Active quiz

Activities ::: mod_activequiz
Maintained by John Hoopes
Active quiz started originally as an update to the realtime quiz module, which has now grown into a separate module due to the very large functionality additions/changes. You will be able to offer in class quizzes on any device using a responsive theme, any question type from the question bank, use timed/not timed questions, grades reported back to the grade book, group quizzing (with a group attendance feature), view student responses in real time to offer in-class discussion about the results, and more!
Latest release:
1225 sites
95 fans
Current versions available: 5

This is a type of quiz designed to be used in face-to-face lessons, with a classroom full of computers/tablets/phones.

The teacher creates the quiz in advance - adding question bank questions from the Moodle question bank.  (This includes any question type available for Moodle)

The quiz can be set up to take the quiz in class groups (set up through the Moodle built in groups functionality).  Group attendance may also be used in order only give present group members the final grade.

During the lesson, the teacher starts the quiz. Students can now connect to this quiz. Once the teacher is satisfied that all students have connected to the quiz, they can click on "Start Quiz"

Depending on the question settings the question will end automatically, or will need to be ended via the instructor's "end question" button.  The instructor can review student responses in real time and re-poll the same question, go to the next question, or jump to any question set up for the session.

The teacher can, at a later date, go back through the results and, for each question, see exactly what answer each student gave.  Students will also be able to view their attempts based on the display options in the quiz settings.  Grades are also recorded based on the module settings for whether or not this particular quiz was assessed. 


The original plugin (real-time quiz) was written by Davo Smith, to which the University of Wisconsin - Madison (funded by an educational innovation grant given to the Medical school) re-wrote the plugin, which is now named active quiz.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4
Screenshot #5
Screenshot #6
Screenshot #7


John Hoopes (Lead maintainer)
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  • Plugins bot
    Wed, 20 May 2015, 5:07 AM
  • David Mudrák
    Wed, 27 May 2015, 6:51 PM

    Thanks John for sharing this plugin with the community. It indeed looks like a very good and useful update of Davo's Realtime quiz module. I know you were in discussions with him and you considered upgrading his code rather than forking it at the first place. I agree with the final conclusion that due to difficulties with the upgrade path (mainly custom questions to the QB based questions) it is better to start off with a new module and eventually provide the way for users to migrate (e.g. via a new question format as you suggested).

    I was able to successfully test the functionality of the module. While reviewing the code, I spotted some small to trivial issues that might be better to checked before we approve this plugin here. I reported them as issues #1 - #4 in your tracker. Once those are resolved, I am happy to approve this.

    Thanks for you work on this plugin and for the patience with the review and approval process.

  • David Mudrák
    Fri, 29 May 2015, 6:09 PM

    Hi John. Thanks for prompt action on the raised issues. I left some additional comments there but I believe we can publish this now. Well done on your module, and good luck with maintaining it! You are cleared to land now, welcome to the Plugins directory.

  • Roland Sherwood
    Sun, 31 May 2015, 4:32 PM
    Fantastic work - many thanks!
  • AL Rachels
    Tue, 2 June 2015, 6:17 AM
    Nice add-on John, and thanks, but for me, what a bummer. Released on my LAST working day before retiring! I used Realtimes quizzes a lot and would have used them even more if they used the pre-existing question banks like this does.

    In case this might help others, I have used Formal White theme for years and unfortunately, it is NOT compatible with this activity. It will cause all the questions to show at one time to both teacher and students, the loading spinner is present and spinning ALL the time, plus other problems. Changing themes fixes all the problems though. I have tried Clean and evolve-D so far with good results.

    I also tried it out in Moodle 2.9. It seems to work as is, and only needs one minor update to line 55 of mod_form.php file to get rid of the only debug message. $this->standard_intro_elements(true, get_string('description'));
  • John Hoopes
    Tue, 2 June 2015, 11:59 AM
    Hi AL,

    Thank you for your feedback! I have now added the missing CSS class that made all of those things show up when they are not supposed to. I am surprised though that the Formal White theme does not include a "hidden" CSS style. there are many Moodle elements that use this CSS class for hiding elements on the page.

    Also, I added a 2.9 version, and fixed the function call.

    please feel free to open more issues on the bug tracker as you find them.
  • Davo
    Tue, 2 June 2015, 3:26 PM
    Great to see this released and thanks for adding all those features that people have been requesting in Realtime Quiz for a long time (plus lots more enhancements I wouldn't have even thought of). I'll certainly be encouraging people to consider switching to your version.
  • C'est moi :-)
    Tue, 2 June 2015, 3:41 PM
    This seems very good (not yet tested).
    Just one strange thing in this screen capture
    Answer C. 5 is selected, and marked as good, and the comment is "The correct answer is: 3" ???
  • AL Rachels
    Wed, 3 June 2015, 3:21 AM
    Hi John,
    Actually there is no need to worry about Formal White theme problems. It no longer is being maintained past the version for Moodle 2.7. I just hung on to it to finish out the school year without changing the look of my site. Right now I am just trying to find another theme to replace it with that has fixed width blocks.
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