Group choice

Activities ::: mod_choicegroup
Maintained by Nicolas Dunand
This module allows students to enrol themselves in a group within a course. The teacher can select which groups students can chose from and the maximum number of students allowed in each group.
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147 fans
Current versions available: 7

This module allows students to enrol themselves in a group within a course. The teacher can choose from which groups the students can chose, and the maximum number of students allowed in each group.

Depending on the activity settings, the students can view the members of each group before making a choise, and change their selected group until the deadline.

Potential privacy issues

Depending on settings chosen by a teacher, students may see what groups other users have chosen.


Screenshot #0


Nicolas Dunand (Lead maintainer)
CSE Université de Lausanne: Supporting institution
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  • Chiara Di Terlizzi
    Thu, 22 Dec 2022, 5:20 PM
    Hello, I wrote an Italian version for the activity information page (mod/choicegroup/view) and it has waited for approval for a while. Could anyone approve it, please?
  • Nicolas Dunand
    Thu, 22 Dec 2022, 5:24 PM
    Hi Chiara,
    Thanks for taking the time to make an Italian translation!
    This is not something I can approve myself, this should be the job of the IT language packs maintainer(s). Could you confirm where you posted this translation? This is normally done on
    Here are some already availaable IT translations for mod_choicegroup:
  • Chiara Di Terlizzi
    Thu, 22 Dec 2022, 11:15 PM
    Hi Nicolas, I am not talking now about the language pack (that was already approved), but the description page on (the page that opens when you click on "more help" in the activity help in the activity selector!)
  • Peter Diedrichs
    Wed, 18 Jan 2023, 1:12 AM
    I have reported a severe bug in the GitHub. Having tested in both our Moodle environments with the same result, it would still be good if someone else can verify:

    When having backed up a course using mod_choicegroup, without backing up users and user data, the new course's choicegroup still contains the names of students from the backed up course. There is a link between the choicegroup modules when copied, making the copy show the members of the original.

    Using Moodle 3.11.10 and Choicegroup 1.39 for Moodle 3.9-4.1 (Build: 2023010300)

    Link to report: and steps to replicate
  • Nicolas Dunand
    Wed, 18 Jan 2023, 4:14 PM
    Thanks Peter, we'll look into this as soon as we can, follow-up details will be through GitHub.
  • Gonzalo Berrueco García
    Wed, 14 June 2023, 8:31 PM
    Hey, Nicolas.

    We've found a bug in the timing configuration. The plugin allows the closing date to be earlier than the opening date. This setting doesn't show any error or warning while setting up the group selection.

    Can anything be done about it?

    Thanks a lot.
  • Nicolas Dunand
    Wed, 14 June 2023, 10:27 PM
    Hey Gonzalo,
    Thanks for reporting this. We'll follow up on GitHub where you posted too. But in short, we can confirm the issue and will fix this.
  • Michael Milette
    Fri, 27 Oct 2023, 11:48 PM
    Hi Nicolas, do you have any thoughts on when a Moodle 4.3 compatible version might become available?

    Best regard,

    Michael Milette
  • Terry Aulenbach
    Fri, 10 Nov 2023, 4:48 AM
    Sadly, this latest update breaks the group choice activity on our installation of Moodle 3.11.8. There is a call to get_page(), which doesn't seem to exist. Is this new for 4.x?
  • Nicolas Dunand
    Fri, 10 Nov 2023, 4:24 PM
    Sorry about that Terry,
    We pushed a change that was not correctly tester on 3.11. We have now reverted it so that Moodle 4 users can use the fix, but your Moodle 3.11 should now offer you to update the plugin to 2023110900 version, which does not contains this code.
  • Terry Aulenbach
    Wed, 15 Nov 2023, 2:20 AM
    Thank you!
  • Troy Patterson
    Sat, 6 Jan 2024, 1:08 AM
    Hm. I've just installed this on a Moodle instance running v 4.1.3 and am getting unexpected results. When I set up a Group Choice activity, the screen refreshes and stays on Group Choice. No error message, but the Selected Groups box is now empty. Since I'm not getting an error message, I'm not sure where to look to troubleshoot.

    I have made sure that I made selections in each section. The only required entry is the Group choice name.

    I've also installed it on an instance running Moodle v4.3.1. It runs fine there.

    Any thoughts on where to start troubleshooting?
  • Troy Patterson
    Sat, 6 Jan 2024, 9:45 AM
    Thanks. The latest release (1.44 for Moodle 4.2-4.3 (Build: 2024010400) (2024010400) fixed the issue that I was having with Moodle (v4.1.3). Yea!, I now have Group Choice available again. Stunning work that is much appreciated.
  • Nicolas Dunand
    Sat, 6 Jan 2024, 4:23 PM
    Hi Troy,
    Thanks for posting. I'm glad the latest fix corrected the issue for you.
  • Serge Fleussu
    Tue, 13 Feb 2024, 8:34 PM
    I've installed Group Choice plugin version 1.44 for Moodle 4.2-4.3 (Build: 2024010400) on a Moodle 4.3.2+ (Build: 20240125), Theme is Moove.
    I'm using mod_choicegroup with the options : No inscription at more than one group, authorize choice modification, not showing responses and no limit in the number of users in a group.
    After the first choice, if the user choose to delete the choice made (clicking the button "delete my choice", page is refreshed (with action=delchoicegroup) but the choice made is still there (even in the report). I tried with Boost theme with the same result. If connected as an Admin, it works. Connected as a student (standard role of Moodle, witn no change), it doesn't work. The only capacity linked to student and groupchoice is "mod/choicegroup:choose". I don't see a capacity like "mod/deleteownchoice" but maybe this is not a problem.

    Thanks for this really great plugin that I use for a long now but I have never tried the option "autorize modification".
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