
Blocks ::: block_stash
Maintained by Adrian Greeve, Frédéric Massart ⭐
Part of sets Stash, Gamification.
Add an inventory of items to your course and let your students find items by exploring the activities. #game #gamification
Latest release:
1877 sites
114 fans
Current versions available: 3

The stash block is a good way to encourage more interaction with activities and is invaluable for teachers looking to gamify their course.

This plugin introduces a block that shows students items that they have picked up through the course.

The teacher can create items and then place them in activities and resources for students to find.

Items can be set to be collected once and encourages exploration of the course material. It is also possible to set an item to have an unlimited supply from a set location. This could encourage  students to return to specific areas to collect more items. 

You can also check out this video:

Quick start

We've crafted a sample course for you to try, it is the best way to see what this plugin has to offer. Please accurately follow those steps:

1/ Get your hands on a Moodle installation
2/ Install the three following plugins (without exception)
3/ Enable conditional access, named enableavailability under "Site administration > Advanced features"
4/ Restore this backup file as a new course

5/ Enrol a student in the new course
Now, login as that student and try the course

Important note

In order to make this plugin easier to use and fully featured, please also install:

They are highly recommended.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4
Screenshot #5
Screenshot #6


Adrian Greeve (Lead maintainer)
Frédéric Massart ⭐
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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Rodyti komentarus
  • Brian Evans
    an, 14 vas. 2023, 18:52
    Thanks for the help Adrian and Fred. I look forward to using this plugin! I was unaware of the PHP 8.1 issue since my server environment check is green all the way down - even the PHP line.
    If you want me to run any more tests I would be happy to do so.
    Thanks again.
  • Britta Mertel
    kt, 16 vas. 2023, 05:52
    Hi! Thanks for this really nice plugin!
    My students have a lot of fun collecting items and "buying" some additional stuff in the shop using the collected items.
    Our students have now expressed the wish that collected objects or objects purchased in the store can be given to other students.
    In our courses, for example, you can buy a virtual cup of cappuccino with collected coins. At the end of the course, students wanted to invite each other for coffee and cake or even a beer.
    It would be great if this function could be integrated.

    However, there would have to be the ability to set whether the item can be given away or not - so that things can't be given away that each student should actually work out for him/herself. besišypsantis

    as far as i know, giving items to each other is not possible among students at the moment. if it is, i would be very happy to know how to do it.

    thanks a lot!
  • Adrian Greeve
    kt, 16 vas. 2023, 14:49
    Hello Britta,
    I do actually have a proof of concept for students trading with each other, but I'm not happy with the user experience for it, and I think that I still have race conditions that need to be ironed, out to avoid both students getting the item (rather than a trade). Does anyone else like the idea of students being able to trade with each other? How would it work?
  • Joseph Liaw
    pn, 17 vas. 2023, 02:04
    Hi Adrian and Britta:

    Brilliant plugin for gamification, and adding in once you added in the ability to make "rare" items (e.g. only 2 Golden Unicorns in the class--be the first to find one!) made it even more fun!

    For the trade idea, very cool idea! Perhaps you could set it up for what students do in fantasy league sports for basketball, baseball, football, etc.--a trade proposal is sent to both students (usually a notification or email), and just like the interface you used for doing Stash trades, the Trade / Swap proposal only goes through if both parties accept the trade!

    Just an idea....thanks again for sharing your brilliant work for gamification with the Moodle community!
  • Adrian Greeve
    tr, 19 bal. 2023, 13:27
    If you're interested in a sneak peek at user trading, the latest main branch on github contains this feature. It requires Moodle version 4.1. I'm currently fixing up a few minor things before I release it properly. Please let me know what you think.
  • Clarence Prudhoe
    an, 22 rugp. 2023, 07:47
    Thanks for developing Stash.
    Is there a way to fetch different stash images based on a user's score? I tried using JavaScript to set up conditions and call a different stash for a range of scores (ie. score > 89 & score < 95 then show stash image). But I can't find a way to use the stash call inside of a JavaScript condition.
  • Baltasar Ortega Bort
    pr, 18 rugs. 2023, 23:05
    Great plugin!
    It's possible make that the student lost an object if fail an activity?
    Thanks in advanced.
    Best regards
  • Adrian Greeve
    pr, 23 spal. 2023, 10:06
    Hello, I've had numerous people as about making it possible to lose items (or objects). I'm looking into an idea on how this might be possible. It might be limited in some situations. It's not a quick feature to implement so it might be a while before this is possible (if at all).
  • Adrian Greeve
    pr, 23 spal. 2023, 10:12
    Another common question is "Can I turn off the trade center?" Yes, you can turn on editing for the course and go to the settings to the stash block and disable trading.
  • Matt Townend
    tr, 17 saus. 2024, 11:17
    First, I am a huge fan of this plugin. At We use it course-wide, and it is an essential feature now of our interactive novels where students pick up stash items with codewords in their descriptions - together with the typing answer type in lessons, they have to enter this code to 'use' the item and progress, and, in some cases, trade it for another item with a code. It is also useful to track characters, locations and even ideas and themes through a series of collectible badges. So, a big thank you to Frederic and Adrian! You guys rock! Now to my request... there are sometimes issues with the re-readability of the inovels, as, unless traded away, readers always have the same items. Some of this can be dealt with by making items only reappear after a certain time (that function you already have). But it would be great to, yes lose items (I see above people have requested) but also for the user to be able to reset their stash and lose all their items at once (for example if they want to play the game again) and/or have a recycling bin function so they can throw away some items. A simple fix would actually be if the trade function could have a chooseable and/or function i.e. you can get an item traded in return for ALL of the listed items, or just SOME of them - that way I could set up the trade so they get say badges or coins (or even just trash logos) in return for any items they don't want - which would allow me to set up a bin using the trade snippet. As it is, this won't work well as I would have to set up a bin trade for each separate item (and I have a lot of them!). Food for thought and keep up the amazing work!
  • Matt Townend
    tr, 17 saus. 2024, 11:20
    By the way - just to give you an example of how we are using your plugin in cool ways - in our Dracula iNovel, Dracula sucks blood from various victims and gets 'blood drop points' which can be used to purchase various vampiric powers! At other sections, the vampire hunters gain various vampire-hunting equipment - stash items with codes - to take Dracula down, and the codes unlock combat options later. In other novels, stash items open up new solutions to problems, hidden sections to stories and easter eggs!
  • Adrian Greeve
    tr, 24 saus. 2024, 14:22
    Thank you for the kind word of encouragement Matt. I'll think on your idea after I finish my current project which is the removal of items to access the quiz. To everyone here using stash, what other activities would be useful to pay for entry? Quiz has nice ways for stash to create this feature, but other activities are likely to be more difficult. If quiz is the only one then I can move onto something else.
  • Baltasar Ortega Bort
    pn, 13 rugs. 2024, 22:49
    I have installed this wonderful plugin but I make a mistake and add two blocks in a course.
    Now I can't acces to the course if this block is activate.
    How can I delete one of the block of the course.
    Thanks in advanced
  • Adrian Greeve
    an, 17 rugs. 2024, 15:42
    Hi Baltasar,
    Thanks for the message, can you tell me how you managed to add the block twice in your course? I'd like to be able to replicate the problem and find a fix.
  • Baltasar Ortega Bort
    an, 17 rugs. 2024, 18:39
    Hi Adrian,
    After some thought, I don't remember how I did it.
    I have restored the course but I am sure I will replicate the error again. I think it was actually when creating a trade store.
    I'll keep you posted when it happens to me and again, thanks for the excellent plugin.
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