JW Player

Media players ::: media_jwplayer
Maintained by Ruslan Kabalin, Tony Butler
JW Player is the solution for seamless video playback across browsers and media types.
Latest release:
305 sites
23 fans
Current versions available: 3

This media player plugin is bringing all power of JW Player 8 into Moodle.

Using commercial version of JW Player requires paid subscription. Free trial (non-commercial licensed) is available, which downgrades to limited functionality free edition after trial period is expired. Learn more at https://www.jwplayer.com/pricing/. Open source version of JW Player 8 is not supported yet (contributions are welcome).

Plugin installation and usage manual is available here.

For more details on supported formats see reference page on JW Player website.

Please use plugin repository bug tracker for reporting issues.

Please refer to version history if you need JW Player 7 (out of support). Notice, JW Player 8 releases of this plugin (8-0.1 onwards) are not compatible with JW Player 7, if you require JWPlayer 7 please use 7-0.5.

Potential privacy issues

JW Player is gathering player usage statistics, that will be available for you to view in your account page on JW Player website.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1


Ruslan Kabalin (Lead maintainer)
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  • Plugins bot
    Tue, 11 July 2017, 6:50 PM
    Approval issue created: CONTRIB-6974
  • Mr. Marc
    Sat, 5 May 2018, 2:47 AM
    How would i format the URL to play
  • Mr. Marc
    Mon, 7 May 2018, 10:34 PM
    I have a working moodle 2.62 with media filters Streaming, media filter (RTMP)turned on working accessing files to stream from Red5 server and allows files to be streamed from the red 5 server URL../oflaDemo/streams/ and any sub-directory i create, for the past 4 years. But when i have upgraded to moodle 3.2 with JW Player media_jwplayer enabled and player and files downloaded, installed and working but now it only allows files to be played from the red 5 server URL../oflaDemo directory and not anything under that point, it act like it isnt seeing anything past that point. Nothing has be changed on the Red5 server and it still works with the moodle 2.6.2 server.
  • Ruslan Kabalin
    Tue, 8 May 2018, 6:11 AM
    @Mr. Mark, you link requires stream prefix to work, e.g. rtmp://red5.iowacentral.edu/oflaDemo/mp4:autovideos/WasteSparkCoilTesting.mp4
  • 文勇 马
    Sun, 17 Feb 2019, 11:55 PM
    I have downloaded a JW player7 .And also unzip in the right directory.But when I setup the plugin for choosing self-hosted mode,it tells me No JW Player found in model. So why ?Who can tell me? Thank you!
  • Ruslan Kabalin
    Tue, 19 Feb 2019, 6:18 PM
    Hi 文勇 马, make sure you unpacked to correct location (./media/player/jwplayer/jwplayer directory). Check that this directory contains jwplayer.js file and also make sure you are using version 7 and not 8. Hope this helps.
  • Kim Kargaard
    Wed, 26 June 2019, 3:04 PM
    Hi, is there a version of JW Player coming for Moodle 3.7+?
  • Ruslan Kabalin
    Wed, 26 June 2019, 5:17 PM
    Latest version should work for 3.7 with no issues. If I have a chance, I will bump version to make it look compatible (there are lots of pending contributions as well). It will still be JW7, JW8 not supported yet (see ticket on the plugin repo tracker explaining the changes).
  • Michelle Jay
    Fri, 27 Sept 2019, 2:46 AM
    Thank you for a great plugin! Is it possible to add the slow motion feature to the video player controls using this plugin?
  • Ruslan Kabalin
    Fri, 27 Sept 2019, 4:03 AM
    Hi Michele, yes API allows that functionality, but this feature is not implemented in this plugin. Feel free to submit request on plugin issue tracker.
  • Hillel Rudolph
    Sun, 16 Feb 2020, 7:38 PM
    Does the moodle plugin allow for access to the player libraries on one's JW player account? Thanks
  • Ruslan Kabalin
    Wed, 19 Feb 2020, 7:17 AM
    Hi Hillel, yes, when you select "cloud hosting mode" it is using libraries from JWPlayer CDN. But if you talk about JWPlayer feature when you configure the player layout and settings in your account and use anywhere - this is not supported.
  • Michelle Jay
    Fri, 25 Sept 2020, 3:07 AM
    Hello - I just received notification the JW Player is depreciating version 7 on October 15, 2020. Will this plugin no longer work in cloud-hosted mode? I'm not sure where to download the JW Player zip for self-hosted mode because our license key is outdated.
  • Ruslan Kabalin
    Fri, 25 Sept 2020, 4:45 AM
    Hello Michelle, I don't know if plugin will be available in cloud hosted mode. The latest 7.x source code is still available at JWPlayer official repository, but it needs to be built before you will be able to use it locally: https://github.com/jwplayer/jwplayer/releases/tag/v7.12.10
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