Profile field based cohort membership

General plugins (Local) ::: local_profilecohort
Maintained by Logo "Moodle an Hochschulen e.V."Moodle an Hochschulen e.V., Alexander Bias
Moodle plugin which lets admins manage cohort memberships based on users' custom profile fields
Latest release:
2050 sites
102 fans
Current versions available: 14

Moodle core provides a mechanim to manually fill cohorts with users (on Site administration -> Users -> Accounts -> Cohorts). This is fine for small Moodle installations where the cohort members don't change too often and where the Moodle admin has plenty of time to update the cohorts.

Now, larger or fragmented Moodle installations may have the need to manage a large number of cohorts which have a large amount of members and which may also change quite often. Managing cohorts by hand in such scenarios is simply unprofessional overkill - even / particularly if you distribute the work among multiple Moodle admins.

On the other hand these large or fragmented Moodle installations might already have some custom user profile fields which can be leveraged to decide which cohort(s) a user should be a member of. This plugin implements a simple solution to manage cohort memberships based on a users' custom profile field.

Please see README file for details about the usage and features of this plugin.

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Please note that we don't provide any support for this plugin in the comments section on this page.

We appreciate your commendation and reviews for this plugin in the comments. For bug reports and support requests, please read the extensive information in the plugin's README file first and create, if needed, a ticket in the bug tracker which is linked below.

Thanks for your cooperation.


Screenshot #0


Logo "Moodle an Hochschulen e.V."
Moodle an Hochschulen e.V. (Lead maintainer): Maintainer
Alexander Bias: Maintainer
Ulm University: Initial Maintainer
Davo Smith: Initial developer
Kathrin Osswald: Former Developer
Luca Bösch: Contributor
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  • Timothy Johnson
    Par, 26 Mahu 2019, 5:16 PM
    Allowing the user to skip the enrol page is great. It would be nice to have the option to specify a cohort to allow to Auto-Enrol.
  • Dianne Volek
    Hin, 10 Here 2020, 4:53 AM
    This looks exactly the functionality I need - I do have a custom profile field I can use. I am on Moodle V3.9 - do you think it will work on that version?
  • Ricardo Caiado
    Tū, 18 Here 2020, 4:45 AM
    Is it compatible with 3.9+ version of Moodle?
  • Leo Führinger
    Tū, 10 Rangi 2020, 11:54 PM
  • Raymond C
    Mer, 5 Hui 2021, 2:26 AM
    This plugin is made of unicorns and rainbows. Thank you so much for your work here.
  • José Luis Ortiz Vázquez
    Tū, 4 Hara 2021, 3:50 AM
    I would like to know if I can manage more than 500 cohorts with this plugin?
  • mikaël rocton
    Hin, 14 Pipi 2021, 5:50 PM
    to work with ldap_syncplus plugin just add in "locallib.php"
    after line 39 : require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/auth/ldap_syncplus/auth.php');
    between $this->errorlogtag = '[AUTH LDAP] ';
    and } else {
    return false;
    just add :
    } else if (is_enabled_auth('ldap_syncplus')) {
    $this->authtype = 'ldap_syncplus';
    $this->roleauth = 'auth_ldap';
    $this->errorlogtag = '[AUTH LDAP SYNCPLUS] ';

    i think it would be interressent to make the change directly in the next release
  • Simon Davies
    Par, 17 Pipi 2021, 8:16 PM
    Hi guys - just discovered that this only works with custom profile fields - but not custom conditional profile fields I would imagine that the filter that presents the fields for selection doesn't include these, so it might be a quick task to extend the functionality? Any thoughts on that? Thanks
  • A K
    Hin, 29 Rangi 2021, 9:50 PM
    Is there a way to use this plugin based on standard Moodle fields (Country, City/town, Institution, Department) as well? As far as I understand, it only works for custom user profile fields.
  • John Anderson
    Tū, 21 Pipi 2022, 9:18 PM
    Hi all, @Simon Davies - I too found that 'custom conditional profile fields' does not work/show as options. I want to add I think it would really useful to have these plugins work together. Thanks for this great plugin.
  • Kim Solis
    Apa, 31 Here 2022, 2:18 AM
    I have an urgent problem that I hope someone can help me with. I love this plugin. I just spent days setting up all the rules so that students are automatically added to cohorts and then those cohorts are enroled in classes. But here's my problem. If a student doesn't keep up with their work in the class, the teacher can un-enrol them from that specific class. However, since they are part of a cohort, they can not be unenroled from a class, without having to unenrol them from the cohort, which then kicks them out of all their classes. Is there a way around this? Is there something I can do to be able to manage their course enrolment manually even though they were enrolled as part of a cohort? I guess my question isn't really about forming the cohort from their profile field, but rather enroling by cohort into a class.
  • Ben Girard
    Tū, 22 Rangi 2022, 9:12 PM
    This is truly an amazing plugin... it does exactly what we need. Does anyone know if there is a hard limit on how many cohorts/rules this plugin can manage? Due to the nature of our structure, we might easily end up with 720 rules to manage 360 cohorts, is that going to be a problem?
  • Ben Girard
    Apa, 5 Pae 2023, 12:14 AM
    It seems this plugin can only have 1 set of rules for 1 cohort. I'm trying to manage multiple cohorts with their own set of rules, is that possible? It looks like only 1 set of rules can manage multiple cohorts, but I need multiple set of rules...
  • David Delcò
    Hor, 24 Hui 2024, 5:59 AM
    The plugin is certainly very interesting and for me solves quite a bit of work. Unfortunately, since I have multiple criteria by which I have to place users in different cohorts, the current layout seem to be inefficient and also heavy. Would it be possible to improve the interface for creating rules, for example through the use of radio buttons or check buttons and AND/OR selectors?
    Another interesting feature would be the possibility to handle exceptions, or better yet, manually add users to a group, even if it does not match the default automatic criteria.
    In any case thank a lot for this plugin.
  • Andrea Briganti
    Apa, 12 Pipi 2024, 5:23 PM
    Hello, we are using this plugin and we are very happy about it. I would like to suggest the following 2 improvements:

    1) ameliorate the look and feel and apply the AND/OR logic
    2) give the possibility to select the enrolment date

    thank you
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