Badge Enrolment

Enrolment ::: enrol_badgeenrol
Maintained by Matthias Berlin (Schwabe)
Part of set Badges.
With this enrolment plugin users can only enrol into a course when they have one or more required site badges.
Latest release:
250 sites
30 fans
Current versions available: 3

With this enrolment plugin users can only enrol into a course when they have one or more required site badges.

Moodle 2.9+ and badges enabled.

The zip-archive includes the same directory hierarchy as moodle.
So you only have to copy the files to the correspondent place.
Copy the folder badgeenrol to moodle/enrol/badgeenrol.
The langfiles normaly can be left into the folder moodle/enrol/badgeenrol/lang.
All languages should be encoded with utf8.

After it you have to run the admin-page of moodle (http://your-moodle-site/admin)
in your browser. You have to loged in as admin before.
The installation process will be displayed on the screen.
That's all.

You can manage the badge enrolment plugin by going to Site administration --> Plugins --> Enrolments --> Manage enrol plugins.

Version control
1.3 (2018072700)
- Added support for privacy API

1.2 (2018031700)
- added option for automatic enrolment - thanks to Dan Marsden
- some small fixes

1.1 (2015120300)
- Selected badges during installation of a badge enrolment instance will be saved now

1.0 (2015102400)
- first release


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3


Matthias Berlin (Schwabe) (Lead maintainer)
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Richard Wallace
    sri, 2. mar 2016., 15:31
    Matthias, great plugin, I have installed on the latest moodle, it comes up in the course, but when I add a site wide badge and give that to students, then those students do not automatically appear enrolled in that course.

    I now know that the student themselves need to actually enter the course themselves to "self enrol".

    well done
  • Chester Folming
    uto, 31. maj 2016., 16:32
    Hi Matthias
    Do you have plans to update this plugin for Moodle 3.0 and/or 3.1?
  • Markus Müller
    čet, 30. jun 2016., 19:10
    Hey! This is exactly what I needed and I already installed the plugin. I've got a problem though. The restricted courses show now the Line "You need the badge XYZ to enrol in this course." - seems fine. BUT the "enrol me" button underneath is still active and the seemingly excluded user can STILL enrol.

    Any ideas...?
  • lebo sekele
    pon, 29. aug 2016., 15:30
    Good day, I need help I cant get the plugin to work with my site badges. I need a student to be enrolled into a course after they get an average of 65% of all the activities in the first course. The course badge seems to work but the site badge isn't.

    May you please help been trying to solve this.

  • Peter Jonker
    pet, 30. sep 2016., 20:59
    Dear Matthias, we are having a problem adding the enrolment method resolving in an error which is also being reported in your github
    Could you please let us know if you are able to work around this error. Our Moodle version is 2.7.8
    Debug info: SELECT id FROM {role} WHERE archetype = ?
    [array (
    0 => 'student',
    Error code: multiplerecordsfound
  • Rob Mills
    ned, 7. maj 2017., 17:42
    This is potentially a very useful plugin. Its strange to me how few Moodle users have courses with no pre-requisites - its quite common on any training setup. I have found that if manual enrolments are also enabled on a course then this overrides badge enrolment. It seems the way it works is that one is automatically enrolled on a course as soon as the required badge is earned. Can somebody confirm this please.

    I have a requirement that a person only get enrolled on a course if their instructor enrols then AND they have completed another course. I can't seem to achieve this using this plugin.
  • Tobi Krösche
    čet, 2. nov 2017., 20:41
    Does someone know, how to use this in the current moodle version ?

  • Terus E-learning
    pet, 19. jan 2018., 02:59
    Got the wrong end of the stick with this one. I was expecting it to automatically enrol students based on badge enrolment.
    I only had 30 minutes for this but I created a function which could use some refining (and perhaps it could cycle through the badges table instead of the entire users table) but in principle something like this could be enclosed in a public cron() function:

    function dotheenrols(){
    global $OUTPUT, $USER, $DB;
    $all_users = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT * FROM mdl_user');
    foreach ($all_users as $r_user){

    //set all user table variables
    $user_id = $r_user->id;
    if ($record = $DB->get_record('badge_issued', array('badgeid' => 3, 'userid' => $user_id))) {
    //they have the badge
    $context = context_course::instance(19);
    $context2 = context_course::instance(29);
    // What role to enrol as?
    $studentroleid = $DB->get_field('role', 'id', array('shortname' => 'student'));
    // Loop through the students.
    if (!is_enrolled($context, $user_id)) {
    // Not already enrolled so try enrolling them.
    if (!enrol_try_internal_enrol(19, $user_id, $studentroleid, time())) {
    // There's a problem.
    throw new moodle_exception('unabletoenrolerrormessage', 'langsourcefile');
    if (!is_enrolled($context2, $user_id)) {
    // Not already enrolled so try enrolling them.
    if (!enrol_try_internal_enrol(29, $user_id, $studentroleid, time())) {
    // There's a problem.
    throw new moodle_exception('unabletoenrolerrormessage', 'langsourcefile');

    echo"done the enrols";
  • Matthias Berlin (Schwabe)
    ned, 18. mar 2018., 21:38
    There is now an updated version of this plugin available for the latest versions of Moodle.
    Sorry for waiting so long, but there wasn´t much time in the last two years. I will try to update my plugins consistently from now on.

    There is also now an option for automatic enrolment.

    @Peter Jonker: This issue is now fixed.
  • Peter Jonker
    ned, 18. mar 2018., 23:09
    Matthias thanks very much for your work! Highly appreciated! Peter Jonker
  • Christine Sandy
    sri, 26. jun 2019., 12:36
    Thank you very much for this plugin, it's very useful for my LMS.

    Though I noticed that when students already earned badge before I set up the badge enrolment, they can't enroll in the course automatically.
    So I need to evoke the badge first and give them the badge again manually. Can you please tell me how to fix this? I would like all of my old students to enroll automatically with badge enrolment.
  • Ricardo Caiado
    sub, 12. mar 2022., 23:14

    Do you plan to make the version compatible with moodle 3.11 or 4.0?

  • Sergio Renato Aldana Alvarez
    sub, 30. apr 2022., 04:35
    Hello, it is possible to have the OR condition to badges selected? At the moment if I choose 2 badges both are required, I want grant access to students if they only have 1 badge of both. Thanks
  • Angelika Senn
    pet, 24. jun 2022., 14:26
    Hallo Matthias, soweit ich gesehen habe müssen Kursteilnehmer ALLE ausgewählten Badges haven. Ich habe einen Moodle-Kurs in 3 Sprachen und somit 'identische' Badges, eben nur in verschiedenen Sprachen. Die Badges habe ich miteinander verbunden, so wie Moodle das vorschlägt. Nun würde ich die Kursanmeldung gerne so regeln, dass einer dieser Badges ausreicht, um sich einzuschreiben. Ist das möglich?
    (Kannst gerne in Deutsch antworten)

    Besten Dank

    Hello Matthias, as far as I've seen course participants need to have all badges to enter the course. I have a Moodle course in 3 languages, thus I have 3 different badges for one and the same thing (I related them as suggested by Moodle). Now I would like to set it up in a way that course participants only need to have one of them to enter the course.
  • Matthias Berlin (Schwabe)
    pon, 25. jul 2022., 19:47
    Hello Angelika,

    sorry for replying so late.

    You can add multiple instances of the badge enrolment to your course and configure diffenrent badges for each badge enrolment instance. Your users will only have to pass the requirements for one of these instances.

    Hope it helps.

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