Label with group

Activities ::: mod_labelwithgroup
Maintained by Leonardo Aprigio da Silva
The Label with Group allows you to add resources with different views in the course and display them only for a specific group.
Latest release:
28 sites
4 fans
Current versions available: 1


The Label with Group allows you to add resources with different views in the course and display them only for a specific group. The display options (templates) are:

  • Without a template
  • Collapse template
  • Slide template
  • Collapse with slide template

How to use

The use consists of 4 steps:

  1.  The creation of the instance
  2.  The choice of template
  3.  Filling in the content
  4.  The choice of the group to be displayed

Description of the templates

Without a template

This template only displays the content as it is created

Collapse template

This model displays the contents in an accordion. The content is retracted and it is necessary to click on the activity to expand it

Slide template

This template displays the content in the form of a slide. Only one slide is displayed at a time, which can be controlled using buttons to move the content back and forth

Collapse with slide template

This model is a combination of the models listed above (accordion and slide). This model allows the content to be displayed in the form of a slide and to remain retracted in the form of an accordion


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4


Leonardo Aprigio da Silva (Lead maintainer)
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  • Plugins bot
    mar, 27 apr 2021, 01:20
    Approval issue created: CONTRIB-8514
  • Jincai Wei
    mar, 28 nov 2023, 14:56
    hi, I LIKE this. but we got : "- method_exists(): Argument #1 ($object_or_class) must be of type object|string, null given" when we set up a mod to the course.
    moodle 4.3+ (Build: 20231124)
    ubuntu 2204
    It disrupts the entire course and makes it inaccessible. is there any solution?
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