Grid Format

Course formats ::: format_grid
Maintained by Gareth J BarnardGareth J Barnard
A modular and visual course format. Hides all topics and creates a grid of icons (one for each topic) with short titles. Clicking on an icon brings up the content from the corresponding topic.
Latest release:
6984 sites
182 fans
Current versions available: 25

A modular and visual course format. Hides all topics and creates a grid of icons (one for each topic) with short titles. Clicking on an icon brings up the content from the corresponding topic in a "lightbox" style display.


The format comes with NO support.  Please see the 'Support' section in '' file that comes with the format.  This is because the format is complex and I regret that I don't have the time / resources to freely assist with questions pertaining to specific enhancements / changes / knowledge improvement.

I will investigate genuine bugs and issue fixes in a timescale set by myself.  When reporting issues you MUST clearly state the full version and release of both Moodle and the Grid format format as contained within their 'version.php' files - if not it takes me longer to figure out, often resulting in me asking for the details anyway and slowing the process of solving your problem down.  It really helps to upload and describe in detail the issue you are having on the 'Course formats' forum.

Screen cast:

More to follow as new icons have been added....

Privacy API support starts with V3.3.0.5 for M3.3 and V3.4.0.4 for M3.4 where the API has been implemented in the minor release of Moodle.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3


Gareth J Barnard
Gareth J Barnard (Lead maintainer): Maintainer
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  • Gorn ---
    mar, 16 set 2014, 17:02
    Hi Gareth,

    we really like your course format, but have a slight problem because of our theme.
    We have a restricted size for our pages and we're using the dock. Now when blocks are docked, the dock icons are displayed over the grid's active section once the section is called up.

    Is there any possibility to have a section always pushed to the foreground, so it will be displayed over the dock's tabs?

    Many thanks in advance.
  • Gareth J Barnard
    mar, 16 set 2014, 17:45
    Hi Gorn,

    This is a z-index issue. The Grid format uses a z-index of 1 so that contained content does not have issues (such as video) this cannot be changed. The solution I suspect will be to react to the dock being there and shrink the width of the shadebox so there is no conflict. Please post a screen shot on so I can be sure of the problem. Along with the exact version of Moodle, Grid format and theme you are using.

  • Gorn ---
    mar, 16 set 2014, 19:06
    Hi Gareth,

    I've made a new post in the forum:

    I hope the screenshot is good enough, I just didn't want to add a huge file.
  • Manish Jain
    ven, 26 set 2014, 17:48
    Hi, I need help in installation of Grid plug in,-----( Copy 'grid' to '/course/format/' if you have not already done so.) Where this folder will go???
  • Manish Jain
    ven, 26 set 2014, 18:22
    which file to put in the folder?

  • Gareth J Barnard
    ven, 26 set 2014, 20:02
    Hi Manish,

    When you download the format you get an archive file containing one folder called 'grid' this contains many files. Extract the contents of the archive such that you have the folder 'grid' and its contents. Copy that folder - 'grid' - to the '/course/format' folder of your Moodle installation such that you will then have the folder structure '/course/format/grid/' and the files for the format within it.

  • José Puente Fuentes
    mer, 15 ott 2014, 03:36
    i had installed format grid plugin in 2.6 and 2.7.
    When click on a section grid, in 2.6 a lightbox "window" is showed, but in 2.7 user is redirected to selected section.
    In edition mode, javascript and ajax buttons work fine...

    In Firebug i can see that javascript files are loaded. No errors. And javascript is enabled in browser.

    Maybe, is there any settings to enable this?

    Thanks in advance
  • Gareth J Barnard
    mer, 15 ott 2014, 03:45
    Hi José,

    That's because the M2.7 course has the layout setting as 'Show one section per page' rather than 'Show all sections on one page'. Please see:

  • José Puente Fuentes
    mer, 15 ott 2014, 03:53
    Thank you very much Gareth!
  • Guido bei der Arbeit
    ven, 17 ott 2014, 23:56
    is there a solution to popup all activities like forum etc. in the same window or another popup? otherwise it might be confusing for the user to suddenly be some where else .
  • Gareth J Barnard
    sab, 18 ott 2014, 01:16
  • Conor Bradley
    mar, 4 nov 2014, 22:26
    Fantastic plugin - really love it. Is it possible to use svg files for the images in the grid boxes? When I try this it seems to work but then I get no image in the box.
  • Gareth J Barnard
    mer, 5 nov 2014, 01:53
    Hi Conor,

    SVG files are not accepted. How did you manage to bypass: 'accepted_types' => array('gif', 'jpe', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png') on the image form?

  • Pedro Alburquerque
    lun, 24 nov 2014, 06:01
    Hi, I want limit the width of the "gridshadebox". I have added "max-width: 800px;" to the styles.css in the section "#gridshadebox_content". It works fine, but the gridshadebox isn't centered. It's placed to the left side. How can I center it?
    Thanks, and I apologize for my english.
  • Gareth J Barnard
    lun, 24 nov 2014, 06:22
    Hi Pedro,

    To be honest I do not know without spending time figuring it out, which I do not have. You could ask on the forums for help.

    Kind regards,

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