
Enrolment ::: enrol_elightenment
Maintained by Gary McKnight
Elightenment Learning's plugin to allow use of the Elightenment Learning e-commerce service for Moodle course registration.
Latest release:
7 sites
5 fans
Current versions available: 1

Elightenment Learning's e-commerce plugin brings a course shop and shopping cart to your Moodle site, allowing you to use Elightenment Learning's e-commerce service to purchase a cart of classes via your selected payment API (only Paypal is currently supported).

You can try it out [here].


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2


Gary McKnight (Lead maintainer)
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Rezulton rimarka
  • David Mudrák
    me, 4 de mar 2015, 18:33
    Thanks Gary for providing a new version of the original enrol_ecommerce plugin. While testing the basic functionality, I encountered couple of issues that I reported into your tracker. Please make sure to have debugging level set to maximum to catch PHP notices and warnings yourself while developing a plugin.
    For now, I am going to mark this as needing more work to get the reported issues sorted out. Thanks for your patience with the review and approval process.
  • David Mudrák
    ve, 13 de mar 2015, 20:13
    Thanks Gary for providing an updated version. I still experienced some weird issues with the plugin that I reported into your tracker. I believe you will address them soon in an updated version. For now, I am going to approve this plugin to give you a chance to gather further feedback from your potential clients. Good luck with maintaining this.
  • Ricardo
    lu, 25 de jan 2016, 20:59
    There is already a version for Moodle 3.0?
  • A Coloradian who was sucked into facebook against his wishes
    sa, 10 de jun 2017, 02:17
    Is this an active, working project? It does not seem to be.
  • Phuong Hoang
    sa, 24 de feb 2018, 10:23
    Upgrade this plugin, please!
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