Static Pages

General plugins (Local) ::: local_staticpage
Maintained by Logo "Moodle an Hochschulen e.V."Moodle an Hochschulen e.V., Alexander Bias
Moodle plugin which displays static information pages which exist outside any course, imprint or faq pages for example, complete with Moodle navigation and theme
Latest release:
4495 sites
217 fans
Current versions available: 22

We have seen Moodle installations where there was a need for displaying static information like an imprint, a faq or a contact page and this information couldn't be added everything to the frontpage. As Moodle doesn't have a "page" concept, admins started to create courses, place their information within these courses, open guest access to the course and link to this course from HTML blocks or the custom menu.

We thought that this course overhead doesn't make sense, so we created this plugin. It is designed to deliver static HTML documents, enriched with Moodle layout and navigation as a standard Moodle page which exist outside any course. Static pages will be available on catchy URLs like and can be linked from Moodle HTML blocks, from your Moodle theme footer and so on.

Using this plugin, you can create information pages within moodle, but without misusing a whole course just for showing a textbox. It is not meant as a fully featured content management solution, especially as you have to work with raw HTML, but it is quite handy for experienced admins for creating some few static pages within Moodle.

Please see README file for details about the usage and features of this plugin.

No support in the comments section on this page

Please note that we don't provide any support for this plugin in the comments section on this page.

We appreciate your commendation and reviews for this plugin in the comments. For bug reports and support requests, please read the extensive information in the plugin's README file first and create, if needed, a ticket in the bug tracker which is linked below.

Thanks for your cooperation.


Screenshot #0


Logo "Moodle an Hochschulen e.V."
Moodle an Hochschulen e.V. (Lead maintainer): Maintainer
Alexander Bias: Maintainer
Ulm University: Initial Maintainer
Kathrin Osswald: Former Developer
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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Vis kommentarer
  • Raj Awasthi
    må., 13 jan. 2020, 01:41
    Thank for sharing information
  • Héctor Lizarraga
    må., 30 mars 2020, 10:26
    Thanks for this plugin, it's fantastic! Now I can serve static content on my moodle site.
    How can I add images to the static pages? I have tried what Darrel Tenter suggested about seven years ago! but with no success. Please help
  • Sreejith M
    fr., 24 apr. 2020, 19:25
    @decalaveras deesqueletos ,Héctor Lizarraga
    You may choose NO here in settings>> Clean HTML code

  • Balazs DaVinci
    ty., 16 juni 2020, 15:51
    Hello Static Pages developer team,
    I would like to use Static Pages to create a Contact Form page.
    For creating the contact form I use 2 plugins, the Contact Form (local_contact) and the FilterCodes (filter_filtercodes) plugins.
    The created contact form works when it is added as page activity within a Moodle course.
    But it doens't work when I add it as a HTML page within Static Pages.
    What could be the issue?

    Thanks a lot for the tips.
  • Arief Arfiansyah
    to., 30 juli 2020, 19:52
    Hello Developer team,
    Is it possible to create require login on specific custom static pages ?
  • A Coloradian who was sucked into facebook against his wishes
    må., 14 sep. 2020, 03:22
    I am having the exact same issue as Balazs DaVinci.
    I would like to use Static Pages to create a Contact Form page.
    For creating the contact form I use 2 plugins, the Contact Form (local_contact) and the FilterCodes
    The created contact form works when it is added as page activity within a Moodle course.
    But it doens't work when I add it as a HTML page within Static Pages.
  • Matteo Benedetti
    to., 3 des. 2020, 22:27
    Hello i have the issue with the plugin after uploading the html file of the page i get this error :

    " The following document file was found:

    From the document file's filename, Moodle derived the following pagename:

    The static page should be available to at the following clean URL, but actually a browser won't be able to download and view it due to a non-2xx HTTP status code (perhaps there is something wrong with your webserver or mod_rewrite configuration - see README file for details):
    Not available - Non-2xx "

    I have tried to add the htaccess code as said in the but it still don't work.
  • Leslie Huang
    ty., 15 des. 2020, 03:29
    Hi! I am trying to understand this plugin better: where are the html files actually stored, or how to specify the location to store those html files for the static pages?
    Thanks a lot!
  • Ebenezer Bobson
    to., 19 aug. 2021, 20:37
    Hi, am new to this. Could anyone help me set this right please? "The static page should be available to at the following clean URL, but actually a browser won't be able to download and view it due to a non-2xx HTTP status code (perhaps there is something wrong with your webserver or mod_rewrite configuration - see README file for details):
    Not available - Non-2xx"

    I created a word document with text and images and saved it as .htm and uploaded it into Static Pages document. All other settings were as recommended. However, this is the error. How do I correct this?
  • MIster x
    må., 13 sep. 2021, 03:35
    i finally got the solution (clean URL )
    1 - log in to your cpanel >>filemanager>> 2- type in the search box ".htaccess"
    3 - dont forget to show hiden files from settings gear in top right
    4- many result appears : choose the one that contain public_html
    5- entre where the file is & select it & edit it
    6- add the code in buttom
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule ^static/(.*)\.html$ /local/staticpage/view.php?page=$1&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
    and that is it
    this worked for me centos
    hope this help someone
  • Samit Puri
    on., 15 juni 2022, 10:23
    When can we get this plugin for moodle V4 ? Any idea?
  • Minh Pham
    fr., 9 sep. 2022, 17:34
    regarding the htaccess, mine is a little bit different from the doc on github:

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule ^static/(.*)\.html$ local/staticpage/view.php?page=$1&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]

    Notice the missing slash before local/staticpage
  • seaghan moriarty
    to., 16 feb. 2023, 22:19
    Hi Alexander & team,

    To help people who are considering upgrading to the Long Term Moodle version 4.1

    Can you share if you have either plans or a timeline yet for this wonderful plugin to suit Moodle 4.1?

    Thank you for all your work
  • Igor Makigi
    ty., 29 aug. 2023, 04:24
    Hello, i have problem with blocks on static pages. When i put block on any static page,i have three, block appears on all of them, when hide on one of them again isnt visible on all pages. What could be the problem? Thank you in advance.
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