Mass Actions block

Blocks ::: block_massaction
Maintained by Matthew Davidson
This block allows instructors to perform actions upon multiple resources or activities, rather than having to perform repeated actions on individual items.
Latest release:
2129 sites
83 fans
Current versions available: 10

This block allows instructors to perform actions upon multiple resources or activities, rather than having to perform repeated actions on individual items.

To use this block, Javascript must be enabled in your browse and you must be in editing mode in the course home page. The user must have capability "block/massaction:use". The block should work in most course formats.

Supported actions include mass selection, indentation, deletion, hiding, showing, making available, duplicating, and moving. To select items to perform actions on, simply click the checkbox next to the activity or resource or use select functionality from the block.  Then click the action you would like to perform in the block.

If you encounter bugs or have suggestions for improvement, please use the bug tracker URL and I will work on those as quickly as possible.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4


Matthew Davidson (Lead maintainer)
Huy Hoang: Original maintainer
Jon Marthaler: Former developer
Dominic Hanzely: Former developer
Clem Smith: Previous maintainer
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • ces moce
    Tue, 17 July 2012, 10:52 PM
    is it working on moodle 2.31?

  • Elizabeth Dalton
    Tue, 20 Nov 2012, 3:08 AM
    It's a very useful block. One feature that would be a major enhancement would be the ability to duplicate all selected items. For example, sometimes one sets up the first topic and then wants to use that as a pattern for all subsequent topics. It would be very convenient to be able to select all the items in the module and "copy to" similar to the existing "move to."
  • Elizabeth Dalton
    Tue, 20 Nov 2012, 3:13 AM
    Oh, and I can confirm that it is working on Moodle 2.3.3.
  • John Holmes
    Tue, 8 Jan 2013, 10:33 AM
    I have not had any luck getting this to work on ver 2.4.
    Has anyone else succeeded?
  • Michele Turre
    Sun, 13 Jan 2013, 2:17 AM
    Another feature request: It would be very useful when a course has custom "Section names" to have them show in the drop-downs (rather than Topic 1, Topic 2, Topic 3, or W 1, W 2, W 3, etc.).

    We had a couple of requests for this from our users and told them they could note the Section number they wanted to move. However, now that we upgraded to Moodle 2.3, Sections are no longer labeled with numbers (not for either Weekly or Topics formats) and there is no longer a reference on the page. You can mouse over the Move icon for a section and the tool top will read, for example, "Move section 1," but you have to teach people it's there, so it becomes a support issue.

    And while I'm here, I like Elizabeth Dalton's request to be able to duplicate items. We often use labels to organize the contents within a section, and repeat them in every section. To be able to duplicate several at once would make our users very happy.
  • Elizabeth Dalton
    Tue, 5 Feb 2013, 11:53 PM
    Another request: take a look at this proposal:

    This proposal would allow the settings of multiple activities to be altered at once, e.g. changing the due dates, completion conditions, etc.

    This seems like it would be a very natural direction for this plugin to grow. My institution might be able to provide some funding, if there is other interest.
  • Huy Hoang
    Sat, 9 Feb 2013, 5:54 AM
    I'm starting to migrate this block to 2.4 for UMN, will looks into your suggestions/requests. Will get back shortly. Thanks much.
  • Rich Solomon
    Sun, 31 Mar 2013, 8:56 AM
    I can't seem to get this to work in 2.4. Further, when it's enabled on a course, the AJAX drag and drop functions for the course are suddenly removed. In 2.2, I had both working on a course, but in 2.4 it's not.
  • Huy Hoang
    Mon, 1 Apr 2013, 10:04 PM
    Uploaded a new version with just minimal changes to be compatible with Moodle 2.4; will look into suggested/requested features a little later. And no, this is not an April fool smile
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