Customfield semester trigger

Course life cycle triggers ::: lifecycletrigger_customfieldsemester
Maintained by Logo "Moodle an Hochschulen e.V."Moodle an Hochschulen e.V., Alexander Bias
Moodle trigger subplugin for the Moodle admin tool "Course Life Cycle" which triggers based on values of a custom course field of type "semester".
Latest release:
14 sites
9 fans
Current versions available: 9

Higher education institutions are offering their lectures in lecture terms and most often these lecture terms are semesters. After a semester has ended, a new one is started and most often a particular lecture is offered again, but it is run in a new Moodle course.

The third party plugin customfield_semester is a great tool to manage the semester which a particular Moodle course belongs to. And the third party plugin tool_lifecycle is a great tool to get rid of outdated Moodle courses.

This plugin connects both worlds as it allows the Moodle admin to get rid of Moodle courses after a defined amount of semesters has passed.

Please see README file for details about the usage and features of this plugin.

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Please note that we don't provide any support for this plugin in the comments section on this page.

We appreciate your commendation and reviews for this plugin in the comments. For bug reports and support requests, please read the extensive information in the plugin's README file first and create, if needed, a ticket in the bug tracker which is linked below.

Thanks for your cooperation.


Screenshot #0


Logo "Moodle an Hochschulen e.V."
Moodle an Hochschulen e.V. (Lead maintainer)
Alexander Bias: Maintainer
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