
Activities ::: mod_giportfolio
Maintained by DavoDavo Smith, My mugMichael de Raadt
Based on the book module, this allows students to create portfolio contributions, within a structure set by the teacher.
Latest release:
264 sites
30 fans
Current versions available: 2

Portfolio module for Moodle, heavily based on the Book module for Moodle (http://moodle.org/) - Copyright (C) 2004-2011 Petr Skoda (http://skodak.org/)

Based on the book module, this activity allows students to create portfolio contributions, with a structure set by the teacher.
The course teacher(s) are able to create an overall structure for the students' work via a series of chapters and subchapters, the same as the layout found in the book module.
The course students are then able to add their own contributions based on this structure, which can then be commented on an graded by the course teacher(s).


  • As a teacher, click on 'View/edit portfolio template', then create each of the chapters that you want students to contribute to
    (note you must create all chapters before any students start contributing)
  • You can fill in each chapter with instructions / introductory information to help students.
  • As a student, select a chapter to contribute to, then click on 'Add contribution' and enter the text of your contribution / upload relevant files.
  • As a teacher, click on 'Submitted portfolios', then you can filter and search the list of students who have made contributions.
  • Click on 'View' to browse through a particular student's contributions and add comments to each one.
  • Click on 'Grade' to give overall feedback comments and a grade.

Created by:

  • Petr Skoda (skodak) - most of the coding & design
  • Mojmir Volf, Eloy Lafuente, Antonio Vicent and others
  • Portfolio features by Davo Smith and Manolescu Dorel of Synergy Learning, on behalf of The Goethe Institut.

Project page:


Issue tracker:

Intentionally omitted features:

  • more chapter levels - it would encourage teachers to write too much complex and long books, better use standard standalone HTML editor and import it as Resource. DocBook format is another suitable solution.
  • TOC hiding in normal view - instead use printer friendly view
  • detailed student tracking (postponed till officially supported)
  • export as zipped set of HTML pages - instead use browser command Save page as... in print view


Davo Smith (Lead maintainer)
My mug
Michael de Raadt
Michael Vangelovski
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Brian Warling
    Wed, 29 Nov 2017, 3:24 AM
    Hi -- Is a 3.3/3.4 version in the works? Thanks... Brian
  • Tina Brixen
    Thu, 22 Feb 2018, 6:26 PM
    Is this plugin still active or is the development stoped ?
  • Davo
    Thu, 22 Feb 2018, 11:34 PM
    No further features are planned to be added to this plugin. It is still in use on the site it was originally developed for and fixes will be released if there are any known compatibility issues with later versions of Moodle.
  • Irith Herman
    Mon, 26 Feb 2018, 1:10 AM
    how can I get
    Reports for the Portfolio tool
    Who has submitted files and answers and how many files he has submitted to the portfolio tool
  • Davo
    Mon, 26 Feb 2018, 1:17 AM
    Irith - there aren't any such reports built in to this portfolio activity. If you need something like that, then you would need a hire a developer to create that report for you.
  • Irith Herman
    Mon, 26 Feb 2018, 1:51 AM
    Thank you
    I found some in the HD HOC reports but it doesn"t fit my needs
  • Matthieu Roy
    Tue, 24 Apr 2018, 9:57 PM
    We've installed the plugin and it works great. Our Moodle installation is in french but I have noticed that the dates in the portfolio still appear in english. It seems they aren't affected by the language choice. I don't know if it's possible to fix this in the future. Thank you for the great plugin.
  • Matthieu Roy
    Tue, 8 May 2018, 3:18 AM
    Hello, it's me again. I have also noticed that there isn't a way to translate the "search" button found in the list of portfolios in a portfolio activities. Would the be a way to change this?

    Thank you.
  • Orlando Acevedo
    Fri, 21 Sept 2018, 4:17 AM

    How can I make the portfolio public? This means that if the course accepts guests and the student shares the contents of the folder, anyone can see it.
  • Ismail Fayed
    Mon, 10 Feb 2020, 12:35 AM
    Is this plugin is updated? I can't get it to work for 3.4 or further.. I need to integrate it to some other tools like competencies. Kindly advise if you have any upcoming new release.
  • Davo
    Mon, 10 Feb 2020, 12:40 AM
    This plugin is not being actively updated. However, there is a version on GitHub (follow the "source control" link) which should work with more recent versions of Moodle.
  • Ismail Fayed
    Mon, 10 Feb 2020, 1:18 AM
    Hello Davo, Thank you for this. I have used the GitHub version but it is still showing my plugin as disabled and settings page shows no options.. I hope this will be a recent update soon. It is a crucial feature for Moodle for sure.
  • Davo
    Mon, 10 Feb 2020, 1:37 AM
    I'm unlikely to look at updating this plugin anytime soon. I'm happy to accept a patch of you have a developer who can look at this for you. Alternatively, you can contact my employers, Synergy Learning, and they can look at a quote for me to look at this issue during my working day.

    Please do check that you have visited the admin notifications page, in case there are any upgrade steps that haven't yet run. To be clear, I am not aware of any reason why the plugin would be disabled in the way you have described (unless you have clicked on the "disable" icon yourself)
  • Ismail Fayed
    Mon, 10 Feb 2020, 2:09 AM
    Thanks Dave. I'll check and let you know.
  • Webmaster LabSET
    Mon, 23 Nov 2020, 10:41 PM
    is it possible to limit the access of a teacher (or a supervisor) to only the portfolio of the student he/she is supervising ?
    For confidentiality reasons, can the student share his/her portfolio to only selected persons ?
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