
Activities ::: mod_book
Maintained by Petr Skoda
Simple multipage resource module
Latest release:
1 sites
10 fans
Current versions available: 3

The book module makes it easy to create multi-page resources with a book-like format. This module can be used to build complete book-like websites inside of your Moodle course.

Note: The book module is available as a standard plugin in Moodle 2.3 onwards.


Petr Skoda (Lead maintainer)
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  • Carlos Kiyan Tsunami
    Thu, 26 Apr 2012, 8:45 PM
    is there any plant to have the option to export the book as epub format?
  • Nagesh Thati
    Thu, 10 May 2012, 7:20 PM
    Hello Sir,
    I am using moodle 2.1 version. I have installed modbook plugin. And I added one book to the course. Then I am trying to add bulk chapter to book. But, I didn't find option "importing chapter into book : 'import'" in editing chapter page. But, in this documentation they mentioned. I am adding courses, books and chapters as Administrator. Please help for this issue.
  • Michael Woods
    Fri, 29 June 2012, 1:23 PM
    Description should be modified to say "The book module is included in core from Moodle 2.3 onwards."
  • Gavin Henrick
    Wed, 18 July 2012, 4:31 PM
    Perhaps to add docs link to ?
  • Carina Martinez
    Wed, 29 Aug 2012, 2:16 AM
    Excellent plugin! thanks!
  • rene diaz
    Thu, 27 Sept 2012, 7:32 AM
    I really loved the plug in i was using it the most yet i didnt know when upgrading to 2.2 it was not going to be available would you please make a 2.2 version.
  • rene diaz
    Thu, 27 Sept 2012, 7:38 AM
    also was wondering if it can be made into a light/shadow box type of plug ing where you dont have to leave the course page to view. similar to the "Grid Format Course ? Just an idea with a chapter section to the right and a left and right arrow for navigation. just an idea im no programer but i this this would be a powerful tool for students.
  • Owen
    Thu, 6 Dec 2012, 8:03 PM
    I've inherited a large, heavily hacked moodle site and I am upgrading the book module in preparation for whole-moodle upgrade. I need to find a complete copy of Book version 2011032000, then I will identify the hacks and make decisons about what to do in the latest version.

    This version was in release 2.0rc (20110320) and it doesn't appear to be available via git. Where or how do i obtain a clean, vanilla copy?
  • Brian
    Mon, 24 Dec 2012, 6:41 PM
    FYI - I created a PowerPoint VB macro for exporting PowerPoint slides for importing into a book. The PowerPoint Slide Titles are passed to the Book Module and the slides are saved as PNG images. You can find it at:
  • alexei tav
    Tue, 1 Jan 2013, 7:20 AM
    Hello there, someone knows if it possible to change the booknav (at the bottom of the page) to show the name of the next and prev chapters?

    and another it possible for the student to mark a chapter as readed???
  • Shawn
    Sun, 6 Jan 2013, 4:37 AM
    Question on the Book plugin. I have a 1.9.5 moodle installation using the book plugin. I'm trying to go thru the upgrade process to get moodle more current. The first step is going to moodle 1.9.19. I installed the 1.9 version of the Book plugin and set it up. Now when I restore a lesson, all the pages are right justified and the left navigation/table of contents is center justified on the page. How to change this so the left navigation/table of contents is at the top of the page and the page is left justified for all the text?
  • Lorence Issa
    Wed, 24 Apr 2013, 1:18 PM
    I'm wondering if rather than a link on the topic page if the book can actually be embedded? (the actual content with the arrows, etc) so that the user doesn't have to click on a link to open the book..
  • Robin Bissell
    Wed, 24 July 2013, 11:44 PM
    If I have Book installed as a plugin in 2.1 and have courses that use it, how do I best go about upgrading to 2.5.1? What happens to the books inside my courses if I uninstall the plugin?
  • Márcio Camilo
    Wed, 3 May 2017, 8:32 PM
    Would it be possible to make the toc dockable?

    How would I do it?
  • Leon Morgan
    Wed, 26 Aug 2020, 7:28 PM
    I hope that I will be able to understand and use this book module. Very often I use multi-page resources with book-like format. Of all the abundance of Internet sites, I use a site with summary book on shakespeare and marlowe comparison shakespeare and marlowe comparison and other works. This site with descriptions reveals the meaning with doctor faustus macbeth compare and contrast essay. Very well traced book module with the right constructions.
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