Multi-Language Content (v2)

Filters ::: filter_multilang2
Maintained by Iñaki Arenaza, Iñigo Zendegi Urzelai, Kepa Urzelai
This filter is a greatly simplified multi-language filter. It uses very simple non-HTML tags to mark multi-language blocks. Namely {mlang XX} {mlang} pairs, where XX is the Moodle short name for the language pack (i.e., en, fr, eu, es, es_mx, etc.) It uses the same tags as the filter_multilangsecond plugin (to be compatible with it), but there is one difference between the two. This filter allows standalone {mlang} tags that don't require adjoining alternative language tags. This makes the filter more flexible at the cost of potentially producing empty sets of tags.

Plugin translations

Number of strings defined by the plugin: 3

Contribute translations for Turkmen ‎(tk)‎

Translation stats