Plugins fetcher

General plugins (Local) ::: local_pluginsfetcher
Maintained by Adrian Perez Rodriguez, FFHS (Fernfachhochschule Schweiz), Sascha Vogel, Christoph Karlen
This plugin retrieves information about installed plugins.
Latest release:
31 sites
6 fans
Current versions available: 6

Moodle plugins Fetcher Plugin Build Status Coverage Status

This plugin install a new webservice local_pluginsfetcher_get_information which can be use to retrieve information about installed plugins.

Important information:

Please uninstall the actual plugin and reinstall with the newest version. Before the pre-build webservice could be used by default from All users if the user had the moodle/webservice:createtoken capability.

Main features

There are two optional parameters which can be combined to fetch only given data:

key value description
type string Only given plugin types will be fetched
contribonly int Only additional plugins will be fetched


  1. Copy this plugin to the local directory of your Moodle instance: git clone local/pluginsfetcher
  2. Visit the notifications page to complete the install process

For more information, visit MoodleDocs for installing contributed modules and plugins.


  1. Enable the pre-built service under Site administration / Server / Web services / External services with click on Edit
  2. Add the user to be used under Authorised users
  3. Create a token for this service Plugins fetcher and user under Site administration / Server / Web services / Manage tokens. It's important that the user has the capability moodle/site:config.


Use e.g. Postman, CURL or simply a Browser to call https://[yourmoodle]/webservice/rest/server.php?wstoken=[yourtoken]&wsfunction=local_pluginsfetcher_get_information&moodlewsrestformat=json and get a json list of your plugins.


Screenshot #0


Adrian Perez Rodriguez (Lead maintainer)
FFHS (Fernfachhochschule Schweiz)
Christoph Karlen
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Plugins bot
    Fri, Oct 11, 2019, 2:30 AM
    Approval issue created: CONTRIB-7868
  • Alejandro Ríos
    Thu, May 19, 2022, 3:14 AM
    How do I get the screenshot that's displayed here? I have already installed the plugin, enabled external services, created the token and so on so forth. How do I generate the file?
  • Sascha Vogel
    Thu, May 19, 2022, 2:33 PM
    Hi @Alejandro Ríos
    You should see a new web service "local_pluginsfetcher_get_information" under https://[yourmoodle]/admin/webservice/documentation.php.
    You can use e.g. Postman, CURL or simply a Browser to call https://[yourmoodle]/webservice/rest/server.php?wstoken=[yourtoken]&wsfunction=local_pluginsfetcher_get_information&moodlewsrestformat=json and get a json list of your plugins.
    We use that for get an overview of plugins and versions on all our moodle platforms.
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