Moodle Plugins directory: Interactive Content – H5P |

Interactive Content – H5P
One of the great benefits with using H5P is that it gives you access to lots of different interactive content types.
Another great benefit with H5P is that it allows you to easily share and reuse content. To reuse content, you just download the H5P you would like to edit and make your changes – e.g. translate to a new language or adjust it to a new situation.
H5P is:
- Open Source
- Free to Use
- Responsive
Note that it is currently possible for people with programming skills to cheat in H5P interactions and obtain the full score without knowing the correct answers. H5Ps must not be used for exams or similar.
The H5P community is actively contributing to improve H5P. Updates and new features are continuously made available on the community portal
View our setup for Moodle to get information on how to get started with H5P.
GDPR Compliance
Information useful to help you achieve GDPR compliance while using this plugin can be found at's GDPR Compliance page.
I need to create a topic and sub-topics inside it and upload videos. can you please guide me, if I missed anything or any libraries?
We are experiencing problem with our content in moodle (via browser) version 4.0
It works to make the interactive content (the plugin black button). It show on the screen, but then suddenly it does not work and only shows 'description'.
It is also acting strange via the content bank (the core plugin (the blue button)
This has been going on and off for the past couple of weeks.
Are have had trouble with multiple content types - fx Game Map, Multiple Choice
Are there bugs in the h5p->moodle system at the moment?
And does anyone knows how to fix it?
I use Interactive videos, where interactions trigger video to stop. it works very good on PC, but there some problems with mobile devices. There could be a slight delay with pausing when I have a browser with video open, but if block the screen so that I use lock screen player than this delays gets significant. That video is good to use as audio and it wwould be a good feature that it stops in some predifined places, so that people can think overand play it again. I wonder if there is a solution for that.
I had similar one with audio where while I used file activity to store mp3 audios, there was bad synchronisation with locked screen player, but when I started using embed players from spotify, soundcloud it began to work properly. With interactive video I tried using a vimeo as a video host, but it doesn't help.
Would be very greatful for any advice. So that i at least understand what is the nature of that problem and where I shall look for the solution if its even possible to do something with.
Tell me, is it possible to change the setting ourselves so that the H5P interactive immediately loads automatically in the Moodle app? Thank you.
We have Moodle 4.5 and I am trying out Timeline but I can't seem to make the photo appear. I placed a link of a Flicker photo but only a broken image icon appears not the photo.
Any idea how to resolve this? Thanks.