moofactory Notifications

General plugins (Local) ::: local_moofactory_notification
Maintained by LMS Factory
moofactory-Notifications is a plugin that allows to send customized and personalized e-mails for course registrations, reminders for calendar events or non-connection.
Latest release:
354 sites
19 fans
Current versions available: 3

Invitations, reminders and notifications are essential elements in strengthening learner engagement.

moofactory-Notifications enable administrator on moodle to:

• Create as many message templates as needed. HTML messages that can include text, merge fields, images.

• Activate, in a simple way, on the platform:

o    Course registration notifications

o    Class event notifications

o    Non-connection reminders

Recall times can be set for each of these cases (up to 3 reminders).


Moofactory-Notifications also allows trainers, on course level, to:

• Decide whether or not to activate the notifications set by the administrator

• Vary the time frames and the number of recalls

These settings can also be managed more precisely on the activity level.


The administrator defines the general rules governing notifications in the platform, and the trainer decides whether to use these general rules or to apply his/her own.

This way, with the moofactory-Notifications plugin, both are able to easily set up customizable messages, on both the substance and the form.

Ease, efficiency and aesthetics are eventually combined to serve the notifications management.


rappels pour les événements du calendrier ou la non-connexion.


Les invitations, les rappels et les notifications sont des éléments essentiels pour renforcer l’engagement des apprenants.

moofactory-Notifications permet aux administrateurs sur moodle de :

·         Créer autant de templates de message que nécessaire. Des messages au format HTML pouvant inclure du texte, des champs de fusion, des images.

·         Activer, de façon simple, au niveau de la plateforme :

o    Les notifications d’inscription à un cours

o    Les notifications d’évènements de cours

o    Les rappels de non-connexion

Recall times can be set for each of these cases (up to 3 reminders).

Pour chacun de ces cas, les délais de rappel peuvent être précisés dans l’interface du plugin (jusqu’à 3 rappels possibles).


moofactory-Notifications permet également aux formateurs de :

·         Décider d’activer ou non les notifications proposées par l’administrateur

·         Faire varier les délais et le nombre de rappels

Ces paramètres sont également gérables au niveau de chaque activité.

L’administrateur définit les règles générales régissant les notifications dans la plateforme, et le formateur décide d’utiliser ces règles générales ou d’appliquer les siennes.

C’est ainsi qu’avec le plugin moofactory-Notifications, l’un comme l’autre, sont en mesure de mettre facilement en place des messages personnalisables tant sur le fond que sur la forme.

Facilité, efficacité et esthétisme sont enfin réunis pour servir la gestion des notifications.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2


LMS Factory (Lead maintainer)
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  • Fabian Gutierrez
    Sat, Oct 22, 2022, 1:49 AM
    Hi again Bruno.

    Problem was on sending emails configs, so after check it and config it correctly, plugin works.
    Thx a lot!
  • aziz vefa
    Mon, Jan 16, 2023, 2:30 AM
    Hi. I would like to send a notification regarding the last access course. If a student didn't access the course for a long time, he/she should receive a notification. I installed and tried to make the settings but I see a few lines under each course description on the homepage.
    Enrolments to the course: No
    Non-access to the course: No

    Would you please guide me with the correct settings? Thank you.
  • LMS Factory
    Mon, Jan 16, 2023, 3:45 PM
    first off all you need to go to site admin plugin local plugin et setup the plugin to allow teacher to send notifications through they courses

    Secondly you go in course setting and in the section "notifications you'll find the way to set up notification for non acces to the courses

    Best regards
  • Leslie Foster
    Thu, Jan 19, 2023, 7:53 PM
    Very interested in this plugin. In the screenshot it shows an email being sent for an enrolment. It looks like Outlook. My interest is in the ability to send all username, url and password automatically. It look s like username and url are catered for by the plugin, but not password. How would you automatically send the password to a user?
  • Leslie Foster
    Thu, Jan 19, 2023, 8:23 PM
    How would I add an additional merge field to a notification? e.g. an additional user profile field or a custom user profile field? Would it just work with the filtercodes plugin?
  • Nadine Tilar
    Thu, Feb 9, 2023, 9:20 PM
    Hi, I installed the plugin but the options are in French, or this is the default setting?
  • LMS Factory
    Thu, Feb 9, 2023, 9:52 PM
    the plugin is natively transleted in French and English
    If you dont use these langage package, the french will be by default
    It has been also translated in different langage
    Would you tell me in wich langage is your LMS ?
  • Nadine Tilar
    Tue, Feb 14, 2023, 12:20 AM
    Hi, Thank you for your reply, so our LMS is in English, so the plugin has english details but the drop-down for selecting the settings is in French.
  • Manuel Moreno Benitez
    Thu, Mar 16, 2023, 5:48 PM
    After installing the plugin, the access screen shows the following in each course:
    Enrollments to this course: No
    Notification used: INSCRIPCION CURSO
    Non-access to this course: No
    Notification used: Non accès aux cours par défaut
    Events link to this course: No
    Take into account access restrictions to activities: No
    Ignore "date" type restrictions: No
    Ignore "group" type restrictions: No
    Notification used: Evènement de cours par défau
    How to correct this incident?
    Wed, Jul 12, 2023, 11:52 AM
    When installing the plugin and managing it, it shows me the following error, could you help me
    I have moodle 4.2

    Excepción - Undefined constant "id"
    Error code: generalexceptionmessage
    line 42 of \local\moofactory_notification\managenotif.php: Error thrown
  • Giuseppe Secco
    Mon, Jul 24, 2023, 5:15 PM
    I tried to set the courseaccess function on an already started course, but the plugin also sent a notification to all those who had already finished the course.
    Doesn't that automatically exclude them?
  • Julien Garrigue
    Mon, Nov 6, 2023, 5:31 PM
    Hello !
    Could you please make it compatible for Moodle 4.2 and 4.3 ?

    When I try to go to Notifications management, I'm facing an error message :

    Exception : Undefined constant "id"

    Plus d'informations sur cette erreur
    Info de débogage
    Error code: generalexceptionmessage
    Trace de la pile

    line 42 of /local/moofactory_notification/managenotif.php: Error thrown

    Screenshot here :
    Thu, Nov 23, 2023, 12:57 AM
    I notice that if you activate the enrolment notification, the plugin modifies the response of the enrol_manual_enrol_users API. I think this is not a good idea considering that function is a standard Moodle API.
    Is there a valid reason why this change is being made?
    I use Moodle 4.1 and the latest release of plugin.
    Thank you!
  • Eurecat Academy
    Mon, Aug 19, 2024, 5:46 PM

    Thank you for the plugin; it is really useful.

    Could you please let me know if it is possible to send a notification X minutes before an event? I have seen that it is possible to send notifications a certain number of days or hours before, but not minutes. For example, when I set it to 0.5 hours before, students receive the notification just as the activity is due.

    Thank you!
  • LMS Factory
    Mon, Aug 19, 2024, 9:30 PM
    I'm really sorry, but no. The smallest spread is 1 hours , you cant specify minuts
    Best regards
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