Activities ::: mod_ejsapp
Maintained by Ruben Heradio, Luis de la Torre
This plugin lets you add any Javascript or Java application (typically virtual and real-remote experiments) created with Easy Java/Javascript Simulations (EjsS) to your Moodle course.
Latest release:
135 sites
25 fans
Current versions available: 3

Virtual and Remote Laboratories in Moodle


It is commonly accepted that digital media (such as simulations, videos, interactive screen experiments or web labs) can positively impact student knowledge, skills and attitudes. Consequently, tools such as Moodle and web-based online labs have become widespread in distance education in the last decade. Moodle supports the administration, documentation, tracking, and reporting of training programs, classroom and online events. Web-based labs make possible to illustrate scientific phenomena that require costly or difficult-to-assemble equipment.


There are two complementary approaches for web-based online labs:


  1. Virtual Labs or Experiments provide computer based simulations which offer similar views and ways of work to traditional labs.
  2. Remote Labs or Experiments use real plants and physical devices which are teleoperated in real time.



Easy Java/Javascript Simulations (EjsS, https://www.um.es/fem/EjsWiki/ and https://gitlab.com/ejsS/tool) is a tool designed for the creation of: 1) discrete computer simulations and 2) web-accessible online labs in education of scientific and technical disciplines. With this objective in mind, EjsS supports connections with external applications, such as LabView, Python and Matlab/Simulink, and hardware, such as Arduino and BeagleBone boards.

A rich repository of EjsS simulations is freely available at: http://www.compadre.org/

EJSApp: bridging together Moodle and EjsS

To support the one-click deployment of virtual and remote labs into Moodle, we have developed the EJSApp plugin, which has the following features:

  1. Deployment of labs written in EjsS. 
  2. Control user access to the deployed labs and distinguish between virtual labs (or simulations) and remote labs.
  3. Combined use of EjsS applications with Blockly (https://developers.google.com/blockly), a scracth-type visual programming language.
  4. Backup and restore. EJSApp provides maintenance facilities for labs, packaging them into Moodle course backups.

To get the feel of EJSApp, visit UNILabs, which is a moodle site that hosts a rich network of virtual and remote labs for students of the Spanish Open University (UNED) and other Spanish Universities, such as the Huelva, Complutense and Almeria Universities. All labs in UNILabs have been developed using the EJSApp and its extensions (EJSApp "private files" browser, Remlab ManagerEJSApp Booking SystemEJSApp Collab Session and the Open Source Physics repository plugin).


The code repository of this plugin can be found at https://github.com/UNEDLabs/moodle-mod_ejsapp


Tutorial Videos

Overview of EJSApp

Tutorial to add a simulation/virtual lab activity with EJSApp

Tutorial to add a remote lab activity with EJSApp

Overview of Open Source Physics, a free repository with more than 400 freely available EJS simulations

Overview of UNEDLabs, a network of virtual and remote laboratories developed with EJSApp

If you like this plugin, please support its development: https://www.paypal.me/ejsapp


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4
Screenshot #5


Ruben Heradio (Lead maintainer)
Luis de la Torre: Author
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • David Dunn
    Sat, 16 Sept 2017, 9:40 PM
    Thank you, Luis, for your helpful response. I will follow up with our instructors.
  • David Dunn
    Fri, 6 Oct 2017, 8:41 AM
    Reporting back: The instructor says that he has tried the JavaScript solution, but only a blank page loads.
  • Dinis Medeiros
    Sun, 14 Jan 2018, 8:48 PM
    Is it 3.4 compatible?
  • Luis de la Torre
    Sun, 14 Jan 2018, 9:09 PM
    Hi Dinis,

    Yes it is. I forgot to change the info here (I will do right now), but it works perfectly fine with Moodle 3.4

    David, unfortunately, your I didn't read your message. I'm afraid I can't be of much help with your description of the problem. If you are still interested in fixing it, maybe we could have a skype meeting.
  • rathankar rao
    Sun, 29 Apr 2018, 4:05 PM
    Hi, I tried using EJSApp on my website. When i click on the installed application in moodle, the application downloads a jnlp file and i need it to open in the browser itself. I also tried installing EJS private files browser, but it is still not working. any help is appreciated
  • Luis de la Torre
    Fri, 4 May 2018, 3:41 PM
    Dear Rathankar,

    Embedded Java applets are no longer supported by any web browser, so I decided to deploy the Java applets through the Java Netjork Launch Protocol (JNLP), as desktop applications. You don't open jnlp files in the browser, the Operating System opens them. What is exactly your problem when opening a jnlp file? If you give me more details, maybe I could help you.

