
Activities ::: mod_attendance
Maintained by Dan Marsden
Part of sets Attendance, MoodleCloud.
A plugin that allows an attendance log to be kept. - includes an optional block for easy access to relevant functions.
Latest release:
20072 sites
388 fans
Current versions available: 21

The Attendance activity allows teachers to maintain a record of attendance, replacing or supplementing a paper-based attendance register. It is primarily used in blended-learning environments where students are required to attend classes, lectures and tutorials and allows the teacher to track and optionally provide a grade for the students attendance. The instructor can set the frequency of their classes (# of days per week & length of course) or create specific sessions. 

To take attendance, the instructor clicks on the "Update Attendance" button and is presented with a list of all the students in that course, along with configurable options and comments. The default options provided are: Present, Absent, Late & Excused. Instructors can download the attendance for their course in Excel format or text format.

Sessions can also be configured to allow students to record their own attendance and a range of different reports are available.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3


Dan Marsden (Lead maintainer)
Artem Andreev: Previous maintainer/developer
Dmitry Pupinin: Original author
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  • Dan Marsden
    пн, 2 сент. 2024, 05:55
    @Moustafa - that's not something currently supported, however you might find the block plugin gets you close:
  • Tshimangadzo Monyai
    пн, 30 сент. 2024, 21:29
    Hi Dan,

    I recently installed the plugin on Moodle 4.1, and it is working perfectly, but the only issue the teachers are raising is not being able to export the student's attendance. i can only see the import option only.
  • Dan Marsden
    вт, 1 окт. 2024, 04:41
    @Tshmangadzo - make sure your teachers have the mod/attendance:export capability, and the export link isn't hidden in the "more" drop list in the page.
  • Tshimangadzo Monyai
    вт, 1 окт. 2024, 22:38
    @Dan Got it thank you so much
  • Rizah Kabaši
    пн, 7 окт. 2024, 20:59
    Hello Dan,

    I have a quick question. If all students are connected to the same router in the classroom where the session is being conducted, and the Prevent Student’s Sharing IP Address option is set to “Yes” when creating the session, will the students still be able to independently register their attendance? I’m concerned about potential issues since they are all sharing the same network.

    Thank you for your help!
  • Dan Marsden
    вт, 8 окт. 2024, 08:44
    @Rizah, that's really a networking question and I would need access to your systems to answer for you. Easiest thing for you to do would be to check your course logs when students are registering their attendance in the class and see if there are a number of users with the same IP address, or if the majority are using unique IPS - there are a number of different things that can control this from the network level to the web server itself.
  • Carlos Arthur Tavares
    пт, 25 окт. 2024, 02:02
    Your plugin is excellent! If you could add an option to filter or display only those who haven't registered their presence yet, along with the ability to navigate directly between pages without having to click through one by one, it would be very helpful.
  • Dan Marsden
    пт, 25 окт. 2024, 02:30
    @carlos, great to hear you find the plugin useful! If you could please add this as a feature request in the github tracker that would be great! Unfortunately I don't get a lot of time for feature development as a volunteer but if you're interested in helping to fund devleopment time to do this, feel free to reach out privately to discuss!
  • Javier Gonzalez Mendez
    чт, 7 нояб. 2024, 20:01
    Hi @Dan,
    is there by any chance the possibility to set the attendance up by an agroupation instead of a group only?
    Also, what format does it expect the .csv file to be able to import the data? I exported a file, updated the info and tried to import it, but it didn't like it.

    Thank you for your time,
  • Dan Marsden
    пт, 8 нояб. 2024, 04:43
    @Javi - anything is possible - if you have internal development capabilities, feel free to send through a pull request with any improvements!

    There are a few posts in the attendance forum around csv imports that might help - if you manage to work out what you have done wrong, please share your feedback in the forums so others can benefit too!
  • Osama Al-Maqtari
    ср, 20 нояб. 2024, 08:32
    does the plugin work properly on Moodle 4.5? if not, when will it support Moodle 4.5?
  • Dan Marsden
    ср, 20 нояб. 2024, 08:56
    @Osama - please see the github repo for the latest version of the plugin... questions like "When will XYZ occur" are not easily answered unless there's a commercial agreement - but... "sometime soon". улыбаюсь
  • Ievgenii Vasiuk
    ср, 29 янв. 2025, 05:11
    Hi, thanks for the good plugin (tested it working well on Moodle 4.5).

    Question: is it possible to configure an attendance event to be created for the site instead of the session?
    The reason is that I want all users to see it in the calendar (not only users signed up for the course), that way we would utilize this plugin's capability ( instead of manual creation of the site event for the course).
  • Surendar Kasinathan
    пн, 3 февр. 2025, 17:48
    Hi, is there no option to sort participants in attendance session using ID Number? Sorting with first and last name is there by default but there is no option to sort using ID number.
    I sorted participants within attendance session in older version, is there any setting I need to change to sort by ID number?
  • Houssam Ballout
    пн, 3 февр. 2025, 20:30

    I am using attendance module to capture students attendance by scanning QR Code.

    When student tries to scan qr code the following error generates:

    Field "availablebeforesession" does not exist in table "attendance_statuses"

    Knowing that the field is found in attendance_statuses

    Any help?

    Thank you
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