
Activities ::: mod_facetoface
Maintained by Catalyst IT, Dan Marsden
Face-to-face activities are used to keep track of in-person (e.g. classroom) trainings which require advance booking. Each activity is offered in one or more identical sessions. These sessions can be given over multiple days. Reminder messages are sent to users and their managers a few days before the session is scheduled to start. Confirmation messages are sent when users sign-up for a session or cancel. This module may be of interest to administrators looking for a way to provide event management support for blended learning environments.
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101 fans
Current versions available: 9

Face-to-face activities are used to keep track of in-person (e.g. classroom) trainings which require advance booking.


Screenshot #0


Catalyst IT (Lead maintainer)
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  • Dan Marsden
    lun., 13 juin 2022, 11:04
    @Chris - good to hear you find it useful. While the plugin has gone through some basic testing here, we don't have any paying clients using this in Moodle 4.0 and so can't guarantee that it works. Feel free to update us here if you find it's working fine or if you find any problems, please create issues in our issues tracker with details. Keep in mind that we are unlikely to spend much time fixing issues on this particular plugin unless a pull request (or funding to help us investigate) is provided. thanks!
  • Chris M
    ven., 1 juill. 2022, 19:20
    Thanks Dan for encouraging post sourire I installed it and tried (and the reason why my response is so late was linked with the idea of at least initial round of usage. And Sommer vacation is not the easiest time when it comes to any opportunities of real learning).
    It looks that the plugin is still working (creating sessions with dates or waiting lists, both in the past, or in the future, marking students as no show or attended etc.). It has some limitations but these are the same like in other moodle versions and are more features and not bugs (at least I did not find anything new).

    Thanks for this plugin, it helps us a lot!
  • Oddgeir Sjøtveit
    ven., 2 sept. 2022, 16:44
    Hi. We really like this plug in, and it seems to fit most of our needs. But we see the need to set a deadline for registration and cancellation for participants, per session. This is because our events often require hotel booking, and it is therefore important to limit when you can sign up and cancel registration. Is this something you think could be added to Facetoface in the long run? Or are there workarounds based on the way it works now?
  • Tristan Marshall-Regan
    jeu., 29 sept. 2022, 17:16
    Hi Dan, bit of a random question but we recently had an issue where a venue changed and when the updated emails were sent out again it still indicated the original venue. I'm assuming I'm missing something but wanted to run this scenario by you. Cheers!
  • Dan Marsden
    mer., 26 oct. 2022, 04:22
    @Tristan - feel free to report an issue in the github tracker - can't guaruntee anyone will take a look though- feel free to help us further by trying to diagnose it a bit more - pull requests are always welcome too!
  • Wynand Louw
    sam., 17 déc. 2022, 19:03
    When will the 4.1 version be ready?
  • Dan Marsden
    lun., 19 déc. 2022, 03:08
    @Wynand -feel free to help by testing it yourself and report any issues you find to our github issues tracker. (we're not aware of any issues that would prevent it working in 4.1)

    We are slowly adding automatic deployment of updated plugins to the plugins db but haven't done it for this plugin yet and we don't have a specific timeframe we can provide at this stage.
  • Melanie Scott
    mer., 12 avr. 2023, 21:37
    So...I found something odd that impacts 4.x...it doesn't stop it from working but it definitely isn't optimal. In 4.x (my case is 4.02 but I'll be updating to 4.1.x at some point soon...or maybe 4.2 if it takes long enough), activities have a passing grade requirement option in the settings. I was excited about this as I set a passing grade manually in the gradebook. But the activity settings do not have a grade are. If you check the must receive a passing grade, you receive an immediate message, "This activity does not have a valid grade to pass set. It may be set in the Grade section of the activity settings. " in red. This creates a conundrum for me. I can't set the grades section but I want it to stop saying it is complete when people get a grade of 0. Any suggestions?
  • Dan Marsden
    jeu., 13 avr. 2023, 05:44
    @Melanie - feel free to report that to the issues tracker - I don't have any suggestions at this stage, but let us know if you figure it out! sourire
  • Melanie Scott
    jeu., 13 avr. 2023, 21:07
    @Dan - done.
  • Michael Milette
    ven., 27 oct. 2023, 23:55
    Hi Dan ,

    Do you have any thoughts on when a Moodle 4.3 compatible version might become available?

    Best regards,

    Michael Milette
  • Jamie Zelenak-Hyre
    mar., 27 févr. 2024, 00:35
    We are using this plugin for our F2F session and would love a solution for sending out post course emails. Do you have this one your roadmap at all? If not, would you consider allowing us to fork that logic into your plugin and you maintain it once we've developed it?
    Jamie Zelenak-Hyre
  • Dan Marsden
    mar., 27 févr. 2024, 03:37
    @Jamie - pull requests against the plugin repo are always welcome - keep in mind that complex pull requests might sit in our backlog for a while before we get a chance to review them though - if your pull request includes unit tests that cover the new features that can help a lot on our end too.
  • Timothy Widmer
    jeu., 29 févr. 2024, 16:27
    Hi Dan
    We are using this plugin in combination with Microsoft Outlook. Unfortunately Outlook does not handle ICS-Files the same as other Outlook invites. Would it be possible to add Outlook invites as an option?
  • Dan Marsden
    ven., 1 mars 2024, 07:26
    @Timothy - anything is "possible" - if you have internal development capabilities, we always welcome pull requests against the github repository, otherwise feel free to reach out privately if you would like to fund feature development on the plugin! sourire
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