LMS Constructor EBS LAN

Activities ::: mod_lanebs
Maintained by Станислав Тихонов
This plugin is designed for integration with the LAN Electronic Library System (EBS LAN). Fill out your Courses quickly and efficiently with our EBS! Данный плагин предназначен для интеграции с Электронной Библиотечной Системой Лань (ЭБС Лань). Наполняйте Курсы быстро и эффективно с нашей ЭБС!
Latest release:
265 sites
10 fans
Current versions available: 2

With this plugin, you can search, post and place books from electronic library system "Lan" directly in the Moodle environment without the need to go to any third-party resources


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Станислав Тихонов (Lead maintainer)
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