Interactive Content – H5P

Activities ::: mod_hvp
Maintained by Frode Petterson, Thomas Marstrander, Pål Jørgensen, Svein-Tore Griff With
Part of set Gamification.
Create and add rich content inside your LMS for free. Some examples of what you get with H5P are Interactive Video, Quizzes, Collage and Timeline.
Latest release:
27008 sites
593 fans
Current versions available: 1

One of the great benefits with using H5P is that it gives you access to lots of different interactive content types.

Another great benefit with H5P is that it allows you to easily share and reuse content. To reuse content, you just download the H5P you would like to edit and make your changes – e.g. translate to a new language or adjust it to a new situation.

H5P is:

  • Open Source
  • Free to Use
  • HTML5
  • Responsive

Note that it is currently possible for people with programming skills to cheat in H5P interactions and obtain the full score without knowing the correct answers. H5Ps must not be used for exams or similar.

The H5P community is actively contributing to improve H5P. Updates and new features are continuously made available on the community portal

View our setup for Moodle to get information on how to get started with H5P.

GDPR Compliance

Information useful to help you achieve GDPR compliance while using this plugin can be found at's GDPR Compliance page.

Potential privacy issues

The plugin is set up to automatically download content types and provide anonymous usage data which can be disabled through settings.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2


Frode Petterson (Lead maintainer)
Thomas Marstrander: Developer
Pål Jørgensen: Developer
Svein-Tore Griff With: Developer
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Jiří Procházka
    Sun, Aug 18, 2024, 7:57 PM
    I definitely vote for HVP. The next trap is automatic publishing in the bank of content fo all teacher as I suppose. Setting "Mark as non public" or "Publish" attribut is not transparant and probably most users are publishing their content without their knowledge. While testing, the multiple step publishing can easily leads to delete all changes before publishing. I have decided to disable H5P and we will use Moodle 4.3 to be HVP plugin compatible. I think the authors of the H5P module forgot the main thing, the user.
  • nilesh joshi
    Wed, Aug 28, 2024, 2:06 PM
    Hi All, I have updated hvp plugin to latest one 1.26.1, I am using interactive book, but not able to create a content same like the demo here -
    I need to create a topic and sub-topics inside it and upload videos. can you please guide me, if I missed anything or any libraries?
  • Rodolfo de Souza Cavati Rods
    Wed, Sep 11, 2024, 9:50 PM
    Quando receberemos a compatibilidade do plugin H5P para o Moodle 4.4?
  • Gube engen
    Fri, Sep 20, 2024, 4:37 PM
    There is a problem with v1.27.0 resizing. When hiding the blocks the images and texts are not resized
  • magda diaz
    Tue, Sep 24, 2024, 10:20 AM
    buenas noches tengo este problema al instalar plugin h5p interactive Content – y H5P content types me sale este error No hay instalado ningún controlador de marco H5P, por lo que no se puede mostrar el contenido de H5P.
  • Skolen Online
    Thu, Sep 26, 2024, 12:29 AM


    We are experiencing problem with our content in moodle (via browser) version 4.0
    It works to make the interactive content (the plugin black button). It show on the screen, but then suddenly it does not work and only shows 'description'.
    It is also acting strange via the content bank (the core plugin (the blue button)

    This has been going on and off for the past couple of weeks.

    Are have had trouble with multiple content types - fx Game Map, Multiple Choice

    Are there bugs in the h5p->moodle system at the moment?
    And does anyone knows how to fix it?
  • WAT Guyane
    Thu, Oct 24, 2024, 7:34 PM
    Compatibility for Moodle 4.5 ?
  • Kai Zen
    Fri, Nov 15, 2024, 10:43 AM
    I upgraded my Moodle from version 4.2 to 4.5 and also updated the HVP plugin, but now the interactive content isn't displaying, and it just shows "Loading, please wait...". Is it compatible for Moodle 4.5?
  • Elnur Veliyev
    Sat, Nov 16, 2024, 7:21 AM
    Hi. Could anyone advise on the following:

    I use Interactive videos, where interactions trigger video to stop. it works very good on PC, but there some problems with mobile devices. There could be a slight delay with pausing when I have a browser with video open, but if block the screen so that I use lock screen player than this delays gets significant. That video is good to use as audio and it wwould be a good feature that it stops in some predifined places, so that people can think overand play it again. I wonder if there is a solution for that.

    I had similar one with audio where while I used file activity to store mp3 audios, there was bad synchronisation with locked screen player, but when I started using embed players from spotify, soundcloud it began to work properly. With interactive video I tried using a vimeo as a video host, but it doesn't help.

    Would be very greatful for any advice. So that i at least understand what is the nature of that problem and where I shall look for the solution if its even possible to do something with.

  • Michael Milette
    Tue, Nov 19, 2024, 11:07 PM
    Good day, I was wondering, when do you think we can expect to see a release of this useful plugin for Moodle 4.5 LTS?
  • Светлана Кулакова
    Wed, Nov 20, 2024, 10:07 PM
    Tell me, is it possible to change the setting ourselves so that the H5P interactive immediately loads automatically in the Moodle app? Thank you.
  • José Gerardo Díaz Estepa
    Sat, Nov 23, 2024, 9:56 PM
    An update appeared today and the uploaded content disappeared.
  • José Gerardo Díaz Estepa
    Sat, Nov 23, 2024, 10:57 PM
    SOS.....Today's update 11/23/2024, has problems since it does not allow me to see the information and the error Exception appears - Class "mod_hvp\content_user_data" not found
  • Wolfgang Kathan
    Thu, Nov 28, 2024, 10:20 PM
    Since the update, 11/23/2024, the following error occurs instead of the library: "Error, unable to load libraries."
  • leili mei
    Mon, Jan 13, 2025, 10:09 PM
    We have Moodle 4.5 and I am trying out Timeline but I can't seem to make the photo appear. I placed a link of a Flicker photo but only a broken image icon appears not the photo.
    Any idea how to resolve this? Thanks.
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