Moodle eMail Test

General plugins (Local) ::: local_mailtest
Maintained by Michael Milette
Moodle eMailTest is a powerful tool that enables administrators to test Moodle’s email system with ease. With this plugin, you can rest assured that your emails will be delivered without any hiccups. In case of any issues, a trace of the SMTP dialogue will be displayed. The plugin will also attempt to diagnose the issue and help you identify and resolve the problem quickly.
Latest release:
10629 sites
132 fans
Current versions available: 1

The Moodle eMailTest plugin is a tool that enables administrators to easily test Moodle's mail system. A trace of the SMTP dialogue will be displayed if the email message cannot be sent for any reason. Version 3.x+ comes with a new diagnostic feature that helps you narrow down the issue and offers potential solutions. This feature makes it easier than ever to identify and resolve any problems with your email system.

Please note that once you’ve sent a test email, you’ll need to check your inbox to confirm that the message was delivered successfully. While this plugin won’t do that for you, it will provide troubleshooting suggestions if the email doesn’t make it to your inbox.

Potential privacy issues

Note that the email sent to the recipient contains details about the administrator and the site including account username, web browser, IP address, Moodle version and preferred language.


Screenshot #0
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Screenshot #5


Michael Milette (Lead maintainer)
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  • Ricardo Caiado
    Tue, 18 Aug 2020, 4:43 AM
    Is it compatible with 3.9+ version of Moodle?
  • srinivas a
    Thu, 24 Sept 2020, 7:40 PM
    got the following success message while sending php sendmail , but mail not recieved

    Logging is not available when using PHP mail() function. However, may find logs on your server. Most common locations on Linux include:

    Alernatively, a custom location may be specified using the mail.log setting in php.ini.

    The Moodle test message was successfully accepted by PHP Mail.

    From :
    To :

    plz guide anyone . using moodle latest 3.9

  • Madison Wilson
    Tue, 20 July 2021, 2:08 PM
    Hope someone can help, Is it compatible with 3.9+ version of Moodle?

  • Michael Milette
    Wed, 21 July 2021, 1:07 AM
    Ricardo and Madison - As indicated at the top of this plugin's page, it is compatible with Moodle 2.5 to 3.11.
  • Michael Milette
    Wed, 21 July 2021, 1:12 AM
    Rrinivas a - You either need need to set-up the SMTP settings in Moodle or in your server. For more help, please use the Discussion link on the plugin page and post any further questions you might have in the discussion forum.
  • Michael Milette
    Tue, 26 Apr 2022, 7:07 PM
    Great news! eMailTest for Moodle has now been tested and approved for use with Moodle 2.5 to 4.0.

    What's New

    - Detects and reports the log location if mail.log is set in php.ini.
    - Detects if email diverting is enabled.
    - Detects if email/messaging is disabled by way of $CFG->noemailever.
    - Compatible with PHP 5.6 to 7.4.

    Hope you find it useful.

    Michael Milette
  • ct tang
    Sat, 5 Nov 2022, 7:54 PM
    when use with sendgrid, there is a need to do domain authentication in sendgrid and create a verified email account - otherwise eMailTest will fail
  • Michael Milette
    Wed, 9 Nov 2022, 9:05 PM
    Hi ct tang,

    Thanks for sharing this useful tip with the Moodle community. Hope it will help others who use SendGrid.
  • Jon Johnson
    Wed, 14 June 2023, 8:54 AM
    I am trying to setup Moodle so as when a student replies via email in a forum or quiz that Reply to is the students profile email address within Moodle.

    Currently it is using the no-reply address.

    I have setup allowed domains for those email domains our students use and all our students have allow participants of course to see email set.

    However when they send an email as mentioned the reply to address is the no-reply one.

    When I use the Site administration -> Server -> Email -> eMail Test (This plugin)

    The reply to address is the one in the user profile of the sender, the result I want.

    However, when I use the Site administration -> Server -> Email -> Outgoing mail configuration
    Test outgoing mail configuration

    The reply to address is the noreply address, NOT the result I want.
    (And this is what happens when a student sends an email from a Forum or Quiz.)

    Have you got any insights that may help.
  • Michael Milette
    Fri, 20 Oct 2023, 11:38 PM
    eMailTest 3.0 has arrived! This latest release includes a new diagnostic feature that tries to identify the cause of connectivity and authentication issues and offer some solutions. This release is also compatible with Moodle 4.3.

    Hope you find it useful.

    Best wishes to you all!

    Michael Milette
  • I Made Suwancita
    Mon, 23 Oct 2023, 11:11 AM
    I can't install this, it says: tool_installaddon/installing_non_installable_component

    There is a request to install plugin Moodle eMail Test (local_mailtest) version 2023102000 from the Moodle plugins directory on this site. However, the plugin installation pre-check failed (reason code: remoteunavailable).
  • Michael Milette
    Mon, 23 Oct 2023, 12:30 PM
    Hello I, I am looking into the issue. First time I experienced this too.
  • Michael Milette
    Mon, 23 Oct 2023, 2:52 PM
    Hello I,

    I suspect this might be an issue with the site. This seems to only affect you if you try to install the plugin directly using the Install button on

    What does work? Download the plugin first and then upload (or drag and drop) it to the Install Plugins page, it installs just fine. Hopefully the Moodle HQ devs will be able to address the issue later today.

    Best regards,

  • Michael Milette
    Mon, 23 Oct 2023, 4:24 PM
    The issue has been resolved. You should be able to install the plugin from within Moodle now. Big thanks to the Moodle HQ team for quickly fixing the issue!
  • AL Rachels
    Sat, 20 July 2024, 1:38 AM
    Was just trying to use this plugin on latest Moodle 4.4.1+ when the index.php file gave me two debug messages regarding deprecated strings,'from' and 'to'. In my Moodle I changed them to 'fromsender' and 'torecipient' and the plugin then worked without further debug messages.
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