
Activities ::: mod_bigbluebuttonbn
Maintained by Fred Dixon, Jesus Federico
Integrate BigBlueButton within Moodle - including record and playback of sessions.
Latest release:
5968 sites
402 fans
Current versions available: 8

This plugin has been included as a core feature in Moodle since version 4.0. However, it is disabled by default. To use it, you must enable the plugin and configure it by adding the credentials for a BigBlueButton server.

BigBlueButton is an open source web conferencing system for online learning.  The goal of the project is to enable instructors to effectively engage remote students anywhere in the world.  The project supports live online classes, virtual office hours, and group collaboration with remote students. 

BigBlueButton supports real-time sharing of slides (including whiteboard), audio, video, chat, emojis, breakout rooms, and screen.  It also record all content for later playback.

Like Moodle, BigBlueButton is open source.  The BigBlueButton project was started in 2008 by Blindside Networks.  In addition our work on BigBlueButton core, we created this BigBlueButtonBN Moodle plugin so you can fully leverage BigBlueButton's capabilities from within your Moodle site.

The BigBlueButtonBN plugin enables you to:

  • Create multiple activity links to online sessions within any course
  • Restrict students from joining a session until a teacher (moderator) joins the session
  • Launch BigBlueButton in a separate window
  • Create a custom welcome message that appears at the top of the chat window when joining the session
  • Specify join open/close dates for the session that appears in the Moodle's calendar
  • Record a session
  • Access and manage recordings

The best way to install is directly from  For a video walkthrough of installing the plugin, click the image below

You’ll notice in the video that BigBlueButtonBN module comes pre-configured with a test BigBlueButton server, aptly called  This server is maintained by Blindside Networks maintains to help test your installation with BigBlueButton.  Blindside Networks also develops and maintains the BigBlueButtonBN plugin. 

For information on setting up your own BigBlueButton server, see

BigBlueButton and the BigBlueButton logo are trademarks of BigBlueButton Inc.

If you think you have found a bug in this plugin, please open a ticket in the Bug Tracker and provide details of how to reproduce the issue. The more details you provide the easiest for us to find and solve the problem

If you need help for configuring or using this plugin, please join the Discussion. There are hundreds of users subscribed in the forums and many of them are willing to help. Besides your question may have been responded already. Using the search option can save you time.

Also when asking for help provide the more possible details. Please provide (a) your version of Moodle, (b) the version of the BigBlueButtonBN plugin, and (c) the error message you are receiving.  A screen capture is usually very helpful. 

While we certainly appreciate feedback on this plugin in the comments sections, if you have found a bug or are looking for support, please use either the Bug Tracker or Forum


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4


Fred Dixon (Lead maintainer)
Jesus Federico: Project Manager
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Srinivas Shastry
    ons, 29 mars 2023, 14:29
    It was pleasure to know about BBB plugin in Moodle. I experienced a best quality access. Right now I'm working on default BBB
    feature in Moolde 4.1, unfortunately I came to know the duration was 60 minutes. I'm looking for 120 minutes duration to
    educate my learners. Can I extend the duration? Please let me know the configuration settings. Appreciate your response. Thank You!
  • Fred Dixon
    sön, 2 apr. 2023, 04:02
    Hi Srinvas, the Free Tier is limited to 60 minutes (it's free!). There are options: you can reach out to any of the companies that provide commercial support You can also setup your own BigBlueButton server. Regards,... Fred
  • Iloo org
    mån, 25 sep. 2023, 03:42
    Can the recorded videos, be sent to Google Drive rather than my Moodle data repository?
  • Ezzeddin Hamed
    mån, 25 sep. 2023, 03:49
    I believe BigBlueButtonBN plugin has already been included and installed in latest versions of Moodle, specifically version 4.2.1+ which I am using, so it only needs to enable it in activities management page, first it was not enabled, but after checking and saving settings, I was able to enable it. In the settings, it is already configured and I believe nothing to do to test it.

    After adding the activity in a course and whenever I click on the activity to view it, it show the main plugin setting page and not showing the activity itself at all.

    Could you tell me what's going wrong? Is it the connection to the testing server? Or something I can do in Moodle?

