
Activities ::: mod_journal
Maintained by Cosmin HERMAN, Adrian Sarmas, Ovidiu Morariu, Paul Neag
This module allows a teacher to ask students to reflect on a particular topic. The students can edit and refine their answer over time.
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89 fans
Current versions available: 8

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This module allows a teacher to ask students to reflect on a particular topic. The students can edit and refine their answer over time.


Screenshot #0


Cosmin HERMAN (Lead maintainer)
David Monllaó: Previous maintainer
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  • Kevin Oldham
    Thu, 18 Aug 2022, 4:05 AM
    Is this plugin going to be updated for Moodle 4? Our teacher like it, but in version 4 it displays all of the teacher's question text twice.
  • Adrian Sarmas
    Thu, 1 Sept 2022, 2:49 AM
    We've update the Journal plugin to be compatible with Moodle 4!
  • Hiroto Kagotani
    Mon, 5 Sept 2022, 11:29 AM
    Hi, thank you very much for this very useful plugin.
    Version 2022083000 does not work with PostgreSQL since 'journal' has been quoted by "(double quotes)" in lib.php.
    Workaround is replacing " with \'.
    Thanks again.
  • AL Rachels
    Tue, 6 Sept 2022, 9:29 PM
    Unfortunately, the change to the plugins "FEATURES" to make it compatible with Moodle 4.0, means that it is no longer compatible with Moodle 3.4 through Moodle 3.11. Debugging in any one of them gives, Warning: Use of undefined constant FEATURE_MOD_PURPOSE - assumed 'FEATURE_MOD_PURPOSE' ...
  • Dave Foord
    Tue, 6 Sept 2022, 9:38 PM
    @Al Rachels - if a plugin update stops it from working with older Moodle versions, you should be able to install an early version of the plugin from
  • Elpiniki Smith
    Sun, 18 Sept 2022, 9:35 PM
    Is there a fix for the duplication of the journal question issue yet? It looks weird, especially when the question is more than a couple of sentences long
  • Blair F.
    Wed, 21 Sept 2022, 1:10 AM
    This plugin no longer works (grades and feedback cannot be saved, due to "invalid action" error) since upgrading from 2020091100 to 2022083000.
  • Christian Sennhauser
    Tue, 17 Jan 2023, 6:08 PM
    I wanted to ask if Journal is fully compatible with Moodle 4.1 (LTS)?
    And thanks for your work!
  • Jorge Cruz
    Mon, 20 Feb 2023, 5:06 AM
    Thanks for the great work for the community with this plugin. I write to find out if there are any plans to develop an "Journal embed" version, like the "Forum discussion embed" plugin? To make it possible to insert the activity "Journal" in any part of the course, using Moodle's filters.
  • Dave Foord
    Mon, 24 Apr 2023, 4:31 PM
    @ Elpiniki - I have also noticed the issue with the description appearing twice, and have partially fixed with the follow code:

    #page-mod-journal-view .activity-header {
    display: none;
  • I V
    Tue, 15 Aug 2023, 4:52 PM
    Just iterating @christian Sennhauser's query and checking - will this Journal plugin be fully compatible with Moodle 4.1.*?
  • Christian Sennhauser
    Wed, 16 Aug 2023, 3:54 PM
    @I V
    I got an answer here (there probably won't be much more to come):
    Quote (shortened):
    "from AL Rachels - Montag, 10. Juli 2023, 21:54
    ... I doubt you will get a statement from the current developers. I will say that I have Journal 4.0.1 running on Moodle 4.1.4+ and it appears to work correctly..."
  • M Khairul Izad
    Fri, 22 Sept 2023, 9:39 AM
    Will this plugin be available on the Moodle App?
  • Gretchen Benton
    Wed, 1 May 2024, 10:42 PM
    Hello, during the summer last year I got a notification from an instructor that the Journal plugin sends feedback to all students when she has only given feedback to a few. Has there been a fix implemented for this issue?
  • Allie Wrin
    Thu, 6 June 2024, 1:19 AM
    Is there an ETA for Moodle 4.3?
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