    If you prefer the simulation (or remote lab) to be embedded in the browser, you should move to Javascript. EjsS allows creating Javascript applications in a very similar way as the Java applications were created, and you can add them to your Moodle course exactly the same way you do it with Java applets in an EJSApp activity.

    The EJSApp private files browser serves for different purposes (saving and loading files related to EJSApp lab activities).
  • Nagesh Japa
    Wed, 2 Jan 2019, 8:27 PM
    Hi I have installed ejsapp and ejsapp_file_browser plugins as shown in the Guide to install and use EJSApp and EJSApp File Browser video. I am getting error when I am trying to create a lesson in a course :

    The address wasn’t understood

    Firefox doesn’t know how to open this address, because one of the following protocols (jnlp) isn’t associated with any program or is not allowed in this context.

    You might need to install other software to open this address.

    Please help me on this error, thanks in advance.
  • Luis de la Torre
    Tue, 8 Jan 2019, 6:29 PM
    Hi Nagesh,

    Firefox is trying to open a Java file. Since Java applets can't be embedded into web browsers since a couple of years ago, EJSApp tries to open it through the JNLP protocol, which downloads and then runs the Java applet as a desktop application. However, for this to work, you need the Java Virtual Machine to be installed in your computer.

    Anyway, I recommend you to use EJS Javascript applications instead of Java ones.
  • Ricardo Caiado
    Sat, 23 Nov 2019, 5:54 AM

    Using Moodle 3.5.2+, Postgres 9, PHP7.1

    I get this error messagewhen upgrading from "3.1" to "4.0": Field "mainframe" does not exist in table "ejsapp"

  • Matthias Giger
    Sat, 23 Nov 2019, 2:43 PM
    The same problem occurs in Moodle 3.7.3:

    Field "mainframe" does not exist in table "ejsapp"

    More information about this error

    ×Debug info:
    Error code: ddlfieldnotexist
    ×Stack trace:
    line 561 of /lib/ddl/database_manager.php: ddl_field_missing_exception thrown
    line 365 of /mod/ejsapp/db/upgrade.php: call to database_manager->drop_field()
    line 818 of /lib/upgradelib.php: call to xmldb_ejsapp_upgrade()
    line 524 of /lib/upgradelib.php: call to upgrade_plugins_modules()
    line 1869 of /lib/upgradelib.php: call to upgrade_plugins()
    line 694 of /admin/index.php: call to upgrade_noncore()
  • Luis de la Torre
    Sat, 23 Nov 2019, 7:37 PM
    Hi, I'm afraid that, as I wrote in the notes for this new release version, there are some big changes in 4.0 that prevent EJSApp 4.0 to be upgraded from EJSApp 3.1 or older. You would need to uninstall your EJSApp plugin first and then install the new 4.0 version. Unfortunately, this would delete your EJSApp activities and you will have to add them again to your courses. You could, however, make a backup of your courses before uninstalling, then uninstall, install the newer EJSApp version and finally restore your courses. That way, the EJSApp activities would be there again and you would just need to re-upload the EjsS .zip or .jar file.
  • Esther I.K
    Wed, 9 Sept 2020, 11:56 AM
    Hello, I've install EJSApp and try to add activity and upload the .jar files and click save and display, no error but it shows blank page. Anyone knows why it shows blank page?
    The configuration (Trust certificate file path is set to default: Default: /var/www/moodledata/firmadia.pfx, Trust certificate password is empty, Trust certificate alias is empty). Do I need to fill in those variables? Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
  • Luis de la Torre
    Thu, 10 Sept 2020, 2:15 AM
    Hi Esther,

    I'm afraid you won't be able to make Java applets work with EJSApp any longer. Since a few years ago, this feature is not supported any longer, as web browsers do not support Java or Flash applications to be embedded in the web any more. There are a few residual elements like the ones you just mentioned that need to be deleted from the plugin, as they are no longer used. You should go with HTML5 EjsS apps instead of Java EJS apps.
  • Pak Guru
    Mon, 5 July 2021, 9:00 PM
    Hi, we are unable to run HTML5 EjsS app in Moodle 3.10, just showing white screen, we hope this plugin will compatible again someday
  • Maria MBALLO
    Fri, 12 Nov 2021, 8:48 PM

    I can not run a simulation with ejsapp on MOODLE it shows me as an error "talbe ejsappbooking not exist"
    what do you recommend for me as a solution
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