    Thanks a lot,
  • Ezzeddin Hamed
    mån, 25 sep. 2023, 17:23
    This is just to note that on Moodle 4.2.2 it is working well. How could I make it work on 4.2.1+? Thanks,
  • Ezzeddin Hamed
    mån, 25 sep. 2023, 23:02
    The above implementation of 4.2.2 works fine, but on another implementation of the same Moodle version it goes to the settings page with the error:
    "Unable to enter the room. Please check the URL of the BigBlueButton server AND check to see if the BigBlueButton server is running."
    Going directly to the link shows an error 404 not found.
  • Piotr F
    tis, 13 feb. 2024, 04:08

    As much as I appreciate the work of devs, and making it opensource, here are some remarks for those who search for opensource business tier service:

    1. BBB is pretty much unintuitive;
    2. for people who are used to clicking links and going straight to a video chat, it takes a lot of effort to join a meeting in BBN. This is a common opinion, even among senior developers;
    3. it uses WebRT protocol which is blocked by most of business VPNs and security settings, hence, can't be used smoothly while working with, say, C-level managers;
    4. it is faster and more responsive than most popular paid solutions.

    Anyway, thanks for your work and effort guys,
  • Fred Dixon
    tis, 13 feb. 2024, 19:39
    Hi Pitor,

    Thanks for you comments. Our mission for BigBlueButton is to build the world's most effective virtual classroom as measured in learning outcomes. The integration for BigBlueButton merged into the core of Moodle in Moodle 4.0.

    > 1. BBB is pretty much unintuitive;

    BigBlueButton has many capabilities for teaching and learning. To become familiar, check out the tutorial videos at

    > 2. for people who are used to clicking links and going straight to a video chat, it takes a lot of effort to join a meeting in BBN. This is a common opinion, even among senior developers;

    We are not a video chat; we are a virtual classroom. It's possible to configure BigBlueButton to come up with a simple video chat interface. If you want to purse this further, recommend joining our community

    > 3. it uses WebRT protocol which is blocked by most of business VPNs and security settings, hence, can't be used smoothly while working with, say, C-level managers;

    BigBlueButton comes with a built-in TURN server to help users who are behind restrictive firewalls connect to WebRTC via port 443. You can test this on our demo server at

    > 4. it is faster and more responsive than most popular paid solutions.

    Thanks! The innovation and efforts behind BigBlueButton is accelerating in 2024. Look out for a newer version later this year that has a plugin-in architecture to enable other developers to customize it (and we intend to use the plugin-in architecture to deepen the integration with Moodle).

    > Anyway, thanks for your work and effort guys,
    > Piotr

    Thanks for you feedback.

    Regards,... Fred
  • Batool Momani
    tis, 8 okt. 2024, 18:53
    I Try to use it on Moodle 4.4 Moodle version and it goes to the settings page with the error:
    "Unable to enter the roo Please check the URL of the BigBlueButton server AND check to see if the BigBlueButton server is running."
    Going directly to the link shows an error 404 not found.
  • Ezzeddin Hamed
    tis, 8 okt. 2024, 19:05
    This is a testing server, if it is loaded it will not connect, try different times.
    Opening it directly will not work.
  • Miguel Mauricio Ortiz Quispe
    tors, 14 nov. 2024, 23:20
    Hola, necesito ayuda o una guía sobre cómo integrar BigBlueButton con Moodle. Tengo dos servidores con BigBlueButton y quiero integrarlos en Moodle para que ambos servidores trabajen como un balanceador de carga y distribuyan las sesiones entre ellos. ¿Es esto algo que Moodle puede hacer de manera automática, o es necesario realizar alguna configuración adicional en los servidores? ¿Alguien podría indicarme los pasos o proporcionarme algún recurso útil para realizar esta integración y configuración?
  • AbdulRaheem Khan
    ons, 8 jan. 2025, 18:52
    I am running moodle 4.5, and cannot use this plugin, will this plugin get an update
  • Ezzeddin Hamed
    ons, 8 jan. 2025, 21:04
    @AbdulRaheem Khan Bigbluebutton comes as built-in Moodle version 4.5 and should be running, so you do not have to download anything, just enable it if it is disabled. There are instructions at /admin/settings.php?section=modsettingbigbluebuttonbn relative to your domain of how to register for an account or use the demo server.
  • Gordon Mills
    tis, 14 jan. 2025, 17:18
    We have suddenly encountered 2 issues. The first is the recording link address is not pointing to our server, Its pointing to when it places it back into moodle. The second issue is BBB wont let the microphone be initiated
    error code 0 -failed to construct websocket: an insecure websocket connection may not be initiated from a page loaded over https any help would be appreciated
  • Jesus Federico
    ons, 15 jan. 2025, 21:38
    Just a reminder of what is already written in the description: This is not a forum or channel for support. This space is intended for general comments that may (or may not) receive responses from others. Please read:

    "If you need help for configuring or using this plugin, please join the Discussion. There are hundreds of users subscribed in the forums and many of them are willing to help. Besides your question may have been responded already. Using the search option can save you time."

    The link to the Discussion (an others) is in the description too.
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