Lucimoo EPUB import

Book tools ::: booktool_importepub
Maintained by Haakon Meland Eriksen
Lucimoo EPUB import/export add-ons for the Moodle book module. Lucimoo consists of two add-ons for the Moodle book module: * The "importepub" add-on provides functionality to import material from EPUB ebooks into book module books.

Lucimoo EPUB import 0.17

Moodle 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 3.0, 3.1
Released: Wednesday, 17 August 2016, 3:02 PM
# Lucimoo EPUB import/export plugins for the Moodle book module

Lucimoo consists of two plugins for the Moodle book module:

* The "importepub" plugin provides functionality to import
content from EPUB ebooks into book module books.

* The "exportepub" plugin provides functionality to export
book module books as EPUB ebooks.

## Requirements

The book module is included in Moodle 2.3 and later, and by
default these plugins can only be installed in these versions
of Moodle. If you use Moodle 2.0-2.2 and have manually installed
the book module and want to use these plugins, you must remove
the line "$plugin->requires = 2012062500;" from the files
"importepub/version.php" and "exportepub/version.php" before
they can be installed.

## Installation

The import and export plugins can be installed independently
of each other, so if you only want one of them you do not
need to install the other.

In Moodle 2.5 and later you can install plugins from the
"Site administration" view. In older versions of Moodle
you need to install them manually.

Note that the "Administration" block (or "Settings" block
in some versions of Moodle) must be visible in the
user interface for the plugins to work properly. It is
visible in default configurations, but can be configured
to not be displayed, in which case users will not see the
user interface controls for the plugins.

General plugin installation instructions are available at

### Installation from the "Site administration" view in Moodle 3.0 and later

1. Login as admin and visit the Moodle
"Site administration" view, and click on
"Site administration" > "Plugins" > "Install plugins"
on the left.

2. Select the Lucimoo ZIP package you want to install.

3. Click on the "Install plugin from the ZIP file" button.

4. Click on the "Continue" button.

5. Repeat 1-4 with the other Lucimoo ZIP package if you
want to install both the import and the export plugins.

### Installation from the "Site administration" view in Moodle 2.5-2.8

1. Login as admin and visit the Moodle
"Site administration" view, and click on
"Site administration" > "Plugins" > "Install add-ons"
on the left.

2. Choose "Book / Book tool (booktool)" as the Plugin type.

3. Select the Lucimoo ZIP package you want to install.

4. Check the "Acknowledgement" box.

5. Click on the "Install add-on from the ZIP file" button.

6. Click on the "Install add-on!" button.

7. Repeat 1-6 with the other Lucimoo ZIP package if you
want to install both the import and the export add-ons.

### Manual installation

This is possible with Moodle 2.0 and later.

1. Unzip the Lucimoo ZIP package(s) to get the folder(s)
"importepub" and/or "exportepub".

2. Upload or copy the "importepub" and/or "exportepub"
folder(s) into the "mod/book/tool/" folder of your
Moodle installation.

3. Login as admin and visit the Moodle
"Site administration" view, and click on
"Site administration" > "Notifications" on the left
and follow the instructions to finish the installation.

### Upgrading from an older version of Lucimoo to a newer version

The Lucimoo plugins do not store any plugin specific data in the
Moodle database. This means that you do not loose any data if you
uninstall them, and you can upgrade to another version of the
Lucimoo plugins simply by installing the new version.

## Configuration

The export plugin has a few settings that can be changed by
editing the file "config.php".

## Usage

### Exporting a book as an EPUB ebook

1. Display the book you want to export.

2. Click on the "Download as ebook" link under
"Administration" > "Book administration" on the left.
(In some versions of Moodle it is instead
located under "Settings" > "Book administration")

### Importing chapters from an EPUB ebook into an existing book

1. Display the book you want to import chapters into.

2. Click on the "Turn editing on" link under
"Administration" > "Book administration" on the left.
(In some versions of Moodle it is instead
located under "Settings" > "Book administration")

3. Click on the "Import chapters from ebook" link under
"Administration" > "Book administration" on the left.

4. Select the EPUB file and click on "Import".

### Create new books from EPUB ebooks

This functionality is only available with Moodle 2.5 and later.

1. Click on the "Turn editing on" link under
"Administration" > "Book administration" on the left.
(In some versions of Moodle it is instead
located under "Settings" > "Book administration")

2. Create a new (temporary) book in the section where
you want to import the new book(s). To do this you
click on the "Add an activity or resource" link and
select "Book", and then fill in a title etc.

3. Display the temporary book. (As the book is empty,
an editing form will be displayed.)

4. Click on the "Import ebook as new book" link under
"Administration" > "Book administration" on the left.

5. Either:

a) Select the EPUB file(s) you want to import,
and click on "Import".


b) Enter URL:s for the EPUB file(s) you want to import,
one on each line in the textbox, and click on
"Import from URL:s".

6. Delete the temporary book you created in step 1.

(Steps 2 and 6 are only necessary if the section
does not already contain any books. You must display
a book to see the "Import ebook as new book" link,
but it can be any book. Unfortunately Moodle does
not provide any better place to put such a link.)

## Credits

French translation by Sophie Canal.

Norwegian translation by Haakon Meland Eriksen.

Spanish translation by Lupa.

The Lucimoo EPUB import plugin includes code from the
following external project:

Copyright (c) 2011 Raphael Schweikert,

The Lucimoo EPUB export plugin includes code from the
following external project:

Copyright 2009-2012 A. Grandt

## Contact information

Web site:

Version information

Version build number
Version release name
MD5 Sum
Supported software
Moodle 2.3, Moodle 2.4, Moodle 2.5, Moodle 2.6, Moodle 2.7, Moodle 2.8, Moodle 2.9, Moodle 3.0, Moodle 3.1

Version control information

Version control system (VCS)
VCS repository URL