
Activities ::: mod_debate
Maintained by A K M SAFAT SHAHIN
Debate is a moodle activity which allows students to debate in a given topic inside moodle.
Latest release:
598 sites
43 fans
Current versions available: 2

What does this plugin do

The debate is a moodle activity that allows students to debate on a given topic inside moodle.
It is a usual activity in any face to face class that moderators or teacher or even employees are divided into group and
they are asked to give their opinion or debate on a given topic. This plugin is the approach to take that whole scenario inside moodle.


Use debate activity in a course

Adding a debate activity is simple, just the usual way, go to the course, turn editing on and add the activity. A debate activity will have three parts:
1. A name of the activity (a usual moodle activity name).
2. The topic of the debate (the actual topic where the users will debate on).
3. Activity description, a usual moodle field where you can upload pictures or other descriptions which can be viewed
on either of the course page or the debate page or both. There is a checkbox while adding or deleting a debate
instance allows to set up this feature.

Create teams in debate activity

You can create multiple teams for a debate activity for positive and negative side for a group of users. You will need to use the groups feature inside the course, create groups and use those groups as a part of each team. Each team can have:
1. A name of the team.
2. Number of responses allowed for the team.
3. The side of the team, either positive or negative.
4. The selection of groups for each team will determine which user goes to which team.

Debate activity allows you to control the response from the users

These are the following options available when it comes to accepting response from the users:
1. Unlimited response - users can add as many positive and negative response as they want.
2. Allow one response on one side - only one response is allowed on any one side, either positive or negative.
3. Allow one response on each side - allow anyone to respond either on the positive or negative side.
4. Use debate teams - use teams feature instead which will control these for individual teams.

Debate allows the control of activity completion of the module

These are the types of completion you can use:
1. User viewing the debate activity (and/or).
2. User submitting the required number of debate responses.
(for example, the user will have to submit 2 responses to complete this module)

Debate logs all types of activities inside the debate instance

The following events are logged in moodle log:
1. Visiting a debate instance.
2. Adding a debate instance.
3. Updating a debate instance.
4. Deleting a debate instance.
5. Adding a debate response.
6. Updating a debate response.
7. Deleting a debate response.

The debate also introduces capabilities for users and other roles inside a course

These are capabilities available:
1. Add a new debate instance: allows users to add a new debate activity inside the course.
2. View debate content: View the debate page where the actual debate will happen.
3. Delete any debate response: Allows moderators or teachers to delete debate responses from users.
4. Delete own debate response: Gives the user the capability to delete their own response.
5. Update own debate response: Gives the user the capability to update their own response.
6. Manage debate teams: Gives a teacher or manager the capability to create, update or manage teams.

Automated testing support

Debate activity includes automated testing support for testing any issues from the code.
I am continuously adding PHPUnit tests to the plugin, the coverage of the test will increase from time to time.

GDPR compliant

Debate activity includes privacy API to maintain GDPR compliance.

Want something more? Let's talk about it

If you have something you want for your organisation to be implemented, please create an issue in the link below:
I am always happy to talk about your requirements and discuss further.

Track progress of any current and future developments


Any type of contribution, suggestions, feature request is welcome.
Please create an issue in GitHub to discuss before doing a pull request.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3


A K M SAFAT SHAHIN (Lead maintainer)
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Mohamed ali nahali
    Tue, 23 Mar 2021, 6:12 PM
    Est ce que c'est possible d'avoir la traduction française et arabe relative à l'interface apprenant de l'activité?
  • Damche Dorji
    Wed, 24 Mar 2021, 5:57 PM
    This is an excellent plugin. Is there a way where we can change the labels like for the motion for positive and against the motion for negative.
    Fri, 26 Mar 2021, 3:07 PM
    Hi Dorji, can you please explain a bit more about this? I didn't quite get what you meant by labels and motions, please create an issue in the following link so that we can discuss it in detail:

    Bonjour Mohamed Ali nahali, Malheureusement, je n'ai pas d'expérience dans la traduction ou l'écriture du français ou de l'arabe (j'aimerais pouvoir le faire), si vous pouvez m'aider à traduire ces chaînes dans ces langues, alors je serai en mesure de faire le pack de langue ces:
  • Filippo Caburlotto
    Fri, 23 Apr 2021, 5:09 PM
    Hi, Above all thank you so much for this plugin!
    Just a question: is it possible to answer a question with an mp3 file or a video? I tried but I didn't succes in it.
    Thank you in advance
    Sat, 24 Apr 2021, 9:07 AM
    Hi Filippo, debate response accepts text only at the moment, but I believe having the ability to add files and different components like audio and video will be a great addition. I will add this to the plugin roadmap.
  • Bér Jac
    Tue, 11 May 2021, 2:54 AM
    Hi, great plugin, many thx ! My students use it in a foreign language and I'd like, as a teacher, to be able to correct what they've written. If I'm not mistaken, I can only delete their post, not correct it. Would it be possible to add the feature? THX
    Fri, 4 June 2021, 6:31 PM
    Hi Jac, Thanks a lot for your feedback, I have added this in the plugin roadmap, having an edit feature, In this case, is a bit tricky, David from moodle also recommended having this feature. I will give it an investigation from the backend and UI perspective. Thanks again.
  • Teejay Decano
    Fri, 3 Sept 2021, 8:33 AM
    Trying this today for the first time and I do love it. I hope in the future there can be a means to determine the number of responses allowed per user/member of a team apart from identifying the number of maximum responses for a team. I guess the workaround I have for now is to provide instructions to the kids. Thanks again for this plugin.
  • Teejay Decano
    Tue, 7 Sept 2021, 3:49 PM
    Is it possible to make the labels Positive and Negative editable? Not all debate sides are necessarily just positive and negative. Thank you.
    Thu, 25 Aug 2022, 10:06 AM
    Hi Teejay,
    Thank you for your comments. I have added this feature to the backlog in the Trello board.
  • synnac w
    Tue, 31 Jan 2023, 2:49 PM
    Another suggestion: There should be a tip provided for "Response allowed" in the team edit page, like "You should fill in a number from 0 to xxx, 0 means unlimited", so on and so forth, or else people wouldn't know what to fill in the blank.
    BTW, the first time I had no clue what to fill in, so I filled a random character and got an error message. The error message can be improved, actually, like "you should fill in a number..."
    Just a suggestion for more friendly use.
  • synnac w
    Tue, 31 Jan 2023, 2:54 PM
    Is it possible to export the debate detail in exel or cvs format?
    Sorry, I should've posted my messages all at once, but thoughts just came up in my mind.
    Ttw, this is a really great plugin, just what i've hoped for!
    Mon, 20 Feb 2023, 8:13 AM
    Hi Synnac, Thank you for your feedback in this, I will create an issue to improve the texts and help strings accordingly. I don't have any direct export feature added in the debate page, but I have some reporting features planned which might include features like this.
  • Rogier Heezemans
    Thu, 16 Mar 2023, 6:58 PM
    Is it possible that people can react on each other so you get more an discussion
  • Sarah Ashley
    Mon, 5 Feb 2024, 3:25 AM
    This is a really good activity.
    Will you be updating this plugin for 4.3?
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