Moodle Plugins directory: Scratch |

The Scratch Filter allows you to embed Scratch games into labels, forums, or web pages automatically - wherever you create a link to a .sb Scratch file that has been uploaded onto the Moodle server (either as an attachment to a forum post, or as a course file).
This not only allows you to use Scratch files as teaching aids, examples, or games but also allows students to share their own Scratch games with other students via a forum, giving and receiving feedback and learning from each other's scripts.
To install and configure:
- Unzip the Scratch plugin folder to the filters folder on your Moodle server
- Log in as administrator and visit the notifications page.
- Enable the Scratch filter (Modules > Filters > Manage Filters)
- Change the settings to enable or disable autoplay (Modules > Filters > Scratch)
- Test out the plugin by adding a link to a Scratch file in a label or creating a forum post with a Scratch file as an attachment
ScratchApplet.jar and are included with permission from the Scratch team. These files may need updating from time to time as new versions of Scratch are released. They are generally available from: and
Scratch is developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. See
Upload the file as a "File" resource. Edit the resource settings (cog) and press "Save and display" - this takes you to a page with a link to the actual file.
Copy the link to the file (not the resource), it will end in .sb
Type any text and make it a link (chain button, you might need to press show editing tools) to the .sb file that you just copied.
Optionally - hide the original file resource with the [eye] button.
That's great - worked a treat thanks!
Just struggling with Java now with it blocking due to out of date or expired version of Java. Not sure if that is with the browser plugin or Moodle itself or the Scratch program being used....
I have installed the plugin successfully and enabled the filters.
I have some scratch projects. which I want to show my students as samples.
I am trying to upload the file to the course but I keep getting file type not allowed.
Pls help.
The new version of Scratch 2.0 will not work with this 1.4 filter. Take a look at my hack here:
I want to use this plugin in moodle 4.0 is there any way or any other plugin which i can use in latest moodle?
you do not need the plugin anymore since Scratch 3.0 allows the embedding of projects into web pages.
To view and play Scratch projects on outside websites, you can embed the project with the following steps:
1. Click "copy link" in the bottom right of the project pane.
2. A dialog will appear, with two boxes and two links.
3. Click the "copy embed" link.
4. Take a text label or a text page in Moodle.
5. Paste the embed code into the HTML editor where it needs to go.
Best regards, Ralf
Is there anyway we can provide scratch in moodle to create something in moodle? and submit work maybe
But there is no presentation page as you can find on And Programming is only one part of the pedagogical Scratch concept: Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share