Repository File Manager

Blocks ::: block_repo_filemanager
Maintained by Me !Tim Williams
Part of set Course files.
This block contains a Moodle 2+ re-write of the Moodle 1.x file manager.
Latest release:
414 sites
26 fans
Current versions available: 3
The primary purpose of this block is to provide file management capabilities for the 'Course files area' repository. However, this block is also capable of interfacing with the Moodle 2+ Files API to provide limited file browsing capabilities for some other repository types. It is hoped to further develop the management capabilities so that files held in other repository types can be managed through this block.


Screenshot #0


Me !
Tim Williams (Lead maintainer)
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  • Antonello Moro
    Sun, 28 June 2015, 4:33 AM
    I finally managed to fix the problem. In function upload_print_form_fragment_old, I modified this line:

    $str = etc... "input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="'. $maxbytes etc

    like this:


    The value of $maxbytes was very high (as expected due to our moodle configurations) but it caused the problem anyway. This should not cause problems since in our site this block is meant for admins only.
  • Jarosław Maciejewski
    Tue, 17 Nov 2015, 3:08 AM

    Please update your plugin for Moodle v3.0

    While installating I get errors [all text with debugging option on]:

    Plugin block_repo_filemanager does not declare valid $plugin->component in its version.php.
    line 328 of /lib/classes/plugin_manager.php: call to debugging()
    line 348 of /lib/classes/plugin_manager.php: call to core_plugin_manager->load_present_plugins()
    line 217 of /lib/classes/plugininfo/base.php: call to core_plugin_manager->get_present_plugins()
    line 143 of /lib/classes/plugininfo/base.php: call to core\plugininfo\base->load_disk_version()
    line 97 of /lib/classes/plugininfo/base.php: call to core\plugininfo\base::make_plugin_instance()
    line 408 of /lib/classes/plugin_manager.php: call to core\plugininfo\base::get_plugins()
    line 368 of /lib/classes/plugin_manager.php: call to core_plugin_manager->get_plugins_of_type()
    line 442 of /lib/classes/update/checker.php: call to core_plugin_manager->get_plugins()
    line 459 of /lib/classes/update/checker.php: call to core\update\checker->load_current_environment()
    line 239 of /lib/classes/update/checker.php: call to core\update\checker->prepare_request_params()
    line 124 of /lib/classes/update/checker.php: call to core\update\checker->get_response()
    line 542 of /admin/index.php: call to core\update\checker->fetch()
  • Me !
    Tue, 17 Nov 2015, 6:14 PM
    Jarosław, this plugin hasn't yet been validated for Moodle 3.0, my plugins for paying customers come first. If you want to get this to install in the interim, add:

    $plugin->component = "block_repo_filemanager";

    To version.php.
  • AGOSTA Dominique
    Tue, 7 June 2016, 5:31 PM
    Hello, Does this plugin has been validated for Moodle 3.1? I installed the plugin but the buttons are invisible.
  • Me !
    Tue, 7 June 2016, 6:09 PM
    Hello, A version for Moodle 3.1 will be released in due course, however I have a very busy schedule at the moment and I can't say when I'm going to get to this at the moment.
  • Marcelo` Cebollada
    Fri, 24 Feb 2017, 4:39 AM

    In moodle 2.9 in the execution of the plugin do not appear the buttons to the foot like the actions in each line.
    I use ubuntu 16.04 and probe with firefox chrome.
    Any information to correct such problem will be very useful.
    Thank you!!
  • Me !
    Mon, 27 Feb 2017, 7:29 PM
    Hi Marcelo,

    Could you provide a bit more information, I'm not sure I understand what the problem is. Also are you on Firefox, Chrome or both, your message is not clear on this point.

    For reference you also need the Course Files Area repository plugin installed and active for this block to be of use, if you don't have this installed don't expect it to do much. The management capabilities only work for files stored in the Course Files Area, everything else is "browse only" so there will be no action buttons.
  • Me !
    Wed, 2 May 2018, 11:23 PM
    A Moodle 3.5 version of this plugin is on the way soon, the code is already on github for anybody who wants a preview.
  • Robert G
    Sat, 7 July 2018, 9:42 PM
    The latest version displays the following error when I open the file manager block:

    Debug info: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string
    Error code: codingerror
    Stack trace:

    line 412 of /lib/setuplib.php: coding_exception thrown
    line 729 of /blocks/repo_filemanager/index.php: call to default_error_handler()
    line 594 of /blocks/repo_filemanager/index.php: call to displayfiledir()
    line 428 of /blocks/repo_filemanager/index.php: call to displaydir()

  • Me !
    Sun, 8 July 2018, 4:08 AM
    Hmm, it's not doing that on my systems. What PHP version do you have? I'm currently on 7.0.
  • Arnaud Trouvé
    Mon, 10 Sept 2018, 10:05 PM
    @Robert => I was able to reproduce and write a patch for this issue (pull request ready for integration by Tim smile)
  • Jacques Barzic
    Thu, 17 Jan 2019, 6:12 PM
    On Moodle 3.5, I've install the two plugins Repository File Manager and Course Files Area.
    For the plugin Course Files Area I've enable set "Allow Internal use".
    When I upload a file in Course Files Area, ie with a block in the Home page, this file is not visible in the Course Files Area of the Moddle file picker in others courses.
    is this normal ?
    Best regrads.
  • Robert G
    Sun, 20 Jan 2019, 4:30 AM
    @Arnaud I apologize for the very late reply as I ended up stepping away from this for awhile. This indeed fixed the error for me as well. @Tim I'm on PHP 7.1.11 by the way if that helps. I can confirm that the fix offered works.
  • 景東 王
    Sat, 23 May 2020, 4:11 PM
    Hi Tim ,I found version 2018053101 can't work on moodle 3.5.12 with php 7.1 ,but version 2016120601 can work on moodle 3.5.12 with php 7.1,it is strange
  • Richard Newton
    Tue, 29 Mar 2022, 5:47 PM
    Hi there,

    I've got the plugin installed on my Moodle instance (3.11.6). While the plugin allows me to see the contents of the repositories, I don't have any other information along with the filename. No size/option to download etc.
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