Hijri calendar type

Calendars ::: calendartype_hijri
Maintained by Shamim Rezaie
This plugin provides Hijri calendar support for Moodle
Latest release:
72 sites
6 fans
Current versions available: 2

The Hijri calendar (sometimes referred to as the Islamic calendar) is a lunar calendar used in Islamic countries or by Muslim communities in non-Islamic countries.

The calendar type system was introduced in 2.6, so this will not work in any Moodle versions earlier than this.

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Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1


Shamim Rezaie (Lead maintainer): Original developer
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  • MD shot of me from his iphone4
    Thu, 30 Jan 2014, 2:07 PM
    Thanks for sharing your work with the community smile
  • Mohammad Alabed
    Sun, 9 Feb 2014, 3:44 PM
    I installed "Hijri" calendar successfully but nothing happen.
    my calendar is still Gregorian.
    are there any suggestions ?
  • Shamim Rezaie
    Sun, 9 Feb 2014, 5:42 PM
    Hi Mohammad,
    You need to edit your profile and change your preferred calendar to Hijri.
  • Mohammad Alabed
    Mon, 10 Feb 2014, 2:40 PM
    Okay : thanks a lot .... it's working (:
  • baraa abd el-hady
    Tue, 7 Mar 2017, 5:22 PM
    how to make it default calendar for all users
  • Shamim Rezaie
    Thu, 9 Mar 2017, 9:12 AM
    You can set the default calendar in "Site administration > Appearance > Calendar".
  • Azmat Ullah
    Wed, 13 Mar 2019, 9:12 PM
    Dear @Shamim,

    Thank you for the nice contribution. I wanted to know is there any plan to upgrade on Moodle version 3.5 and 3.6 ?

    We're facing dates issues even we used Algorithm A or Algorithm B, none of them compatible with mostly used Ummalqura calendar in some countries. It will be appreciable if you consider this on the next release! Thanks.
  • Shamim Rezaie
    Thu, 14 Mar 2019, 10:08 AM
    Hi Azmat,
    The Hijri plugin is already compatible with 3.5 and 3.6. Updated the version numbers here to reflect that.
    Regarding the conversion algorithm, would you mind reporting that at https://github.com/rezaies/moodle-calendartype_hijri/issues providing as much details as possible.
  • Azmat Ullah
    Thu, 14 Mar 2019, 3:37 PM
    Thanks Shamim for the respond. I've provided more details and created an issue in github. Your early response in this regard would be highly appreciated.

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