
Activities ::: mod_discourse
Maintained by coactum Entwickler, Dominik Niehus (coactum GmbH)
The DisCourse activity offers the possibility to conduct group discussions in a multi-step procedure.
Latest release:
105 sites
14 fans
Current versions available: 1

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This plugin has been developed and is maintained by the coactum GmbH on commission from the Bielefeld University in Germany in cooperation with the FHNW in Switzerland.

The DisCourse activity offers the possibility to conduct group discussions in a multi-step procedure.

Based on the concept of the deliberation-based pyramid discussion (by Bettina Blanck), the participants of the DisCourse initially write their own text on the discussed topic in a first phase. In the next two phases, they then combine their own positions with those of other participants and thus develop more differentiated texts together, incorporating other points of view. Finally, in the last phase, all DisCourse participants collaborate to develop a final position on the discussed topic based on their previous results.

In this way, the DisCourse enables the participants to work together to develop arguments and perspectives on a topic and to weigh them against and with each other. This allows the participants to develop differentiated positions on a complex topic in a reflexive exchange while making the progress of the discussion visible by displaying the previous preliminary positions.

On the overview page teachers can …

  • See all phases and their deadlines and hints specified when the activity was created
  • See a brief summary of all DisCourse groups and their submission states and open the group pages for each of these groups
  • Switch phases (phases can also be switched automatically by Moodle at the specified deadline)

Students can …

  • Also see all phases, their deadlines and the phase hints
  • View only their own groups in the different phases and open the group pages for these

On the group page teachers can see …

  • The members, the submission state and (if already handed in) the submission of the selected group
  • The hint for the phase of the selected group
  • The position of each group from the last phase included in this group

Students can additionally hand in a submission for the group if the phase of the group corresponds to the current phase of the DisCourse (the positions of the pre-groups are already pre-filled in the editor).

Feedback or bug reports are always welcome in the bug tracker or the comments section.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4
Screenshot #5
Screenshot #6
Screenshot #7
Screenshot #8
Screenshot #9


coactum Entwickler (Lead maintainer)
Dominik Niehus (coactum GmbH)
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Plugins bot
    Mon, 8 Nov 2021, 11:30 PM
    Approval issue created: CONTRIB-8764
  • Luiggi Sansonetti
    Thu, 23 Dec 2021, 7:22 PM
    Please see the comments on CONTRIB-8764 the review process on your plugin are blocked until this is resolved.
    And use the tracker issue linked above for communication around the review process.
  • synnac w
    Fri, 19 Aug 2022, 9:01 PM
    Great plugin!It seems that groups and groupings are automatically created. It would be great if we can customize the number of groups or even better, the method of group creations.
  • coactum Entwickler
    Mon, 22 Aug 2022, 8:41 PM
    Hi synnac song, thanks for your feedback! The plugin is based on the pedagogical concept of the pyramid discussion and was therefore implemented with this number and structure of groups. However, we will keep your suggestion for the modifiability of the groups in mind for further development.
    What other customization options for the group creation method would you like to see in a possible future?
  • coactum Entwickler
    Tue, 6 Dec 2022, 2:39 AM
    New version (1.2.2) for moodle 4.1 is out!
  • Luís Fernandes
    Tue, 10 Jan 2023, 4:45 PM

    I setup a discourse activity. In configurations i have four groups and one student per group. My grouping name is ALL and i put all the four groups in this grouping. And the four groups appear in solo phase.

    In suma, in the solo phase it shows four groups. But in the other phases there are no group, it says "No groups available". I don't know why.

    What i'am doing wrong?
  • coactum Entwickler
    Mon, 16 Jan 2023, 5:32 PM
    i think there is a little missunderstanding here: You dont have to create own groups and groupings, the discourse does this automatically when you add it to a course. At this moment, the plugin creates a grouping with groups for all phases and then takes all the participants enrolled in the course and automatically distributes them among the groups.
    Creating the groups by yourself is unfortunately not possible at the moment.
  • Luís Fernandes
    Mon, 16 Jan 2023, 5:41 PM
    Hi Daniel. Thanks for your answer. I know that there is no need to create groups or groupings, but I try without create groups or groupings and the plugins does not create any group.
  • coactum Entwickler
    Tue, 17 Jan 2023, 9:12 PM
    Discussed and solved via github.
  • coactum Entwickler
    Fri, 5 May 2023, 9:32 PM
    New version (1.2.3) is out and ensures compatibility of the plugin with Moodle 4.2. Also hides the doubled heading under Moodle 4.0. Should be installed if you are updating your Moodle to 4.2.
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