Navigation buttons

Blocks ::: block_navbuttons
Maintained by DavoDavo Smith
Add customisable navigation buttons (next/prev/etc.) to the bottom of each activity page (Moodle 1.9/2.0+)
Latest release:
746 sites
44 fans
Current versions available: 4


Navigation buttons (for Moodle 1.9 / 2.0+)
This block adds customisable navigation buttons (first/previous/next/etc.) to the bottom of each activity/resource page in a course.

It is based on an idea from Penny Mondani:
Thanks also to the US company that sponsored the development, who wish to remain anonymous.


  1. Download the file and unzip it somewhere convenient.
  2. On your server, in the 'blocks' folder, create a subfolder called 'navbuttons'
  3. Upload all the files inside the 'davosmith-moodle-navbuttons-???????' folder to this new 'navbuttons' folder on your server.
  4. Log in to your Moodle site as an administrator and click on the 'Notifications' option in the Admin settings block.
  5. If you are running a version of Moodle earlier than 3.10, you need to make a small change to one Moodle core file to make this work (the change is different between Moodle 1.9 & Moodle 2.0 - see the included README.txt for details).
  6. Add the block to a course (turn editing on, select 'Navigation Buttons' from the 'Blocks - Add' menu)
  7. Customise the button appearance by clicking on 'Edit the Navigation Button settings' in the newly created block.
  8. Check the message at the bottom of the screen (under the 'Save changes' button) - it should read "Navbuttons self-test: required core modifications have been completed successfully". If not, then go back to step 5 above and check carefully.

Note: The block is only visible to users who are able to edit courses modules. Deleting the block will remove the navigation buttons (they can also be disabled through the settings).

For a quick demo, there is a screencast available here:


Screenshot #0


Davo Smith (Lead maintainer)
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  • Davo
    Wed, 18 May 2022, 6:55 PM
    Hi Joanne - if you want to report a bug, please use the 'bug tracker' link in the plugin details, as that's a lot easier for me to keep track of than comments here.

    It looks like you are correct that there is a bug in that particular button type - it's not part of the original development (it was contributed by another developer), so it's not directly on my radar for testing during upgrades. However, if it has stopped working, then I'll try to find a bit of spare time to investigate / fix.
  • Joanne Tucker
    Wed, 18 May 2022, 6:59 PM
    Hi Davo, Sorry about that! I'm not used to using the Moodle forum. I've described the fix and end result so maybe that is sufficient for now. Many thanks for your reply.
  • Davo
    Sat, 28 May 2022, 8:05 PM
    Hi Joanne. The 'Mark complete' button now toggles correctly in Moodle 4.0. It does _not_ update the new 'Mark as done' button, that is also shown on the page in Moodle 4.0 (you need to refresh the page to see that update), nor does it get updated when the 'Mark as done' button is clicked (again, you need to refresh the page to see that update).

    It does, however, correctly update the completion state and doesn't show an error popup, so hopefully that is a good enough fix (I'd be happy to review a patch from anyone keen to produce a more complete fix).
  • Joanne Tucker
    Sun, 29 May 2022, 6:39 PM
    Hi Davo. Thanks for the update
  • Daniel Luff
    Wed, 14 Sept 2022, 4:04 AM
    Hi, I installed the Navigation Buttons plugin but the buttons don't appear at the end of any activities.
    Running Moodle 3.9.17
    - After installing the plugin, settings were set to "Always show" for all activity types
    - I was then able to add the block to my course
    - In the Navigation Buttons block settings, all buttons were set to "Show"
    - At the end of the Navigations Button Block settings I have the message: "Navbuttons self-test: required core modifications have been completed successfully"
    - But in my course activities the Navigation Buttons are not there.
    Any suggesstions would be welcome.
  • Davo
    Thu, 15 Sept 2022, 1:12 AM
    Hi Daniel,

    If you use the 'view page source' feature of your browser and search for 'Navbuttons start' in the HTML of the page, then you should see something that looks like this:
    [the navigation buttons content OR a message about why they are not being output]
    If that doesn't explain what is going wrong, then copy that section of the HTML and send me a direct message or email and I'll see if I can figure it out.
  • Joseph Rézeau
    Tue, 31 Jan 2023, 1:25 AM
    Hi Davo,
    Many thanks for a very useful plugin. Well-designed, easy to use, does just what it says. Well-done!
  • Joanne Tucker
    Fri, 3 Feb 2023, 7:28 PM
    This is a great plugin for replacing the activity navigation that used to exist pre 3.11 however, I would just like to point out that the buttons are static i.e. the Next and Previous links are not dynamically updated if the activity changes state to completed - they update on page refresh. This matters if you have dependencies between activities.

    This is no different to how activity navigation in the footer used to behave in Moodle, so it's most definitely not a criticism of this plugin. But I thought it might be helpful to highlight for those thinking of using this plugin for navigation between activities with completion criteria.
  • Will Westerkamp
    Thu, 1 June 2023, 2:31 AM
    Is it possible to edit the code files of this plugin to change the functionality of the plugin so it fits my needs better? I am trying to access the plugins php files but I am getting an access denied for every file.
  • Davo
    Thu, 1 June 2023, 4:24 AM
    Hi Will,

    You don't need to send me the same question by comment here and by direct message - I am notified about both.

    If you have the plugin files, then you can modify them locally - you do not need anything from me. If you are getting permission denied issues, then that must be something to do with your local computer, not something I can help you with.
  • Francisco Carrizo
    Sun, 15 Sept 2024, 3:15 PM
    Hi Davo, I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to ask if it’s possible for the "Next Activity" buttons to appear regardless of whether the current activity has been completed or not. Currently, if the activity isn't finished, I only see the buttons for the previous activity and home. Thanks!
  • Davo
    Mon, 16 Sept 2024, 3:39 PM
    Hi Fransisco - the visibility of the "Next" button is unrelated to the completion of the current activity. It only take into account whether there is an activity later in the course that the current user can access. If you've set up the availability rules so that the next activity is not available until the current one is complete, then I cannot provide a link to it, on the off chance that it might be available by the time the user clicks on it (that would break the buttons on sites where the immediate next activity was unavailable, but the activity after it could be accessed - it would attempt to direct the user to an unavailable activity, rather than the next one they could access).
  • Terry Williams
    Fri, 11 Oct 2024, 4:44 AM
    Totally new guy here. Does this plugin work on Moodle's temporary cloud account? I'm working on a school assignment to create a learning module.
  • Davo
    Fri, 11 Oct 2024, 5:39 PM
    Terry - if you're talking about the "Standard" MoodleCloud hosting from, then no plugin installations are allowed. You would need to either self-host or pay for a Premium hosting solution from a Moodle Partner.
  • Amy Brown
    Fri, 7 Feb 2025, 5:57 AM
    Love the nav buttons, but it does not work well with the new Moodle 4.5 feature - subsection. Instead of next/previous, it says previous/next module.
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