the editor is very easy:

  1. Choose your background image - it will be immediately shown in the map editor
  2. Add places (double click on the map)
  3. Link places to activities (right click on the place)
  4. Connect places by a (single) click on both places
  5. Remove paths / places by double-clicking them
  6. Bend paths by dragging them

If a place is not linked to an activity it is shown with reduced opacity.

The editor has basic touch support (single tap = click, double tap = double click, long tap = right click).

Please note that mod_learningmap does not support end-of-life versions of Moodle or PHP (although it may still work).


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4
Screenshot #5
Screenshot #6
Screenshot #7
Screenshot #8


Mebis Lernplattform (Lead maintainer)
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  • David Pasadas
    Tue, 7 May 2024, 10:06 PM
    thx a lot
  • David Pasadas
    Wed, 8 May 2024, 12:20 AM
    Is there a way to make the points ( for the activities ) on the map bigger ?
  • Philipp Memmel
    Wed, 8 May 2024, 12:36 PM
    Hi, that's currently not possible. But there are some issues adressing the look of the places. Maybe you want to have a look at the issue tracker on github.
  • David Pasadas
    Wed, 8 May 2024, 6:10 PM
    thx for the suggestion. Have a great day
  • Ольга Федорова
    Thu, 16 May 2024, 8:03 PM
    Hello! When trying to edit the settings of the Learning Map in Moodle 4.3, an error appears: "

    Incorrect course module ID

    Learn more about this error


    More detailed: https://docs.moodle.org/403/en/error/moodle/invalidcoursemodule
    Jump to:navigation, search

    The ID for the course module is invalid. Please contact the site admin.

    For some unknown reason, this happens sometimes when deleting a user. Clicking the back button of the browser and deleting the user again, makes the deleting process continue and delete the user.

    It can also happen when "Legacy course files" is enabled. Disabling this can solve the issue.

    I checked the repository with outdated course files, it is disabled. I tried it on a new course with newly created several classes and the problem is similar.
  • Rosalia Palumbo
    Wed, 31 July 2024, 6:38 PM
    I installed the plugin, but unfortunately it's not working: there's no SAVE button at the bottom of the page of the activity settings, only the Cancel button.
    The version we're using is 3.9, can you guess what the problem could be?
  • Stefan Hanauska
    Wed, 31 July 2024, 7:08 PM
    Moodle 3.9 is not supported by mod_learningmap - you need at least Moodle 4.1. You could try version (last version to support Moodle 3.9).
  • Rosalia Palumbo
    Wed, 31 July 2024, 8:03 PM
    Thank you Stefan, actually is what I installed
  • Edward Hirst
    Fri, 13 Sept 2024, 7:58 PM
    I can't edit the learning map after I have saved it the first time. When I click on Settings I get:

    "Invalid course module ID

    More information about this error"

    The more information doesn't seem to address the issue.
  • Stefan Hanauska
    Sat, 14 Sept 2024, 1:45 PM
    Could you please provide version information for your Moodle instance and for mod_learningmap?
  • Edward Hirst
    Tue, 17 Sept 2024, 11:43 PM
    Moodle 4.3.6; Learning map 0.9.8
  • Visvanath Ratnaweera
    Fri, 15 Nov 2024, 3:37 PM
    I get the "Exception - syntax error, unexpected '|', expecting variable (T_VARIABLE)" error trying to save a newly created Learning Map. According to a web searches the '|' syntax was added in PHP 8.x. I run Moodle 4.1 LTS in its latest 4.1.14. Learning Map version is 0.9.8 (2024072201). Moodle 4.1 LTS is supported one more year. PHP 7.4 too is supported in Debian Bullseye.
  • Stefan Hanauska
    Mon, 16 Dec 2024, 4:48 PM
    We restored support for PHP 7.4 in the current release (v0.9.8.2).
  • Sascha Schrader
    Sun, 2 Feb 2025, 12:28 AM
    Is it possible to get the Plugin Moodle App Ready?
  • Sally Hanford
    Wed, 12 Feb 2025, 7:14 PM
    Could you let me know if this plugin is accessible? If so, is there an accessibility statement for it? Any known issues related to accessibility? Thanks
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