Mass Actions block

Blocks ::: block_massaction
Maintained by Matthew Davidson
This block allows instructors to perform actions upon multiple resources or activities, rather than having to perform repeated actions on individual items.
Latest release:
2299 sites
83 fans
Current versions available: 10

This block allows instructors to perform actions upon multiple resources or activities, rather than having to perform repeated actions on individual items.

To use this block, Javascript must be enabled in your browse and you must be in editing mode in the course home page. The user must have capability "block/massaction:use". The block should work in most course formats.

Supported actions include mass selection, indentation, deletion, hiding, showing, making available, duplicating, and moving. To select items to perform actions on, simply click the checkbox next to the activity or resource or use select functionality from the block.  Then click the action you would like to perform in the block.

If you encounter bugs or have suggestions for improvement, please use the bug tracker URL and I will work on those as quickly as possible.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4


Matthew Davidson (Lead maintainer)
Huy Hoang: Original maintainer
Jon Marthaler: Former developer
Dominic Hanzely: Former developer
Clem Smith: Previous maintainer
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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Ammustra is cummentos
  • Al
    Sun, 24 Oct 2021, 12:05 AM
    Hi, sorry to bother you again. Is there any chance you can change the version number that is supported to include 3.11 I have just updated moodle again and it has not installed your plugin during the upgrade as moodle thinks it will only work on versions up to 3.4. If you can change the version it supports to 3.11, the next time we update it, which we do most weeks, it will install automatically. Thank you.
  • Sarah Poulin
    Sun, 16 Jan 2022, 10:28 AM
    I just tried this plugin, and subsequently the unofficial plugin from github, and neither one shows tick boxes next to the activity items. I assume that this is what people mean when they say that it "doesn't work"?
  • Acqua Alta
    Mon, 17 Jan 2022, 4:12 AM
    Hi Sarah Poulin,
    At least on Moodle 3.10, the unofficial plugin seems to work fine. Did you uninstall the official plugin completely before installing the unofficial one? Make sure the plugin folder onserver is removed completely after uninstall, and I would also do a "Purge Caches" action and also clear my browser cache before installing and checking the new unofficial plugin.
  • Luiggi Sansonetti
    Tue, 17 May 2022, 3:31 PM
    It should be a core block now with the new possibilities of Moodle 4.0 wink
  • zevin shop
    Tue, 12 July 2022, 5:15 PM
    خرید جوراب
  • Peter Diedrichs
    Thu, 6 Oct 2022, 8:32 PM
    Hi, I am testing this block in an environment where crons are disabled (bu can be manually run). None of the copy options (in the same course, to another course) seem to happen, is this depending on any core cron?
  • Peter Diedrichs
    Tue, 18 Oct 2022, 9:31 PM
    This is a great tool for managing courses! Question: Is there a permission to set for Moodle administrators so they can find, and duplicate course content to, courses they are not added to? Our Learning Technicians would like to use this, but they are only added at category level.
  • Peter Diedrichs
    Tue, 18 Oct 2022, 9:33 PM
    I mean, find and copy content to any course in the category they are added to,
  • Peter Diedrichs
    Tue, 25 Oct 2022, 5:08 PM
    I'd like to add this very useful block to all course main pages on our site. But how can that be done? Previously, I have added blocks to the site main page (or category level), but Mass action can only be added on course level?
  • James Roberts
    Thu, 3 Nov 2022, 10:28 PM
    I think that this is a great plugin that should be part of Moodle core. Perhaps I am missing something but is it possible to use this plugin for restrictions? That is, in a course with groups, is it possible to mass "Restrict access"?
  • Dan Jeffries
    Wed, 7 Dec 2022, 4:36 PM
    Hi Matthew

    So happy to see this plugin living and breathing again! It's a game changer.

    However, like Peter, I am having issues copying content between courses. I am full site Admin and when I go to Duplicate to another course, the dropdown menu is completely empty.

    Any ideas?
  • Dan Jeffries
    Wed, 7 Dec 2022, 4:38 PM
    Forgot to add...running Moodle 3.11.10+ (Build: 20221101)
  • Philipp Memmel
    Tue, 20 Dec 2022, 3:53 AM
    It has been made configurable, if the available courses to duplicate to are limited to the courses you are enrolled (default: you have to be enrolled). Unfortunately, there has not been a release yet since the change. However, you can download directly from github (please make sure to use the correct branch) and install it from there.

    @Peter Diederichs: This should also answer your question?
  • Kim Solis
    Mon, 9 Sept 2024, 10:48 PM
    I have been successfully using this block in the Edwise format for some time. We recently updated to moodle 4.4 and now it doesn't work. I can add it to a course but then the little check boxes don't appear so I cannot select any items to be deleted, moved, copied or whatever. Any thoughts or suggestions?
  • Matthew Davidson
    Mon, 9 Sept 2024, 10:52 PM
    @Kim Solis: In the Mass Actions block, are you seeing the button "Enable Bulk editing". Are you turning on Bulk Editing and the checkboxes still don't show up?
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