Onetopic format

Course formats ::: format_onetopic
Maintained by que bueno que sabe el café colombiano...David Herney
Course format that allows showing each topic in a tab, keeping the current tab between calls to resources, in such a way that when it returns from a module as the blog or the glossary it returns to tab from where you started. This format is based on the Moodle standard format: “Topics”.
Latest release:
8843 sites
162 fans
Current versions available: 16

Developed by: David Herney Bernal García - davidherney at gmail dot com


Powered by: BambuCo
Documentation: En - Es

In new release:


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4
Screenshot #5
Screenshot #6


que bueno que sabe el café colombiano...
David Herney (Lead maintainer)
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  • que bueno que sabe el café colombiano...
    Wed, 10 Feb 2021, 1:36 PM
    Hi César...

    You can do it directly in the database, if you have access to it. Changing the "format" field in table "mdl_course" by "onetopic"... and reset platform cache.

    Note: Not change the "site" value in the site course.

  • César Aranda
    Thu, 11 Feb 2021, 5:38 AM
    Well, David. In case I want to change the format settings as well, should I consider only the 5 fields stored in mdl_course_format_options? Or do we have to consider other details? Gracias.
  • que bueno que sabe el café colombiano...
    Thu, 11 Feb 2021, 8:58 AM
    Hola Cesar...

    The fields stored in mdl_course_format_options are the only format setting.

  • César Aranda
    Thu, 11 Feb 2021, 10:27 PM
    Gracias David.
    I have updated more than 1000 existing courses to the onetopic format via SQL and so far they look correct to me. My mistake was not saving the SQL query used.
  • Kannan Kumara
    Sat, 13 Feb 2021, 9:59 PM
    Hi David,

    Are there any plans to show progress indicators? We thought it would have been a good one if we could let the learners know which topics they have started, progressing and completed (perhaps as a traffic light system or as a percentage) in the tab heading itself so at a glance one could know which topic they need to pay more attention. Hope this makes sense.
  • Ivan Torres
    Thu, 25 Feb 2021, 3:24 AM
    Hello David Herney Bernal García, could you help me to know if the plugin store the page that user is viewed? because if i fresh the page o if i logged out and then logged in, the page redirect to the last page that user was viewed.

  • que bueno que sabe el café colombiano...
    Thu, 25 Feb 2021, 8:17 AM
    Hi Ivan..

    The format save the current page in session. If you logout it won't be saved.

  • Bruno Henrique Cury
    Tue, 13 Apr 2021, 1:09 AM
    Hello David
    Can we use it with topics collected inside each tab?
  • que bueno que sabe el café colombiano...
    Tue, 13 Apr 2021, 2:26 AM
    Hi @Bruno...

    I don't understand, What is "topics collected"?

  • Per Hessellund
    Wed, 28 Apr 2021, 3:49 PM
    I would like to remove the anchor #tabs-tree-start in the link to the tab (https://.../course/view.php?id=2235&section=10#tabs-tree-start). Is that possible?
    BR. Per
  • que bueno que sabe el café colombiano...
    Thu, 29 Apr 2021, 6:17 AM
    Hi @Per...

    You can remove it in the code, It is not controlled by configuration or other related.

  • Esther I.K
    Tue, 6 July 2021, 12:08 PM
    Hello, thanks for this great course format! Can we use this plugin in Moodle 3.11? I see the latest version is still for Moodle 3.10. Thanks.
  • Felipe González
    Wed, 14 July 2021, 10:44 PM
    Hola buen día, Estimado, consulta
    ¿Cómo puedo obtener este plugin que personaliza el CSS de un curso?
    Temas en pestañas (CSS Personalizado)
    o ¿un reemplazo para este plugin?
  • que bueno que sabe el café colombiano...
    Thu, 15 July 2021, 12:46 AM
    Hola @Felipe González...

    No conozco un componente que se llame format_onetopiccss ¿será una personalización que hicieron del format_onetopic? Revisa bien el archivo de versión a ver qué dice, de pronto ves más información al respecto.

  • Felipe González
    Thu, 15 July 2021, 3:32 AM
    Hola David, así es, es una personalizaron que me conseguí para editar el css desde "Editar ajustes/Formato de curso", es un espacio que facilita el ingreso de un css para el estilo del curso.
    ¿Conoces algún plugin que permita esta edición?
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