
Activities ::: mod_attendance
Maintained by Dan Marsden
Part of sets Attendance, MoodleCloud.
A plugin that allows an attendance log to be kept. - includes an optional block for easy access to relevant functions.
Latest release:
20471 sites
382 fans
Current versions available: 21

The Attendance activity allows teachers to maintain a record of attendance, replacing or supplementing a paper-based attendance register. It is primarily used in blended-learning environments where students are required to attend classes, lectures and tutorials and allows the teacher to track and optionally provide a grade for the students attendance. The instructor can set the frequency of their classes (# of days per week & length of course) or create specific sessions. 

To take attendance, the instructor clicks on the "Update Attendance" button and is presented with a list of all the students in that course, along with configurable options and comments. The default options provided are: Present, Absent, Late & Excused. Instructors can download the attendance for their course in Excel format or text format.

Sessions can also be configured to allow students to record their own attendance and a range of different reports are available.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3


Dan Marsden (Lead maintainer)
Artem Andreev: Previous maintainer/developer
Dmitry Pupinin: Original author
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  • Pawel Gadalinski
    tir., 4 jun. 2024, 15:40
    hey, is this working on v 4.4 ?? or that plugin is abondoned ?
  • Dan Marsden
    tir., 4 jun. 2024, 15:48
    @Pawel, latest versions of this plugin are always in github. I do auto-deploy updates to the plugins db when all automated tests pass, however the behat tests have only just recently been fixed - a new release should get pushed into the plugins db soon.
  • waylon su
    fre., 7 jun. 2024, 17:44
    Hi dan, I'm using the Moodle 3.10.4
    I'm try to make grade attendance in one course, with multiple sessions (e.g. Same course every Friday with different students). Unfortunately I have to search a massive list of students every time. Is there a "group" method where I can pre-group each student into different week's attendance? thanks!
  • Carlos Silveira - ADM
    lør., 8 jun. 2024, 03:18
    I really like the plugin, it is very useful in my organization. We offer online and in-person courses for our employees and carry out in-person appointments using your plugin. However, I would like to ask if it is possible to add a way to print the list of participants for the session, including the session description fields and other selected custom fields?
    Thank you very much!
  • Dan Marsden
    man., 10 jun. 2024, 07:45
    @Carlos - this is not currently possible but has been requested before eg:
  • Erwannig LOUF
    tir., 20 aug. 2024, 22:44
    I'm facing a bug when exporting attendance lists. When the user is an editing-teacher, he get this error :
    Exception : array_keys(): Argument#1($array) must be type array, null given.

    Do i hav to edit the rights of this role ?
    Thank you,
  • Moustafa AL-Tawaijary
    søn., 1 sep. 2024, 22:45

    I would like to add a link in the Sidebar for attendance record

    How to add a dynamic link that shows the reord for students

    for examole: this link shows only the report for user id No 14 "xxx/mod/attendance/view.php?id=14"

    How to make the link dynamic whenever a user signs in it changes accordingly.

    Thanks for making this wonderful plugin!

  • Dan Marsden
    man., 2 sep. 2024, 05:55
    @Moustafa - that's not something currently supported, however you might find the block plugin gets you close:
  • Tshimangadzo Monyai
    man., 30 sep. 2024, 21:29
    Hi Dan,

    I recently installed the plugin on Moodle 4.1, and it is working perfectly, but the only issue the teachers are raising is not being able to export the student's attendance. i can only see the import option only.
  • Dan Marsden
    tir., 1 okt. 2024, 04:41
    @Tshmangadzo - make sure your teachers have the mod/attendance:export capability, and the export link isn't hidden in the "more" drop list in the page.
  • Tshimangadzo Monyai
    tir., 1 okt. 2024, 22:38
    @Dan Got it thank you so much
  • Rizah Kabaši
    man., 7 okt. 2024, 20:59
    Hello Dan,

    I have a quick question. If all students are connected to the same router in the classroom where the session is being conducted, and the Prevent Student’s Sharing IP Address option is set to “Yes” when creating the session, will the students still be able to independently register their attendance? I’m concerned about potential issues since they are all sharing the same network.

    Thank you for your help!
  • Dan Marsden
    tir., 8 okt. 2024, 08:44
    @Rizah, that's really a networking question and I would need access to your systems to answer for you. Easiest thing for you to do would be to check your course logs when students are registering their attendance in the class and see if there are a number of users with the same IP address, or if the majority are using unique IPS - there are a number of different things that can control this from the network level to the web server itself.
  • Carlos Arthur Tavares
    fre., 25 okt. 2024, 02:02
    Your plugin is excellent! If you could add an option to filter or display only those who haven't registered their presence yet, along with the ability to navigate directly between pages without having to click through one by one, it would be very helpful.
  • Dan Marsden
    fre., 25 okt. 2024, 02:30
    @carlos, great to hear you find the plugin useful! If you could please add this as a feature request in the github tracker that would be great! Unfortunately I don't get a lot of time for feature development as a volunteer but if you're interested in helping to fund devleopment time to do this, feel free to reach out privately to discuss!
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