OBF displayer block

Blocks ::: block_obf_displayer
Maintained by OBF Admin, Antti Koskinen, Emilie Lenel
Display user's OpenBadges on a block. Supports Open Badge Factory, Open Badge Passport and Mozilla Backpack.
Latest release:
118 sites
16 fans
Current versions available: 4

OBF displayer block -plugin

Plugin End Of Life

We inform you that the displayer block plugin had reached EOL End Of Life.

The badge display features are now moved to the local_obf plugin

For more information, please visit the local_obf plugin or contact our helpdesk.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Open Badge Factory is a cloud platform that provides the tools your organization needs to implement a meaningful and sustainable Open Badges system.

With the block_obf_displayer -plugin you can display badges on a block. To use the plugin, you need local_obf -plugin installed.

You can select which open badge services the block uses in the block configuration settings. (The gear icon on the block, when page editing is enabled)

Supported services

How to install

Moodle 2.5 and up:

  1. Install the zip via Moodle's plugin page. Select "block" as the type of the plugin.
  2. Update the database using the notifications page
  3. Navigate to "Site home" on your Moodle site
  4. Turn editing on
  5. Add a block called "Open Badge Factory"
  6. Configure the block (from the gear icon on the block), and set page context to "Display throughout the entire site"
  7. Go to your profile page
  8. Configure the block again, and now set the "Display on page types" option to "Only user profile pages" (Optionally position it where you want it, by setting the default region)

(Steps 6-8 are required to ensure the block is visible in every users profile page)


Screenshot #0


OBF Admin (Lead maintainer)
Emilie Lenel: Editor
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Titus Batson
    pon, 4. lip 2018., 17:15
    How do i set the number of badges to be displayed on the dashboard?
  • Skateboard Cave
    čet, 23. srp 2020., 10:33
    I would like to use the Badge Factory displayer block plugin on my website https://skateboardcave.com/ but I do not know exactly how to use it and where to download it please help
  • Monar Kota
    čet, 23. srp 2020., 10:39
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