Badge Ladder

General plugins (Local) ::: local_bs_badge_ladder
Maintained by Matthias Berlin (Schwabe)
Part of set Badges.
This plugin provides leaderboards for awarded badges.
Latest release:
94 sites
22 fans
Current versions available: 4

This plugin provides two leaderboards for awarded badges. The first leaderboard shows the available badges sorted by the number of users owning this badge. The second one shows all users sorted by the number of badges owned by them.

There is one badge ladder for site badges and one for course badges which can be enabled for every course separately. For each badge ladder you can enable an anonymous mode to hide the names of users.

Moodle 2.9+ and badges enabled.

The zip-archive includes the same directory hierarchy as moodle.
So you only have to copy the files to the correspondent place.
Copy the folder bs_badge_ladder to moodle/local/bs_badge_ladder.
The langfiles normaly can be left into the folder moodle/local/bs_badge_ladder/lang.
All languages should be encoded with utf8.

After it you have to run the admin-page of moodle (http://your-moodle-site/admin)
in your browser. You have to loged in as admin before.
The installation process will be displayed on the screen.
That's all.

You can setup the plugin by going to Site administration --> Plugins --> Local plugins --> Badge Ladder.

Version control
1.3 (2018072500)
- Added support for privacy API

1.2.1 (2018031701)
- Fixed navigation issue regarding boost based themes

1.2 (2018031700)
- Fixed ladder sorting
- Added per page option
- Some small fixes

1.1 (2015120400)
- Fixed error message when no badge is available in a course

1.0 (2015102400)
- first release


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4
Screenshot #5


Matthias Berlin (Schwabe) (Lead maintainer)
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • David Mudrák
    Thu, 26 Nov 2015, 7:06 AM

    Thanks Matthias for sharing this plugin with the community. I found it quite useful reporting tool for courses and sites using badges extensively. Well done! While testing the functionality and reviewing the code, couple of issues were detected that should be fixed in a future version of the plugin. I reported them into your issues tracker. Still this seems to be safe enough to be approved. You are cleared to land, welcome to the Plugins directory!

  • Ricardo Caiado
    Wed, 20 Jan 2016, 8:43 PM

    Does it work with version 3.0?
  • Matthias Berlin (Schwabe)
    Fri, 22 Jan 2016, 7:52 PM
    Hi Ricardo,

    I just tested the plugin in the latest Moodle 3.0.2 and it seems to work fine.
  • Murphy Wong
    Mon, 25 Jan 2016, 2:38 PM
    I've got an error message from the plugin on my Moodle 292: Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in /moodle292/local/bs_badge_ladder/lib.php on line 55. Do you know why?
  • Gilberto Reyna
    Mon, 25 July 2016, 2:59 AM
    The plugin seems nice to motivate students to earn more badges but I find that it maybe kinda troublesome for young students to navigate it, so it would be nice if some options could be added like:
    1.- Sort the ladder by ammount of badges earned.
    2.- An option to show more than 20 students per page only, like a "show all" option.
  • Matthias Berlin (Schwabe)
    Sun, 18 Mar 2018, 10:08 PM
    There is now an updated version of this plugin available for the latest versions of Moodle.
    Sorry for waiting so long, but there wasn´t much time in the last two years. I will try to update my plugins consistently from now on.

    @Gilberto Reyna: Thanks for your suggestions! Sorting was fixed and I added a per page option.
  • Hendy Irawan
    Wed, 22 Aug 2018, 4:43 PM
    THANK YOU VERY MUCH @Matthias Schwabe for developing this plugin!

    I'm still waiting for Telkom University's LMS admin to install this plugin, but this seems to be perfect smile

    My suggestion: Can you change the "Student ladder" instead of just showing number of badges, it also shows the badges directly (at least first N badges, then with a "Show all N badges" link) ? (or make it a configurable option)
  • Hendy Irawan
    Wed, 22 Aug 2018, 9:15 PM
    I've installed this smile

    It's great, but I have a suggestion: For "Badge ladder", instead of just number, can you also show profile photos of students? (or maybe first N students)
  • Pete Stockley
    Fri, 13 Sept 2019, 1:17 PM
    Will this plugin also display badges that have been earned 0 times?
  • Matthias Berlin (Schwabe)
    Fri, 13 Sept 2019, 3:19 PM
    Hi Pete!

    Yes, badges which have not been earned will be displayed in the ladders.

  • Raymond Frangie
    Wed, 11 Mar 2020, 12:18 PM
    When restoring a course into a new course, the Course Badge Ladder goes into a disabled state. Clicking on this link generates the following error:

    Can't find data record in database table local_badge_ladder.

    More information about this error

    Debug info: SELECT * FROM {local_badge_ladder} WHERE courseid = ?
    [array (
    0 => 8,
    Error code: invalidrecord
    Stack trace:
    line 1562 of /lib/dml/moodle_database.php: dml_missing_record_exception thrown
    line 1538 of /lib/dml/moodle_database.php: call to moodle_database->get_record_select()
    line 67 of /local/bs_badge_ladder/index.php: call to moodle_database->get_record()

    The workaround is to hack the database manually, but would appreciate this being fixed smile

  • Ricardo Caiado
    Sat, 12 Mar 2022, 11:16 PM

    Do you plan to make the version compatible with moodle 3.11 or 4.0?

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