Moodle Plugins directory: CSV Enrolls & Groups plugin |
CSV Enrolls & Groups plugin
The CSV Enrolls & Groups plugin allows you to import user enrollments for a course from an uploaded delimited text file. It is contributed by Fred Woolard.
Enrollments are made with the manual enrol plugin and using a selectable role. The plugin can optionally create course groups and assign the new enrollees to those groups.
Each of the users listed in the input file must have an existing Moodle user account; new Moodle user accounts will not be created.
This plugin was originally (Moodle 1.9) a refactor of the mass_enroll course admin mod done by Patrick Pollet and Valery Fremaux, using the standard groups course import plugin as a template. The current Moodle 2.x revision is again a refactor, but as a local plugin (placed into the local/ directory off the Moodle root), and accessed from the course administration menu under the 'Users' node.
Besides being able to create groups, you can select from existing groups and override the data file's group designation.
Form to import CSV is not visible
We are having a problem with ÆØÅæøåëöüáó if these chars are in the CSV file it doesnt put the users in the group.
We have tried to save the file as CSV UTF-8 without BOM and Wth Bom even in ANCI and nothing works.
Do you have an work around?
When I select import enrolls. Then it shows HTML error 500 my site is currently unable to handle this request
We have also the same problem with Moodle 4.2, but I think it's probably the change of php 8 version the origin.
With debug mod, I have this message : " Fatal error: Unparenthesized `a ? b : c ? d : e` is not supported. Use either `(a ? b : c) ? d : e` or `a ? b : (c ? d : e)` in /var/www/html/moodle42/moodle/local/userenrols/import_form.php on line 158 "
I had the good syntaxe with parenthesis on this file and now the plugin works well !
This would allow administrators to define default values for choices. For exemple, using idnumber (better than username). This would ease usage by teachers, avoiding errors (and needing to change values in selectors).
Will you be updating the version support to 4.3? We will be upgrading from 4.1 to 4.3 end of June and our hosting provider (OpenLMS) would prefer us only to run supported version of plugins.