Collapsible Topics format

Course formats ::: format_collapsibletopics
Maintained by Jean-Roch Meurisse
Warning: since sections collapsing behaviour is now integrated into Moodle core, this plugin will not be maintained for Moodle 4.x The collapsible topics format is a clone of the core topics format that adds collapsing behaviour to sections in order to reduce page size.
Latest release:
989 sites
70 fans
Current versions available: 4
Warning: since sections collapsing behaviour is now integrated into Moodle core, this plugin will not be maintained for Moodle 4.x

The collapsible topics format is a clone of the core topics format that adds collapsing behaviour to sections in order to reduce page size. A plugin setting allow to retain topics collapse state on a per user basis for the current session or across sessions. This plugin is an alternative to Gareth J. Barnard's format_topcoll plugin (see references below) The purpose is to offer a simple collapsing behaviour for sections in order to reduce course home page size without all the display options that Gareth's plugin offers.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1


Jean-Roch Meurisse (Lead maintainer)
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  • Jean-Roch Meurisse
    2021年 06月 16日(水) 17:01
    Hi Fee,
    I do not have a 3.10 installed at the time. Are you experiencing issues with 3.9 version of the plugin in your Moodle 3.10?
  • Mark Desmaele
    2021年 08月 9日(月) 21:10
    The topics always display in Blue. In the stylesheet however, it is easy to change this colour! A suggestion to make the colour for the topics a parameter?
  • Jean-Roch Meurisse
    2021年 08月 12日(木) 15:10
    Hi Mark,
    For consistency, we decided to use the color used for links. Anyway, you can override that by adding a custom scss rule in administration
    .course-content ul.collapsibletopics li.section .sectionname {
    color: your-color-code;

  • Lindsay Hayward
    2021年 08月 31日(火) 23:24
    Hi Jean-Roch,

    We are testing v.3.9 of the plugin in our Moodle 3.10 development environment - because we've had some reports of students not being able to expand some topic sections within our production 3.10 environment, which uses v3.8 of the plugin.

    With v.3.9, we are finding that while in the student view, the collapse/expand all function doesn't work for all topic sections but all topic sections can be individually expanded. Reading through some of the comments, we have javascript caching enabled and are having this issue. Do you have any other ideas of what we could try with v.3.9 to improve the course format's function in 3.10.4?

  • Jean-Roch Meurisse
    2021年 09月 6日(月) 17:50
    Hi Lindsay,
    I currently do not have a 3.10 running so it's difficult for me to reproduce. Could you check the browser console for potential javascript errors when trying to "expand all" and please record the issue in the bug tracker rather than here
  • Ey Marieb
    2021年 12月 16日(木) 22:23
    Dear Community,

    Has anyone tried the plugin yet on Moodle 3.11? Is it working with no issues?
  • Christian Flury
    2022年 06月 7日(火) 17:30
    Hi, is it correct to assume that there will be no Moodle 4-version of this plugin, since the Moodle 4 standard "topics"-format is collapsible?
  • Jean-Roch Meurisse
    2022年 06月 9日(木) 21:22
    Actually, there are still two differences:
    The plugin records the topics collapse state in the browser rather than in DB and it offers an optional topic progress bar
    IMO these small differences do not justify continuing to maintain this plugin (and its companion collapsibleweeks)
  • Lucas Goujon
    2022年 06月 22日(水) 01:50
    Quick question, it looks like if I "Mark as done" an activity, the completion tracking shown on the topic is not automatically refreshed, and I need to refresh the page in order for the value to be updated.
    Is that behaviour on purpose or an issue? Running a Moodle v3.11.5+ here.
  • Jean-Roch Meurisse
    2022年 06月 29日(水) 20:38
    Thanks for reporting this
    You're right, I fixed it. You can get the fix on github (branch moodle311). I'll publish a release in the next few days.
  • Lucas Goujon
    2022年 06月 30日(木) 03:16
    Awesome! Many thanks for your work!!
  • Lucas Goujon
    2022年 07月 19日(火) 23:27
    Just tried the fix and the progress bar is properly updated now, many thanks! The "Progress: X / X" shown when the progress is disabled seems to still have the issue tho.
  • Дмитрий Курбатов
    2022年 08月 20日(土) 18:04
    When can we expect a plugin update for Moodle version 4.0?
  • P H
    2022年 12月 16日(金) 21:32
    Hello. Any plans for Moodle 4.1? Regards.
  • Jean-Roch Meurisse
    2023年 01月 5日(木) 20:46
    Since collapsible behaviour is now implemented in moodle core, I don't think it's necessary to go on maintening this plugin any more
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