Poodll Filter

Filters ::: filter_poodll
Maintained by Justin Hunt
Part of set PoodLL.
Poodll is a toolbox of features for Moodle, including audio and video recording, media players for the classroom and widgets such as tabs and stopwatches. The Poodll filter is a pre-requisite plugin for the Classic Poodll plugins.

Poodll Filter 3.0.5(Build 2016081406)

Moodle 3.1
Released: 2016年 09月 12日(月曜日) 00:09
Change List
Version 3.0.5(Build 2016081406)
-Fixed bug stopping whiteboards upload

Version 3.0.4(Build 2016081405)
-fixed a bad bug which stopped non video filter strings being parsed

Version 3.0.3(Build 2016081404)
-removed a problem where non text links were filtered and replaced with players
this would almost never be the desired situation
-fix for failed uploads when not using cloud recording
-added snapshot recorder (HTML5)
-fixed html5 audio and video to show recording time

Version 3.0.2(Build 2016081403)
-added option to specify player to use in url of media file &player=xxx type appendages to media url
-removed option to use AWS SDK v3 to reduce download size
-removed libraries from js and 3rdparty mediaelement folders
-fixed a bug in submitting audio/video in assignment submission and quizzes. The save button was sometimes submitting the form.
-fixed bug where literally canvas height was not set properly

Version 3.0.1(Build 2016081402)
-fixed issue with browsers caching placeholder audio/video and not using transcoded media

Version 3.0.0(Build 2016081401)
-tweaks to support callbackjs for recorders
-preset improvements
-support for ad hoc shimming in templates
-support auto iframe resizing

Version 2.8.7(Build 2016071605)
-Added AWS SDK for PHP version 2.3 (for older php versions)
-Tweaked ad-hoc task for moving from s3
-fixed installation zip file which would not pass verification on install
-added support for @@URLPARAM:xx@@ variables in PoodLL filter templates
-altered default templates for audiojs and others

Version 2.8.6(Build 2016071604)
First release of PoodLL 3
-html5 recorders
-template based filter system

Version 2015121106
Fixed a bug that caused the whiteboard and recorders to fail to submit their media, when jquery was not present.

Version 2015121105
Fixed a bug that caused widgets(once player etc) to never evaluate registration properly, and fail to load with a registration error.
Removed erroneous message from settings that talked about a literally canvas issue that no longer exists
Made the default whiteboard literally canvas again

Version 2015121104
Fixed a bug preventing LiterallyCanvas from saving images properly in questions
Fixed bug that prevented mobile devices being detected properly

Version 2015121103
Fixed bug that affected repository and atto file inserts

Version 2015121102
Removed drawingbpard.js files that were breaking require.js

Version 2015121101
Lots of refacoring and support for Moodle 3.0

Version information

Version build number
Version release name
3.0.5(Build 2016081406)
Can be updated from
2.1 (Build 2012032200) (2012032200), 2.2 (Build 2012040800) (2012040800), 2.2 (Build 2012041500) (2012041500), 2.3 (Build 2012060500) (2012060500), 2.3.5 (Build 2012080500) (2012080500), 2.3.7 (Build 2012100100) (2012100100), 2.3.8 (Build 2012102100) (2012102100), 2.3.20 (Build 2012122000) (2012122000), 2.4.00 (Build 2013021900) (2013021900), 2.4.01 (Build 2013032200) (2013032200), 2.5.1(Build 2013051100) (2013051100), 2.5.2(Build 2013060200) (2013060200), 2.5.3(Build 2013063000) (2013063000), 2.5.3(Build 2013063000) (2013063000), 2.5.4(Build 2013072600) (2013072600), 2.5.4(Build 2013072600) (2013072600), 2.5.6(Build 2013081900) (2013081900), 2.5.6(Build 2013081900) (2013081900), 2.5.7(Build 2013082600) (2013082600), 2.5.8(Build 2013092900) (2013092900), 2.5.8(Build 2013092900) (2013092900), 2.5.8(Build 2013092900) (2013092900), 2.5.8(Build 2013092900) (2013092900), 2.6.2(Build 2013122100) (2013122100), 2.6.2(Build 2013122100) (2013122100), 2.6.2(Build 2013122400) (2013122400), 2.6.2(Build 2013122400) (2013122500), 2.6.3(Build 2013122600) (2013122600), 2.6.3(Build 2013122600) (2013122600), 2.6.4(Build 2014011500) (2014011500), 2.6.5(Build 2014050100) (2014050100), 2.6.6(Build 2014051700) (2014051700), 2.6.9(Build 2014062000) (2014062000), 2.7.0(Build 2014092300) (2014092300), 2.7.3(Build 2014111601) (2014121701), 2.7.3(Build 2014111601) (2014121701), 2.7.3(Build 2014111601) (2015031901), 2.7.4(Build 2015042701) (2015042701), 2.7.4(Build 2015042701) (2015042701), 2.7.5(Build 2015070201) (2015070201), 2.7.6(Build 2015070401) (2015070401), 2.8.0(Build 2015121101) (2015121101), 2.8.1(Build 2015121102) (2015121102), 2.8.3(Build 2015121104) (2015121104), 2.8.4(Build 2015121105) (2015121105), 2.8.5(Build 2015121106) (2015121106), 2.8.6(Build 2016061600) (2016061600), 2.8.6(Build 2016061600) (2016061600), 3.0.0(Build 2016081401) (2016081401), 3.0.1(Build 2016081402) (2016081402), 3.0.2(Build 2016081403) (2016081403), 3.0.3(Build 2016081404) (2016081404), 3.0.3(Build 2016081404) (2016081404), 3.0.3(Build 2016081404) (2016081404), 3.0.4(Build 2016081405) (2016081405)
Can be updated to
3.0.6(Build 2016081407) (2016081407), 3.0.10(Build 2016081411) (2016081411), 3.0.14(Build 2016110601) (2016081415)
MD5 Sum
Supported software
Moodle 3.1

Version control information

Version control system (VCS)
VCS repository URL

Default installation instructions for plugins of the type Filters

  1. Make sure you have all the required versions.
  2. Download and unpack the filter plugin.
  3. Place the folder (eg "myfilter") in the "filter" subdirectory.
  4. Visit http://yoursite.com/admin to finish the installation